[MISC] ScrollingMenuSign - scrollable command menus with many view types [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by desht, May 24, 2011.

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    ScrollingMenuSign - scrollable command menus
    Note: ScrollingMenuSign is now on dev.bukkit.org:

    All documentation for the plugin can now be found there. General discussion for the plugin is fine here, but please use dev.bukkit.org tickets for problem reports.

    ScrollingMenuSign lets you attach a scrollable command menu to any sign or map and add menu items to it. Right-click the sign to scroll the list of items, left-click it to select an item and execute its associated command. The inspiration for this plugin was the large number of Minecart Mania station names I (and others) have to remember and type in.

    Some possible uses:
    • A menu of station setting commands for Minecart Mania
    • Newbie user guide menus
    • Warp menus for your favourite teleportation plugin
    • A shop menu - buy/sell/swap items & credits
    • Controlled access to commands that users can't normally run

    See the Changelog on dev.bukkit.org
    HWei, bluehasia, elmoo32 and 6 others like this.
  2. Offline


    I'm still trying to get the variables to work, the sign will post now however using the command /sms add Mail "Send Mail" "/@post <$:User> <$:Message>" it won't prompt the user for user or message it just outputs user in yellow to your chat.
  3. Offline


    That's correct behaviour - "User" is the prompt - it's the part after <$:

    You might want use a longer prompt e.g. "<$:Enter a username:>" to make it clearer. Having a Spout text field pop up for these prompts is something on my to-do list (although of course the current behaviour will still apply to those who don't have Spout).
  4. Offline


    I'm Have trouble with adding exp, command: $X,-1 or command: $X,1 dont give it.
  5. Offline


    Thanks for the report, I'll take a look into it soon (can't today or tomorrow, no computer access). The XP API has always been a little weird, it may have changed in 1.0.
  6. Offline



    Well, I was right about that. The XP API is weirder than ever now. Take a look at https://bukkit.atlassian.net/browse/BUKKIT-47 and despair.

    I'm still trying to work out the right way of handling XP for 1.0.
  7. Offline


    New bugfix release:
    ScrollingMenuSign v1.0.2
    • Hopefully fixed experience costs ($X,<n>) to work with MC 1.0
    • Permissions definitions revamped slightly in plugin.yml, parent permissions nodes (e.g. scrollingmenusign.user) should work correctly with PEX now
    • Catch and ignore IllegalStateException from calls to Bukkit's player.getTargetBlock() method - the exception appears to be harmless
  8. Offline


    I run a small server with only family on (4 to 5 people). We don't use permissions and everyone is an OP. Everytime anyone tries to use the signmenu it scrolls alright, but whenever they try and select the console says "you are not allowed to do that". But if everyone on my server ids an OP, how can this be? If I restart my server, or /reload my server it seems to work, at least for awhile. If I /sms reload all or cfg it does not fix the problem. Only if i /reload the server or restart the server, and then only for a little while. I set the cfg option about op's to true (by the way)

    Any help would be appreciated. If you need any info, let me know.

    Thanks. :)
  9. Offline


    Thanks for the report, you actually gave me the information to track down something that's been bothering me for a while :) Yes, your problem is real and due to my misunderstanding of how Bukkit parent permissions nodes work (I was accidentally denying certain nodes to op users by granting some negative permissions). I believe I've fixed it, and a 1.0.3 release will be uploaded shortly.

    (You won't need the elevation.grant_op setting if you're all ops anyway - that's just to allow permission-elevated commands from old non-superperms plugins to work).

    New bugfix release:
    ScrollingMenuSign v1.0.3
    • More permission fixing in plugin.yml. Permissions should work properly with and without a permissions plugin now.
    • Spout view bugfixes & improvements: ability to set custom background colour and alpha for spout views.
    • Fixed problem in map views where multiple people had maps for the same view (when someone scrolled a map view, all other players holding that map view would see their map go blank)
    • The map view imagefile attribute can now be a full URL, in which the resource_base_url config setting is not used

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  10. Offline


    Thank you for your quick response. That seemed to have fixed the problem. :)

    Glad I could help you with the problem, he he.
  11. Offline


  12. Offline


    New release:
    ScrollingMenuSign v1.1

    • Requires CraftBukkit 1.1-R1 (1818). This will NOT work on 1.0.
    • Spout support requires latest Spout plugin build and Spoutcraft client (Spout RB not yet available but Spout plugin build 719 and Spoutcraft build 1076 are working well). ListWidget scrolling problems seen in 1.0 releases have been resolved.
    • Spout views now support textured backgrounds (in addition to background colour and alpha added in 1.0.3) for a really nice visual appearance.
    • Map views can now be left- and right-clicked without having a block targeted (thanks Sleaker )
    • Saved menu and view data is now loaded at plugin enable time, no longer deferred until all plugins are loaded. This is essential for good interoperability with other plugins. It means that you must ensure all of your worlds are loaded in time with a suitable multiworld management plugin (thanks Sleaker)
    • Interactive command substitution (i.e. using <$:prompt> in commands) - with Spout and a player running Spoutcraft, substitutions are now prompted for via a popup Spout textfield, which is nicer than entering subs via chat.
    • Interactive command substitution - when using chat to enter subs (i.e. no Spout), left- or right-clicking anywhere now cancels the command.
    • Fixed bug for map view image backgrounds: cached image files under plugins/ScrollingMenuSign/imagecache are now stored with an ASCII filename, not a blob of binary data.
    • Now uses the Bukkit 1.1 event model for improved event handling performance.

    Updated the Spout view docs on DBO - check out the pretty spout view :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  13. Offline


    Bugfix release:
    v1.1.1 (1 Feb 2012)

    • Implemented workaround for problems calling "fake" (user-defined) commands as defined in plugins such as CommandHelper or MCDocs. When defining the command in "/sms add", prefix it with a "\" (the player chat symbol), e.g. /sms add mymenu "About MCDocs" "\/about"
    • Views are now saved as soon as they're created.
  14. Offline


    Bugfix release:
    ScrollingMenuSign v1.1.3
    • PlayerInteract events are now always cancelled if SMS has done something with them. Avoids problems likehttp://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/scrollingmenusign/tickets/18-multiverse-incompatability/ where events are passed on to other plugins when they shouldn't be.
    • Background texture setting is now more consistent between spout and map views. The "resource_base_url" setting can be used in both cases now.
    • Fixed multiworld problem where views on the non-default world did not always load. SMS now track the WorldLoad event to ensure view data is always pulled in when needed.
    • API: SMSMenu#getItem() is deprecated. Use SMSMenu#getItemAt() instead.
    • Removed two deprecated permission nodes from plugin.yml: scrollingmenusign.maps, scrollingmenusign.useAnyView.

    The 1.1.2 release was withdrawn due a critical event handling bug.
  15. Offline


    Yep i will be also ;)
  16. Offline


    Ive made a few signs on my server to display rules and motd. But it doesnt wanna work for my member, it work fine for me and everything. Ive given them these nodes
    - scrollingmenusign.execute
    - scrollingmenusign.execute.elevated
    - scrollingmenusign.scroll
    - scrollingmenusign.user
    - scrollingmenusign.use.sign

    Am i missing a node or something?
  17. Offline


    RaknarokMiner can you please create a ticket on the dev.bukkit.org page?

    What permission plugin are you using, and what version of that plugin?

    Also you can try running /sms debug and pasting the resulting debug messages (easier if you do that on the console).
  18. Offline


    Im using pex 1.18

    When i type debug ingame is just said "debug enabled", + i cant use the console since im paying for the server at multiplaygameservers
  19. Offline


    Yeah... Check the note regarding PEX 1.18 on the front page on DBO - I don't provide support for any permissions problems using PEX 1.18, sorry.
  20. Offline


    So i have to wait for PEX 1.19? :O
  21. Offline


    Yes, or try 1.17 or another more... stable... permissions plugin. Both bPermissions and PermissionsBukkit work well. Of the permission-related problem reports I've ever received for SMS, every single one has been from PEX users. I am not fond of PEX. It is a source of trouble.
  22. Offline


    Can you update to 1.2.3? THANKS - TCH
  23. Offline



    SMS works fine on R6. I haven't tested on 1.2.3 but I see no reason why it shouldn't work. What problem have you seen?

    Update: SMS 1.1.7 confirmed working fine on 1.2.3-R0.1.

    I don't update the versions on this thread regularly any more - you should always check http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/scrollingmenusign for up-to-date information on this plugin.
  24. Offline


    desht on 1.2.3.R0.2 the signs aren't working for me :\ , signs aren't toggling or anything.
  25. Offline


    Working fine here on 1.2.3-R0.2 (build 2060). Are you inside the spawn-protect radius, maybe? Does "/sms list" show all your menus (and does "/sms list <menu-name>" show all the views for a menu) ?
  26. Offline


    I had some interference from some older plugins, after purging my plugins and making sure everything was up to date it is working as intended. Sorry for the hassle.
    desht likes this.
  27. Offline


    New release:
    v1.3.0 (18 Jun 2012)

    • New view type: multisign view. These behave pretty much like ordinary sign views, but can be any number of signs wide or high, allowing for bigger menu displays than the 4x15 text you get with a single sign. See http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/scrollingmenusign/pages/view-types/multisign-views/
    • Added Redstone control signs. Any sign (or multi-sign) view can have one or more control signs associated with it. These signs allowing scrolling and execution of the view when they receive redstone signals from configurable directions. Seehttp://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/scrollingmenusign/pages/redstone-control-signs/
    • Map views now handle &l, &m, &n, &o, &r control codes properly.
    • New config item: maps.break_block_id - hitting a block with this ID with a map view will erase the view from the map. Default is 0, which means disabled. (This replaces the old non-configurable ID of 20 - glass - so hitting glass with a map no longer erases it).
    • New config items: maps.transfer.to_sign, maps.transfer.from_sign which globally enables/disables transferring of map views to sign views and vice versa (default: true, preserving old behaviour)
    • Fixed problem where negative economy costs (e.g. "$e,-1" to give the player 1 credit) didn't work when using BOSEconomy (and possibly other economy plugins)
    • Sign costs: if items are given to a player and there is no room in their inventory, excess items will now drop at the player's feet (previous behaviour was for excess items to vanish into nowhere)
    • Added new view attributes to all views: "item_justify" and "title_justify". These override the global config settings "item_justify" and "title_justify". Can be one of "left", "right", "center" or "default". "default" means to use the global justification setting and is the default value for both attributes.
    • Map and Spout views now also honour the "item_justify" and "title_justify" config items, and also the new "item_justify" and "title_justify" view attributes. (Exception: Spout views don't support anything other than left-justified menu items, but title justification does work)
    • Added anonymous metrics reporting via mcstats.org. Absolutely no personal data is sent; only information on how the plugin is being used. See http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/plugin-metrics-mcstats-r5.77352 for more information, including how to disable it if you really want to (but I would prefer that you didn't!)
    • New config item: "log_level". This system replaces the "/sms debug" command, which still exists but is now considered deprecated. "log_level" is "info" by default, but can also be set to "fine", "finer" or "finest" for increasing levels of log detail. All logging information is sent to the console and server.log.
    • Quieter on startup: initialisation messages are now only reported if "log_level" is set to "fine" or higher.
    • API: removed some deprecated methods from SMSMenu, SMSMenuItem, SMSView, SMSScrollableView and SMSMapView.
  28. Offline


  29. Offline


    v1.3.2 (27 Jun 2012)

  30. Offline


    New major release:
    v1.4.0 (23 Jul 2012)

    • Changes to menu item handling: duplicate menu labels are no longer permitted. Any saved menus with duplicate labels will have the duplicate(s) replaced with a unique numeric suffix (you're then free to modify them as you wish). This is a slightly incompatible change, but duplicate labels don't really make sense anyway and the change was needed to improve menu efficiency.
    • Added '/sms replace' command to allow modification of existing menu items in a menu. See Usage / Replacing Menu Entries
    • Enhanced '/sms add' to allow items to be added at any position in the menu instead of just at the end. See Usage / Adding Menu Entries
    • Revamp of user variables - they are significantly more powerful now. Added @v: restrictor to restrict commands based on variable values - supports simple, numeric and regexp comparisons. /sms var command is now only available to admins by default. See User Variables
    • Added "view variables". These are arbitrary key/value pairs which can be added on a per-view basis. E.g. allows the possibility of a purchase menu having different costs on different views. View variables can also be displayed on the title or item label of their view. See Usage / Managing Views
    • Command parser: the string "<MONEY>" will be substituted with a formatted string of the player's current economy balance in commands (Vault required)
    • Command parser: the string "<VIEW>" will be substituted with the current view name in commands.
    • Redstone output: added "pulse" and "pulseany" rsoutputmode values. "pulse" will send a brief (duration configurable, default 1 second) redstone pulse when its associated item is executed. "pulseany" will send a pulse on all output switches if any item on that view is executed. See Redstone Output
    • Spout text entry popup (for <$:..> prompted commands) now uses OK and Cancel buttons and no longer responds to Enter and Escape keypresses - the spout textfield just doesn't work properly if the player types and presses Enter too quickly.
    • Completely dropped support for the very old '/sms add menu label|command|message' syntax (which was deprecated way back in v0.6)
    • Fix: $X cost check - false detection of insufficient XP under some circumstances
    • Fix: fixed NPE when repainting Spout views which didn't have a texture under some circumstances
    • Fix: players could pop up Spout views owned by someone else even when "ignore_view_ownership" was set to false
    • Fix: /sms break -loc x,y,z,world threw an "invalid number" error
    • Fix: sign/multisign view scroll position is now saved on server shutdown/reload (map/spout scroll positions, which are per-player, are not saved)
  31. Offline


    New major release:

    v1.6.0 (15 Oct 2012)

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