Mob spawn on block

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Hex_27, Jul 18, 2015.

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    I want to change all mob spawning in spots where there is a presence of soulsand. Example, when there's soulsand at x:30 y:5, then all mobs spawning at x:30 will be affected. Is there a way to do this other than tremendous looping?
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    You would have to listen to CreatureSpawnEvent, and then get the location of the creature being spawned and check whether or not soul sand is present.
  3. @Hex_27
    No, there isn't ;(. You can only go from y 0 to max y to check if there's soulsand. Maybe for a small ease, but I think it would make it even bigger, put already detected locations in a liand if the list already contains the X + Z you can get it without checking y 0 - 255 again
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