Hi guys i've got a problem that mobs won't spawn on my server in ther server.properties spawn-monsters and spawn-animals are set to true plugins im using: Chaircraft Citizens Cuboid Deathmessage Essentials FlaseBook iChat iConomy Inception mcMMO MobArena MonBounty MultiVerse - the properties of the world im checking on are: NoCheat Permissions SimpleSave WorldGuard
#Minecraft server properties #Sat May 28 12:27:07 IDT 2011 level-name=Entrace hellworld=false allow-nether=false view-distance=10 spawn-monsters=true online-mode=true spawn-animals=true pvp=true max-players=20 server-ip= level-seed= server-port=25565 allow-flight=true white-list=true spawn-protection=16 Edit: I even tried using the command /spawnmob (mob) and didnt work
It might be essentials. Code: # Mob limit on spawnmob spawnmob-limit: 10 Or maybe its this. Code: # Prevent the spawning of creatures spawn: chicken: false cow: false creeper: false ghast: false giant: false monster: false pig: false pig_zombie: false sheep: false skeleton: false slime: true spider: false squid: false zombie: false wolf: false
I have the "Prevent the spawning of creaturs" but in the older version i had this too and all on false and it worked should i change all to true?
Hmm there seem to be multiple cases of this problem popping up. Have you tried temporarily removing your plugins then adding them back in one by one?
i don't have mobarena but I am using Chaircraft Citizens Cuboid Essentials-deleted but still no mobs i know it causes problems iChat iConomy mcMMO MultiVerse -the properties of the world im checking on are:
I checked citizens but it happened around the time i got it so that might be it but I got rid of the jar file
No dude i know what the problem is. Your main world (the "level-name=") in your server.properties has "animals: false" and "mobs: false" in your worlds.yml (in the multiverse plugin) you need to change them to "true"
I know this is an old topic but I'm having the same issue. My properties is fine and I only have Essentials, LWC and Group Manager on my server and those are all setup where they won't conflict. If you could let us know Enzy or anyone what was the fix for this issue, I'd be most greatful.
Yeah, it's been bugging me as everything was fine up until the 1.2.3 patch. Although, I can't guarantee that's what it was, especially since it's not a problem affecting too many people. -Essentials v2.8.3 -Group Manager v2.8.3 -LWC v4.1.1
Same issue here... I have these plugins installed: Essentials JSONAPI Lift Lockette MineBackup PermissionsEx RemoteToolkit VoxelSniper WhoMode WorldBorder WorldEdit dynmap Essentials shows ALL mobs set to spawn, and here is my Server Properties: Code: #Minecraft server properties #Thu Mar 01 12:15:46 CST 2012 allow-nether=true level-name=world enable-query=false allow-flight=true server-port=25565 level-type=DEFAULT enable-rcon=false hellworld=false level-seed= server-ip= max-build-height=256 spawn-npcs=true white-list=true [B]spawn-animals=true[/B] online-mode=true pvp=false difficulty=2 server-name=Meistercraft [B]gamemode=0[/B] max-players=15 [B]spawn-monsters=true[/B] view-distance=15 generate-structures=true Here is the mob section of Essentials: Code: # Prevent the spawning of creatures spawn: chicken: false cow: false creeper: false ghast: true giant: false monster: false pig: false pig_zombie: false sheep: false skeleton: false slime: true spider: false squid: false zombie: false wolf: false I turned off Ghasts cause they're annoying and Slimes because I read they can eat up your mob count and cause monsters to stop spawning, but it hasn't stopped anything. I still do not have any monsters!
I am having this issue as well. They just spawn a lot less frequently then they should on the surface. If I use a /butcher command at night, they will start to spawn on the surface, but once a day cycle passes, they are rarely seen. Is this an issue with 1.2.3? I have tried Bukkit with and without plugins as well as vanilla, duplicating these efforts both on my MCMyAdmin-hosted server and my home testbed server (no MCMA).
After my server update to 1.2.4 I've been dealing with mobs not spawning at all... MultiVerse and Essentials are conflicting. I took out MantaMobControl & that had absolutely nothing to do with it.
I have the same problem. But i also can't change the spawner, but i have permission! essentials.spawner.[cow] and other mobs. Help me. If you can, write me back in private message.