Inactive [MISC] Streetlamps v0.8 - redstone controlled street-lamps [1185]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Ginsek1988, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. Streetlamps - redstone controlled StreetLamps:
    PluginVersion v0.8
    ServerVersion /version: git-Bukkit-0.0.0-1067-g6301507-b1185jnks (MC: 1.8.1)
    Download StreetLamps v0.8.2

    Players can build street-lamps for their towns and remote controle them by redstone and other events (daytime, weather, manually).

    For a more detailed description visit me on dev.bukkit!

    If the plugin is not working for you, please respond to this thread: [README] It's not working!!!


    Connecting lamps to a button or lever
    woodzy, kahlilnc and SPACEDUDE360000 like this.
  2. Offline


    Servus , schreib mal deutsch da es schneller geht ;), also ich habe dein Mod so installiert wie beschreiben usw. Nun mein Problem ist das ich die Glowstone noch Glas anklicken kann. Habe auch den schritt bedacht das ich ein Redstone Fackel benutzen soll. In der Server log steht dies:
    "09:01:38 [INFORMATION] [StreetLamps] MANUALLY enabled
    09:01:38 [INFORMATION] [StreetLamps] POWER enabled
    09:01:38 [INFORMATION] [StreetLamps] DAYTIME enabled
    09:01:38 [INFORMATION] [StreetLamps] WEATHER enabled
    09:01:38 [INFORMATION] [StreetLamps] CLUSTER enabled
    09:01:38 [INFORMATION] [StreetLamps] loaded 0 LampController for world
    09:01:38 [INFORMATION] StreetLamps 0.8.2 is enabled"

    Config ist orignal. Habe auch geschaut ob es probs. mit andern plugins z.B CraftBookCircuits gibt aber da ändert sich nichts. Rechte sind auch alle vergeben.

    Viellicht fällt dir was ein, oder ich habe was verbockt... :eek:
  3. Hi DocMartens,
    welche Lampen hast du denn ausprobiert? Zusätzlich zum Schlagen mit einer Redstone Torch muss die Lampe auch mit Energie versorgt sein. Und beim Bauen der Lampe musst du garnicht erst versuchen Glas anzuklicken ;)

    Ich werde in der nächsten Version wohl eine Möglichkeit geben erweitertes Logging zu aktivieren um zu sehen wo das Problem bei Leuten wie dir liegt. Es gibt ja einige, die keine Lampen bauen können oder etwas anderes nicht funktioniert obwohl es bei wiederum anderen 'problemlos' läuft. Ich wüsste doch gerne wieweit das Programm kommt und wo es endet.

    Werde wohl am nächsten Wochenende weiter daran arbeiten. Muss noch eine Klausur schreiben.
    Bin dann erstmal wieder weg und lese später nochmal nach.
  4. Offline


    Ich habe das alles so weit gemacht wie es in deine Youtube Videos gezeigt wird.... Ich warte dann mal bis du den Logging extra machst. Bin auch etwas knapp gebunden da mein Studium gerade anfängt. Dann Viel Glück bei dein Klausur. :)
  5. Ich sag nur soviel... das aktuelle Semester ist Ende des Monats vorüber, am letzten Tag schreibe ich noch eine Klausur und eine Woche später fängt das nächste Semester an :p
    Bedeutung: ab nächsten Monat hab ich erstmal wieder Zeit :p
  6. Offline


    I've been trying this over and over and over and it seems like there's a problem with the plugin. Some of the lights on my airship refuse to link up to a controller. It says it links up, but as soon as you flip the switch it's clear to see that they're not connected. They report as connected if I /slamps info and punch them, but I have no idea what they're connected to. Punching the controller shows that it's dropped some of the connections:


    I've burnt through a stack of glowstone trying to figure this out (As you can see in the lamp numbers above. Some are in the 40s while others are in the 90s, all me). I did figure out there's an issue about trying to connect lamps to a circuit without removing the redstone torch underneath. That triggers the behaviour for me 100%

    As for suggestions: I'd love to be able to edit the connections manually somewhere, along with naming a circuit and popping a message when flipping it off ("Yardlights: OFF" or some such.) Also, it'd be nice to have a tally of how many lights have been marked in the current /slamps connect session, so you make sure you don't miss anything.
  7. I'll work on it today and see what I can do about the problem.

    I've made a few changes so far:
    1. There was an issue with destroying LampControllers and loading them.
    2. I added names to the controller which will be set when you type /slamps connect the first time.
    You simply add it at the end of the command: "/slamps connect circuit name here"
    This is also displayed when you get the info off a lamp along with the location of the controller.
    3. When you click a lamp that you already marked it gets removed from your current connection session.
    4. When you want to add more lamps to an existing circuit you can use "/slamps more". After this mark a controller and more lamps. When you are done use "/slamps connect".

    I will release it next weak.
    DocMartens likes this.
  8. Offline


    I can't connect any lamps with /streetlamps connect. I just can rightclick levers and a message come, that I've connected a lever. But if I rightclick a glasblock or a glowstoneblock nothing w. What am I dooing wrong???
    I need help!!! FAST!!!
  9. You are aware that you have to connect a lamp and not a glowstone/glass block, aren't you?
  10. Offline


    Ich hatte das selbe Problem. Bei mir lag es daran das ich im Creative-Mode gespielt hab. Nachdem ich für mich den Gamemode auf Survival gestellt hatte ging es.

    Teste mal "/gamemode <dein ingame name> 0"
    Um danach wieder in den Creative-Mode zu wechseln musst du einfach die 0 durch ne 1 ersetzen
  11. Offline


    Sehr schön, das teste ich mal gleich mal aus. Meine Member sind voll scharf auf diese plugin.
  12. Offline


    Im a bit confused. I cant seem to get a streetlamp created above 1 fence and it wont accept a lever as the power source.

    If I create a 1 fence + 1 glowstone + 1 redstone torch it creates fine, above 1 fence and nothing creates. Using lever for the power source, nothing happens, regardless of how many fence high I make it.

    FYI, Im using spout on this server, not sure if thats why.
  13. What does spout do with a bukkit server?
  14. Offline


    It seems like the Lamps are bugged when server restarts or something, you need to reset them again(replace the glowstone with a new one and hit it with Redstone Torch again) :-(

    FYI: Im running 0.6 as hasnt updated this Plugin YET, but I don't know if the newer ones will fix this bug...
  15. Offline


    can u make it work on creative? because everytime i hit a bulb it breaks
  16. Offline


    @Ginsek1988 small request?

    Could you add a config option to completely ignore a world? I just started using survival-arena and when night comes and streetlamps runs a check on the world, it causes the mod to kick people out and restart the game.

    @Apasalic when you make new streetlamps, it is best to use /stop. usually when i do that and restart they save.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  17. Offline


    Great pluggin, but when i updated to b1337 it won't work anymore ? would it be possible to have an update for it?
  18. that's excelent :D

    i was testing it and i found a bug.. if you have a lamp connected with a button and breaks the glowstone the entity "conexion" won't be erased and if you press the button you will "create" a glowstone, break it, gain the drop, press the button again... and again... and again...
  19. Offline


    Working on RB 1597
  20. Offline


    Looks great!
    But have a problem.
    When i do /slamps connect i can connect a button but not a glowstone or glass.
    I have put an redstone torch under the glowstone and glass and all around it.
    But nothing happens.
    And i hit every thing with an redstone torch
    And when i do /slamps connect again i get an error: Failed: You diden't mark any laps.
    can someone help me?
  21. Offline


    Best plugin ever i got this plugin when mc was 1.7.3 and accidently left that old plugin in my plugins folder throughout the other server updates and ive had it for so long it even works on 1.1 the same old version from 1.7.3 im amazed so the owner of this plugin if your having troubles on making the new one of this base it off of the old one and do a few lil bug tweeks like make nether fence work for this plugin i would love that!
  22. Offline


    Does this plugin even work anymore?
  23. Offline


    2 requests: permissions support and protection for them
  24. Offline


    are you gonna update this plugin it looks grate but dos not work on new bukkit sever
  25. Offline


    It's exaclty what I'm looking for but it doesn't work anymore :(

    Is there another plugin like it ?
  26. Offline


    Exactly what I was thinking :(
  27. Offline


  28. Offline


    is there a way to change the lamps to redstonelamps? instead of glass and glowstone.

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