I quitted this project becouse i cant find bukkit as fun anymore as i used to, This is a MineZ plugin package, it has most of the important features. Download: [removed] Features Faster zombies Zombies only Zombies doesnt burn in sunlight. No block breaking Random loots from chests Zombie spawns where you died Zombies has a chance to spawn in hordes Custom deathmessages Random spawn Get items when you respawn Explosive enderpearls More and more... too much to describe. Missing features Bandages Bleeding Healing kits Bandits Might be more, i cant remember all the MineZ features.
So bad you have quit to this project, it seemed to be nice and it could have a lot of more future, features and stuff, but of course is a lot of work. I would like to know how is that u don't find Bukkit funny anymore ? I seriously think bukkit have nothing to do with this, it was modding minecraft the fun part, wasn't it?
you mean minecraft redstone system? or another redstone thing I probably don't know about xD, because redstone is just simply how digital electronics works, of course is an interesting matter but almost everything is possible with that
Minecraft redstone.. i was thinking about doing somekind of game, like Ruins of the Death.. but i need to learn WAAAAY more.
Oh I get it, well, minecraft redstone is basic and you can pretty much find an image about all the "gates" you can do with redstone, you can put a lot of gates together and make a system to do something, so when u get the system you just need how to activate the system, and what effect will it have, an IN, the system and what it does, and an OUT. Is pretty much just logic after knowing all the gates, u don't need to learn anything else
Well i know all the basic stuff, and how the redstone works.. but its just too much work for me.. and too much lagg.
Well thats what I presonally don't like about redstone on minecraft, if you are going to make an online server with full redstone systems, the lags will make it work on a different way. A lot of people prefeer to use a combined plugin+redstone system. Because by example, you can make a redstone system for waiting 10 seconds, but with the minecraft performance they won't be 10 seconds.... so is like better to make the plugin system to wait those 10 seconds for u and then return some kind of redstone signal.
I have a problem. 1.No block breaking 2.Random loots from chests 3.Random spawn Just don't konw how did you achieve these features?Do you have any plugins about these features?I'm so needing them,thank you: ) FYI,I'm chinese.Please forgive my English is not good: )
It will, once the Dev approves it. Are you trying to say that thoes features doesnt work? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I will release it after i find a good file sharing website that allows me to keep track on the downloads. Bukkitdev rejected the file i uploaded becouse ''packages are not allowed, only single files''
Thanks so much for releasing this, I'm having fun playing around with this. I can't seem to open any chests though. I get the generic message: "You are not permitted to build" any suggestions on that mod and/or permission needs to be tweaked, please? oh, and I can't seem to open doors and activate pressure plates as a regular player. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Make yourself Operator or Owner by doing: /op antikx or /manuadd antikx owner Replace ''antikx'' with your in game name.
Download the plugin package, go to your bukkit folder, then plugins. Drag all the files you downloaded to your plugins folder.
Thanks Woobie. It worked for me, but I will want my friends to be able to open doors, chests, etc without making them an op, won't I? Is there a way to do that?
I didnt have that problem, ill try to figute out something later. Make sure to rank them to Silver/Gold/Platinum, and give them permission to build. If you are still having problems, i can come on your server tomorrow.