Missing Importable Packets

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Agentleader1, Apr 23, 2015.

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    I saw some threads that I was interested in executing. Only issue was when I use the packets, they ask to "create class, etc."

    I'm missing; Packet29DestroyEntity, Packet24MobSpawn, Packet33RelEntityMoveLook, and probably a lot of others.
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    @Agentleader1 packets have changed names awhile ago and are no longer containing numbers in their names, they are marked as packetPlayOut(name) for outgoing packets and PacketPlayIn(name) for incoming packets.
    So the above will be

    Not sure if I got the names correctly, I'm on phoney :3
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    @mine-care Thanks for telling me this. The first one exists, the second however, does not.
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    @Agentleader1 yes yes ik it is my bad :3 i didnt remember it at the time, it is PacketPlayOutSpawnEntity :p
    Alternatively, referinmg to living entities PacketPlayOutSpawnEntityLiving
    and there is always PacketPlayOutNamedEntitySpawn
    If you need further help let me know! :D
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    @mine-care Thank you so much. Another issue posed by The rel movement packet.

    PacketPlayOutEntity.a is not visible. How shall I fix this?


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2016
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    @Agentleader1 You can use reflection to modify a private field
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    @Konato_K Do you know what the modified code would look like for this?:
    Packet24MobSpawn packet = new Packet24MobSpawn()
    packet.a = id; //Entity UDID
    packet.b = 50; //id for creeper
    packet.c = Math.floor(loc.getX() * 32d);
    packet.d = Math.floor(loc.getY() * 32d);
    packet.e = Math.floor(loc.getZ() * 32d);
    packet.f = (byte) loc.getYaw();
    packet.g = (byte) loc.getPitch();
    packet.h = packet.f;
    Field metadata = packet.getClass().getDeclaredField("i");
    metadata.set(packet, field);
    return packet;
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    @Agentleader1 Err be carefull since not only the packet names changed. Fields in them might have changed too! (not sure in whitch the change occurd but be careful)
    Anyway in your code above you get a field called i from the class, set it accessible, and then set it's value for the object packet to something called field :p
    instead of field you have to add the value and Kablam! you got it.
  9. Offline


    @mine-care So would it successfully set packet.a correctly in this:
    Field metadata = packet.getClass().getDeclaredField("a");
    metadata.set(packet, id);
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    It's not a public field so you have to set it to be accessible then set.
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    That :- ) You can look for "Reflection utils" that are classes with methods ment to do the work.
  12. Offline


    @mine-care A code example that WILL work for the above packet settings?
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    @Agentleader1 I dont really like to giveout code examples so:
    The structure:
    Create the packet object
    Create a Field that represents the field from the packet you want to change
    set it accessible
    and then set it to whatever value :p
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