Mobile ChatMob

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Jahb, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category:

    Suggested name:

    What I want:
    A Plugin similar to the plugin Mobile Admin, but anyone can download the application and chat on the server via they're mobile phone.

    Maybe add a [Mobile] Prefix in the chat so players know how the player is contacting them

    Maybe when the application is first installed on their mobile phone a login screen is shown with the following fields to be filled in,
    • Server IP:
    • Playername:
    • Password:
    The Password would have to be set In-Game, using the command /mc password <a password>, also add the function where banned players can't use the application to connect to the server's chat.

    Ideas for commands:
    • /mc password <password>
    • /mc enable/disable (To show Mobile Chat)
    • /mc mute <player>
    • /mc unmute <player>
    Ideas for permissions:
    • mobilechat.player.*
    • mobilechat.player.register
    • mobilechat.player.enable
    • mobilechat.player.disable
    • mobilechat.admin (to mute)
    When I'd like it by: I'm not picky. :)

    Edit: Sorry about the title i was in a hurry and didn't notice it.
  2. Offline


    Making a plugin and an app? That would take time.

    Have you tried some irc alternatives?
  3. Offline


    Ya, I know this would take allot of time but overall I think if a plugin like this was developed wit would be a very attractive and successful plugin and application the developer could make money from it to, for example make a "Pro" version of the application allowing them more features like listing "x" number of servers on your mobile and maybe add other features.
  4. Offline


    What OS is your phone on?
  5. Offline


    Andriod Version 2.1 ill probably be upgrading it to 2.2 soon
  6. It should be possible via socket!? I would do it with others which help.
  7. Offline


    Also for those who are interested look at my Suggestion Mumble Chat
  8. Offline


    Anyone Interested?
  9. Offline


    Never Mind I found the app MCchat on the Google Play Store :p
  10. Offline


    there is no need to make this.. you could use a website with a plugin there and so it can only be viewed from a mobile when you are logged in and make an app for your website ;)

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