Messages Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by PolarBearGalaxy, Aug 2, 2019.

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    Plugin category: Chat/Utilities

    Minecraft version: 1.8.8

    Suggested name: Messages+

    What I want: I need a simple GUI messaging plugin that has permissions for reading and sending messages for specific groups.

    I would also like it to work with PlaceholderAPI so I can display the number of unread messages each player has when they join the game, in GUIs, etc.

    /messages - opens the message gui. A piece of paper titled 'Notice From (Sender)' will appear in the GUI for each message that the player has.
    Once the paper is clicked, the paper will get deleted, the GUI will close, and the message will be sent in chat to the player.

    /message send <player/group> - sends a message to a player or group. Read permissions for more information about groups.

    permissions: - allows access to /messages - allows access to read messages sent to the helper group. - allows access to read messages sent to the mod group. - allows access to read messages sent to the staff group. - allows access to read messages sent to the manager group. - allows access to read messages sent to the dev group.

    messages.send.helper - allows access to send messages to the helper group.
    messages.send.mod - allows access to send messages to the mod group.
    messages.send.staff - allows access to send messages to the staff group. - allows access to send messages to the dev group.
    messages.send.manager - allows access to send messages to the manager group.
    messages.send.all - allows to send messages to everybody
    The send permissions will allow sending messages to that group AND the individual people with the corresponding permission

    For example, if I had the permission messages.send.staff and I ran /message send RandomPlayer1 hello, it would only work if RandomPlayer1 had the permission

    When I'd like it by: Soon?
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