Inactive [MISC] InvisibleWalls v0.1 - Create walls/zones that are only for somepeople. [Vault] [1531]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Johni0702, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. Offline


    idea by Nolig


    if you fly very fast i cant do anything because the plugin didn´t notice that you are in the zone. it only gets a message that says you are on the one site and an other that says you are at the other site. so if you fly VERY fast it would be very difficult to check if someone fly through the zone.

    An message system is already made. i simple forgot to write it into the threat:
    /iw setzone <zonename> [message that can have spaces in it]

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
    Alejandrominecraft and Rockar787 like this.
  2. Offline


    please add your plugins version number to the title
  3. Offline


    forgot this.
    thx you remind me

    how often the plugin becomes a message with the players cordinates depends on the internet connection of the server and the internet connection of the player but it hink it is possible with NoCheat to check if a player has a toooooo slow internet connection. but up to now sometimes it doen´t work at all because instead the player is portet infront of the zone the plugin ports him IN the zone i have to find the problem and correct it (killing player works fine :D)

    Thats what i said: up to now you can go through the zone from two directions. thats all. you can go with everything throw it even if you walk you can go through the zone. but try from the other two directions it will work i try to make it work with these two directions too but i haven´t much time to to that.

    10 blöcke weiter weg bringt auch nichts da das problem am prüfen ob der spieler in der zone ist liegt und nicht am wegporten (nur wenn du in 2 bestimmte richtungen durch gehst wirst du in die falsche richtung geportet,was sich aber beheben lässt).
    Das Problem ist das du bei einer kleinen zone einfach sehr schnell durchfliegen kannst und das plugin merkt nur wie du vor der zone bist und wie du hinter der zone bist (lässt sich auch nicht ändern :( leider).
    Bei WorldBoarder ist das problem nicht da du in die zone reinfliegst und nicht so schnell wieder raus kommst (da es kein raus giebt) bevor MC deine neue Position an den server schickt
    EDIT: und wenn du 10 blöcke weiter weg geportet werden würdest könntest du außerdem in einer wand feststecken und ersticken also auch nicht so optimal. gieb mir mal 2-3 Tage dann mach ichs voll funktionstüchtig
    NOCHMALEDIT:WorldBorder ist leider nur von prinzip das selbe von der umsetzung ist es leider viel einfacher als mit zonen da einfach nur gecheckt werden muss wie weit die spielercoordinaten von den spawncoordinaten entfernt sind. mehr nich (sonst hätt ich da auch mal ein bischen in den code reingeschaut

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  4. Offline


    so how do i Delete the invible wall if i dont want it anymore :p
  5. Offline


    Is it possible to make a zone that players are not allowed to leave?
  6. you
    make around the zone they can not leave 4 walls and maby possible a roof
  7. Offline


    I thought of that before I just think it would be more efficient to have one region
  8. Offline


    it is possible but only with and little trick:
    1. set your zone and shut down the server tho edit the data.yml
    you see someting like this (if you have more than one zone defined it ist an other number than '0' normaly the hightest):
        - 66
        - 69
        - 73
        - 75
        - -13
        - -10
    there are six numbers and you have to switch the
    1. and 2.
    3. and 4.
    5. and 6.
    so it looks like:
        - 69
        - 66
        - 75
        - 73
        - -10
        - -13
    now the zone is inverted and everywhere out of the zone is the portbackzone/kill zone

    i have already included this but didn´t released it because i have to fix an other bug.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  9. Offline


    Thanks I'll give that a shot
  10. Offline


    i have an idea what if this wall will be visible only if you are near it, i mean system like magick carpet but you dont stay on glass you will be blocked by glass, its far better becouse this system of porting make in player fake feel that he is lagging, it would be better with glass when he see that he isnt allowed to enter this room or something
  11. Offline


    Needs group support, but I like the idea
    pyongyang99 likes this.
  12. Offline


    is there a way to get rid of a wall other than just letting all players in?
    if not i highly recomend adding that quite soon, would be a huge help
  13. Offline


    i can only allow one person in my zone. how do i change this? I have done the add command and added other players but it only allows one person. Before i put my name in the data file it would only allow me in after i added me and then not the next time the server is up. So how is the data file suppose to look with more than one allowed player in the zone?
  14. Offline


    Installation instructions please? :)
    Can't wait to get this!
  15. Offline


    Move the "InvisibleWalls.jar" into "[YourServerFolder]/plugins"
    than you can start the server
  16. Offline


    Should it be possible to add Groups that can enter the zone?
  17. Offline


    Nice Plugin ;)

    Am besten wär noch :
    Das man es für Gruppen machen könnte ;)
    mit PermissionsBukkit :)

    Ahja :
    Wo istn der Source Code ;) ?
  18. Offline


    Nice plugin, it works great, but is there a way to delete not used zones? Cause i made a zone and i don't know what the name was so i always die there so is there a way to see a list of zones/walls and to delete them? Can you post that pls? Thanks!

    O, i figured it out, you need to go to the "InvisibleWalls" folder in the "plugins" folder, open itwith wordpad or some other text program and just add and delete the walls there... Sorry for bottering and sorry for the bad English.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  19. Offline


    up to now this is the only way. the first thing i have to do is to get the teleport work.

    werde ich machen (hab mir PermissionsBukkit nochnicht angeschaut muss ich noch machen) aber erst muss ich das teleporten zum funktionieren bekommen ;)
    Den giebts wenn alles funktioniert. Sonst sieht noch wer was für schreckliche fehler ich da rein gemacht hab. :D

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  20. Offline


    Okay =P
  21. Offline


    Would it be possibile to have permissions on this plugin?
  22. Offline


  23. Offline


    Umm... how do you define an area?
  24. Offline


    Great plug-in, we used it to create limits on our map.
    We have a multiple world server with 1 map.
    I imported 6 phoenix terrain moded maps and this plug in is perfect to set limits for each one.
    Combined with PressurePort to TP inside the frontiers, it's perfect.
  25. Offline


    good idea ! But it don't do what it should... so I can't use it ... (My players can pass walls)
  26. Offline


    just delete it in the data file
  27. Offline


    Permissions and Group support.. Kindda useless w/o it...
  28. Offline


    I was bored to wait an update so I'm writing my own plugin. It works with residence I'll share it on bukkit tomorrow evening after few tests.
  29. Offline


    Hey, I created the skin in your picture (the black one with red eyes) Cool. You are using my skin and I am using your plugin.

    It says I have no permission to do that

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  30. Offline


    you need a delete command

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