Minecraft 1.3.1 Server Bukkitcraft About server lagging

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Griimzy, Aug 4, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Well seems the minecraft 1.3.1 Server Bukkit,sometimes server got lagged because...
    The BukkitCraft there's no Recommended Build 1.3.1 for that...
    Well let's hope the Recommended Build 1.3.1 Coming out and released nearly 1day's/2days not more
    than 5day's.Just let it hope guys for 1day's/2day's.Because some server suffering cause lagging
  2. For me ALL minecraft servers lag now ;'( in 1.2.5 there is no server that lag for me its maybe because of 1.3.1
  3. Offline


    It is 1.3.1 It also makes cpu usage hit the floor and the server "freezes"
  4. Offline


    This is only a 1.3.1 issue. 1.2.5 runs very smoothly and I am not sure what happened with 1.3.1, but it runs horribly. I guess that is why they call them dev builds.
  5. Offline


    Yeah, 1.3 servers are laggy atm. HOPEFULLY this will be fixed in the stable build.
  6. Offline


    yeah the server lag is horrible in 1.3.1 , i hope the stable build of bukkit is lagfree...
  7. Offline


    the 1.3.1 build is laggy because it had HEAPS more fun things put in it for us to play on.
  8. Offline


    That's a new one.
  9. Offline


    I can't even play minecraft due to the lag!
  10. Offline


    1.3 runs just fine on our server, no more or less CPU than before is used, RAM usage is great as well, there's no memory leak.

    I hope you guys don't fall for the old "new map (because of 1.3) and all players exploring" lag. When you launch a new map, and 30 people wildly run around exploring new chunks, the server sure has tons to do and will lag, as it generates the terrain for each new chunk.
  11. Offline


    I had lag because the console and server was spammed by plugins not working because they were not updated this was when the dev build of bukkit was only out
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