Mining Minigame

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Onlineids, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: Dig-Dug

    What I want: I want a minigame where you are placed inside of an arena that you join either with a command or a sign the goal of the game is to mine as many blocks and rare blocks as possible

    Block Points:
    Cobble: 1
    Stone: 2
    Coal: 3
    Iron: 4
    Redstone: 5
    Gold: 6
    Diamond: 7
    Emerald: 8

    When you join the game you will be placed at set spawn points and have the set inventory a 10 second countdown will start where you cannot move then you will be released to mine. The game ends either when every block has been mined or when the specified time is reached.

    The winner of the game is rewarded with a reward that can be set with the command below. There are special blocks set around the mines that will give you advantages or your enemies disadvantages they are listed below and when you mine these blocks those effects will happen.

    Sponge: Gives you haste 1 for 5 seconds
    Snow: Freezes a random player (Cannot be player who broke it) for 4 seconds
    Black Wool: Blinds all the other players for 3 seconds
    TNT: Once broken your next block broken will break all surrounding blocks (Except bedrock to prevent griefing)
    White Wool: This will teleport all players except person who broke it back to there spawn

    I also would like a scoreboard for this game that lists the score for the 4 players in the game.

    Ideas for commands:
    /MMG arena create <name> - Create arena named <name>
    /MMG setspawn<1-4> <arena name> - Set the spawn for players 1,2,3 and 4.
    /MMG setmine <arena name> - Set the mine area (Select it with world edit and you place blocks you want and where you want them and it auto resets the area after each game)
    /MMG setinv <arena name> - It will get your inventory and players from now on in that arena will spawn with those items at beginning of game.
    /MMG reward <arena name> - This gets the items in your inventory and this is what the winner will receive in that arena.
    /MMG settime <arena name> - This will set the time of that arena for when the game will end this timer starts once players are released.
    /MMG join <arena name> - You will be added to the queue of arena name or if no arena name specified you will be put in first open game.
    /MMG leave - You can either leave the queue with this command or the actual game
    /MMG stats - See blocks mined

    Ideas for permissions:
    mmg.admin - Has access to all commands (Default OP)
    mmg.player - Has access to join leave and stats (Default Everyone)

    When I'd like it by: As soon as you can.

    If you have any other ideas please mention them as I will add them.

  2. Offline


  3. Offline


  4. Offline


    oh so like Abba RUles?
  5. Offline


    Never heard of that but sure
  6. Offline


    Do you watch YouTube at all?
  7. Offline


    Just because someone watches youtube doesnt mean they know every video on there...I've been on Youtube since 2005 and I've never watched SkyDoesMinecraft, Yogcast, or any of those youtubers; the only one I have ever watched a video for is Tobuscus.
  8. Offline


    OK... because some of the Mindcrackers do this caving thing called ABBA rules where they go caving and each ore is worth a different value. When they return after an hour of caving, they calculate who has the most points. That person gets all the other people's stuff.
    This minigame is kindof like that... only without real loot.
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    I quite like the idea of this. Actually, I've had a similar idea to this a while ago, but I rather wanted to use it as a jail (Players need to mine X-Value of ore to get released)

    So, yeah, I'm interested in making this, it sounds quite challanging. I won't be able to start before next week though, is that ok for you? If so, write me a PM and perhaps we could skype and talk about how you'd like it to work exactly.

    PS: That ip in your signature apears to be broken, at least I can't connect to it via MC. Opening it in Forefox yields a default page.

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