Hey guys, i have a question. I want to send big messages in the middle of the screen. Like on Mineplex after you joined the game, but i don't now how to do it. I hope you can help me Thx Ole
Can you please show it, where you found it? I don't think people would request it for the spigot 1.9 update, if it is already in the API.
@mcdorli It would be used like this, I am using right now for a plugin I am making. Code: player.sendTitle("Test","Title"); You can also find it here https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/entity/Player.html
Thx, yes: player.sendTitle("", ""); And the message directly over the hotbar? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
That's a actionbar. You need to send the second chat type with packets PacketPlayOutChat(cbc, 2); cbc is a IChatbBaseComponent, 2 is the id of the actionbar. Don't forget, you need to send the message in a json file
@0LUMIN4T0R What you are going to do requires a little understanding of packets. Let me just post how you would go about this: 1. Create a "IChatBaseComponent" Heres a link on how to do that. https://bukkit.org/threads/ichatbasecomponent-help.318790/ 2.Edit that component to have the text you want to send. 3. Create this variable. (replacing cbc with your IChatBase) 4.Send the packet to the player. (Use player.getPlayer().getCraftPlayer().sendPacket(Your packet); )