
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Chromify, Aug 17, 2015.

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    I need a simple plugin.

    All this does is when you mine a block as a default player in a worldguard region you are able to break/build in, it will play an item_pickup sound (for every mined block on land/ground/air). If you are not able to build in an area and you try to mine a block, it will not play that sound. Can you make a config file so I can change the sound to whatever I want (also please make it so I can change the sound of the mining in-game), when I want? Also, please make all of the messages customizable in a config file. All tools should play the sound too, even shears, small tools like that, etc.

    Example of command:
    "/minenoise changesound <sound>"

    minenoise.get - Access to hearing the specific sound entered in config (so if i set the sound to item_pickup in config, players with minenoise.get will hear the sound as they mine)
    minenoise.sound - Admin perm (default to operators) - /minenoise changesound <sound>

    If there's anything you need me to know, just reply, I am extremely active on forums!

    Oh and by the way, I need this by the end of this week (Sunday) IF POSSIBLE! Anytime earlier will get you to be a dev on my prison server when it is out, just include your IGN in your reply. :)
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  4. Sounds easy but I need to know witch plugin do you use for restricting the areas (or if you want the plugin to do that)
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    I can TRY on this, though I'm not promising anything :p @Chromify
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    @lubbs31 How is the plugin going? It's actually pretty easy to make. I'm pretty sure you don't even have to add the WorldGuard API in it

    @Chromify if you want, I can try to make it. But since @lubbs31 is working on it, I guess there is no need. Let me know though

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2015
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    I'm a bit late, I forgot about it for a few days. Anyway, here it is @Chromify. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22678219/MineNoise.jar Commands and permissions are just as you said. I'm not sure what you mean by messages being available in a config file, but it uses a config file. It uses the WorldGuard API as a fallback, even though it really isn't required. If you don't use WorldGuard, I could remove the dependency. Also, the list of available sounds is here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html
    Sorry @lubbs31 (but I don't even know if you're still working on it.)
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    Alright. It's ok :)
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