Inactive [MISC] AntiZombie v1.2 - Prevents Creature spawning [1.1-R6]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by bbgen, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. AntiZombie - AntiZombie is a plugin to prevent spawning creatures in certain areas.
    Version: v1.2

    AntiZombie is used to prevent spawning creatures in certain areas of your world(s). This can be used to disable e.g. Creepers or Enderman at certain areas in your world.

    • Disable spawning creatures in your whole world.
    • Disable spawning creatures in certrain areas of your world.
    • Supports multiple worlds (e.g. "normal" and "nether").
    Download AntiZombie
    Source Code (License: zlib license)

    Version 1.2
    • Now possible to restrict depending on the block or the block below
    • Changes regarding new Bukkit-1.1-R5 API
    Version 1.0
    • Initial release.
    Create a file in your plugins folder: AntiZombie/config.yml.
    Let's see an example of a configuration:
            entities: [PigZombie]
            world: world_nether
            entities: [Ghast]
            world: world_nether
            y0: 64
            y1: 128
            entities: [Creeper,Monster]
            world: world
            x0: -1000
            x1: 1000
            z0: -1000
            z1: 1000
            entities: [PigZombie]
            world: world_nether
            - Cobblestone
            - Stone
            - Rail
            - Powered_Rail
    This will...
    • Disable all PigZombies in the nether
    • Disable Ghasts in the nether when spawning higher than 64.
    • Disable all Creepers and Monsters in the world (no matter what height) at the given rectangle.
    • Disable all PigZombie spawns in the nether if they spawn either on Cobblestone, Stone, Rails or Powered Rails.
    At general:
        areaX: (X is an arbitrary number)
            entities: [...] (List of creature names to prevent spawning)
            world: The name of the world to check for. (e.g. world, world_nether, ...)
            x0: lower X boundary (optional)
            y0: lower Y boundary (optional)
            z0: lower Z boundary (optional)
            x1: upper X boundary (optional)
            y1: upper Y boundary (optional)
            z1: upper Z boundary (optional)
            materials: [...] (List of materials to check if spawning is allowed.)
    Here's a list of supported entity descriptors: Chicken, Cow, Creeper, Ghast, Giant, Monster, Pig, PigZombie, Sheep, Skeleton, Slime, Spider, Squid, Zombie, Wolf, CaveSpider, Enderman, Silverfish.

    A list of supported material types can be found here:

    This plugin is nothing special and was just created because we have built a minecart-train in the nether and figured out that PigZombies will spawn in our tunnels. I just wanted to release it so that others may benefit from it.
    Feel free to suggest new features or send pull requests on github.
  2. Doesn't work for me :(

    I have created a config.yml by copying what you've written but nothing happen
  3. Could you be more specific? A copy of your plugins/AntiZombie/config.yml would also be helpful.

    You can also check the server.log to see if it has recognized your areas. You should (after loading AntiZombie) see something like this:
    2011-09-26 19:47:49 [FINE] Loaded disabled area. World: world_nether. Entity: [PigZombie, Ghast]. Location0:Location{world=CraftWorld{name=world_nether},x=-2.147483648E9,y=-2.147483648E9,z=-2.147483648E9,pitch=0.0,yaw=0.0} Location1: Location{world=CraftWorld{name=world_nether},x=2.147483647E9,y=2.147483647E9,z=2.147483647E9,pitch=0.0,yaw=0.0}
  4. Offline


    Cool i will look on this plugin later :D.
    have been looking for a replacement for nospawn
  5. Offline


    Been looking for an anti mob spawner for my town that doesnt check block type,
    but region. :D
    Does this work for animals too? And where can I find the a list of the 'Entities'?
    Monsters= all monsters ? Enderman support?
  6. I've added a list of supported entities.

    If you want to disable all monsters in that "disabled area", you can just type in "entities: [*]" (hidden feature ;))

    It *should* work with "normal" spawning events. But I haven't tested mob spawners or other special creature spawning (such as pigs being strike by a lightning and so on).
  7. Offline

    Im a hippy

    When I run the server in terminal it says: AntiZombe loaded, no disabled areas found. This is my config file name:
    AntiZombie/config.yml - in plugins folder. This is the config :
            entities: [Chicken, Cow, Creeper, Ghast, Giant, Monster, Pig, PigZombie, Sheep, Skeleton, Spider, Squid, Zombie, Wolf, CaveSpider, Enderman, Silverfish]
            world: world
            x0: lower X boundary
            y0: lower Y boundary
            z0: lower Z boundary
            x1: upper X boundary
            y1: upper Y boundary
            z1: upper Z boundary[/CODE
    Can't get it to work, any help?
  8. Please take a look at the example configuration (at the first post). Here you'll see that you have to either set the boundaries to a valid number or leave them totally out.
    So if you want to disable the given entities in the *entire* world (which I assume you want), your config should look something like this:
            entities: [Chicken, Cow, Creeper, Ghast, Giant, Monster, Pig,  PigZombie, Sheep, Skeleton, Spider, Squid, Zombie, Wolf, CaveSpider,  Enderman, Silverfish]
            world: world
  9. Offline


    does this supports multiverse cause
    I keep putting the world name but it say's

    12:37:27 [WARNING] Could not load area: World not found. Available worlds: [CraftWorld{name=Main_world}, CraftWorld{name=Main_world_nether}]

    Please reply as soon as possible :)

    P.S the world that i type were there but it could not read???
  10. Offline


    Does the entity Monster mean all aggressive mobs?
  11. Offline


    I had to turn monsters off because the Endermen were destroying our towns. I was pleased to find this mod. I got it working with NO effort. Just listed Enderman and the worlds name in the config. Works great so far! Thank you!!! (using 1.8.1)

    Actually I am confused about the whole location bit.. Is that height levels? Can I cut a square on my map to prevent monsters between x/y and x/y locations? -210/+248 and +148/-148

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  12. Offline


    How hard would it be to modify this plugin to prevent monsters from spawning on certain blocks? We too have built a giant rail system through the nether and it would be neat if we could prevent monsters from spawning on either rail, redstone, and stone brocks. Right now we are going to have to setup a whole bunch of areas to handle the turns in the path which isn't to much of a problem but will be a bit of a pain.
  13. Released Version 1.2 which fixes changes to allow using it in Bukkit 1.1-R5 (and above) and added the possibility to restrict spawnings depending on the block where they spawn (see example).
  14. Offline


    I don't so much of the plugin config file and I try to get a code that there is nowhere zombies spawn.
  15. Offline


    I realize this plugin is way old now I may not get a response, but I've been looking for a plugin for a long time that restricts spawning of certain mobs on certain surfaces. Only trouble is, the config file won't save. I keep editing the config file, but once I reload or restart the server, it keeps getting reset to the default. Any help with this would be SOOO appreciated. Thanks!

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