Filled Med Packs

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by killerbigmacs, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Fun?

    Suggested name: Med Packs

    What I want: A plugin where you can have an item [Determined in the Config] that you can Right/Left Click [Determined in the Config] and Heals Hearts [Determined in the Config] You can also have more than one type of Med Pack and create more types.

    Ideas for commands: /medpack <Med Pack Name> <Number Of Packs You Want>
    /medpack reload [Reloads Config]

    Ideas for permissions: medpack.use [Use Med Packs] medpack.reload [Reload Config] medpack.get [Use /medpack Command

    When I'd like it by: ASAP

    Example Config: [You can use the same format to make more than one pack] The name of the med Pack can be anything Ex. MedPack1 could be named Random-Name instead

    ItemID: 1
    RightClickToUse: true
    LeftClickToUse: false
    HeartsHealed: 2

    ItemID: 2
    RightClickToUse: false
    LeftClickToUse: true
    HeartsHealed: 3

    ItemID: 3
    RightClickToUse: true
    LeftClickToUse: true
    HeartsHealed: 4
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    So when you left/right click a medpack it would heal x hearts, but why would you need /medpack <Med Pack Name> <Number Of Packs You Want> then?
  4. Offline


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