Inactive [MECH] WStone v0.7 - More than just another wireless redstone plugin [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by V10lator, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. WStone - More than just another wireless redstone plugin:
    Version: 0.7

    Moved to:

    Version 0.7
    • Added distance.
    • Added weather.
    • Added optional Stargate support.
    • Added optional Wormhole X-Treme support.
    • Added chunk control.
    • Included a bugfix from addchild314.
    • Included a bugfix from enelar.
    • Rewrote WStoneConnect.
    • Fixed a couple of bugs.
    Version 0.6
    • Added real private networks (requested by enelar).
    • Added a network grouping system (requested by enelar).
    • Added WStoneConnect.
    • Cleaned up codes and rewrote some parts.
    Version 0.5
    • Fixed the bug reported by WiLiSH.
    Version 0.4
    • Added pemissionsBukkit support.
    • Finally added the last bits for exact current transmission. Plan that into your circurits!
    • Changed the output block from redstone repeater to redstone dusk.
    • Cleaned up code a lot.
    Version 0.3
    • Fixed many bugs. Sorry for the previous release.
    Version 0.2
    • Changed output from redstone torch to redstone repeater.
    • Changed the way receivers are build.
    • Made the output work correctly. ;)
    • Changed WStones/Networks loading code (should work for sure now).
    Version 0.1
    • First public release.
    Older downloads:
    Download v0.6
    Download v0.5
    Download v0.4
    Download v0.3
    Download v0.2
    Download v0.1

    If you want to help developping: Read this first!

    Bug Reports, Improvements and/or Feature-Requests welcome!
  2. Offline


    yeah sorry didn't go into much detail on it. Multiplay is a server hosting company and they use clanforge to provide people with bukkit plugins, But for them to add these plugins to there list people are required to request them. I was disappointed that know one had requested to add your plugin to there list so was wondering if it would be okay for me to do that since I would like to have your plugin back on my server. Link:

  3. Of course it's okay. My plugins are designed for free use, fell free to request them all if you want. :D
    Do I have to do anything with clanforge after (like send in updated versions)?
  4. Offline


    I believe they just search for updates automatically once it is in there system so I don't think any extra work would need to be done :D
  5. Offline


    Cool plugin!!!! But i have an idea for you:
    1) If the network is private, anyone could build another one with same name. It can be repeated many times.
    (All networks is %playername%::%networkname%)
    2) Networks (by default) or (force) is private (may be changed in config).

    It means, when i build network 'main', here(on server) could be over 9000 networks with same name. One network per player.

    3) Private networks by password. Anyone, who know password could build network reciever/transmitter.
    For example it stored on four line, and after placing auto removing.

    4) Cooldowns. For my RP server it will not realistic - creating 30 transmitters per minute. I wanna add chance of fail, and cooldown on creating. (Please)

    Imho, private networks with shared password better than public. Please think about it.
  6. I will think about it and see what I can implement. But it could take some time because I'm working on other plugins, too and also I'm restructuring the sources of WStone (hopefully better performance... ;)).

    BTW: If you have that amount of players could you make a hardcore test and send one signal throug as many networks as possible (receiver 1 > transmitter 2, receiver 2 > transmitter 3, receiver 3 > transmitter 4, ...) I tried this with a maximum of 20 networks but then it get's annoying when you have to do it alone.
    You could also check 1 transmitter with a lot of receivers. Please use a 1 tick clock as input for this tests.
    It would be really nice if you could do this (but if you do: don't destroy the testing environment, reuse it after the next release... ;))

    Here's a little video showing what I mean (can take up to 1 hour to upload/convert...)

    As you can see the input of the first transmitter is the output of the last receiver (with some delay). So the construction itself is a clock. ;)

    P.S. Any lag in the video is produced by the client, It's not WStones fault (have a look at the TPS (Ticks per Seconds) value). :)

    //EDIT: Of course you don't must do this tests but it would be really nice. :)

    //EDIT²: Seems like I can't sleep this night so maybe you're a luky man. :)
    3) You wanna make groups, right? Or do you want one person owning the right to build transmitters but all to build receivers? :D

    4) 30 Transmitters per minute? That would be 1 transmitter in 2 seconds. I need that time to find a sign in my inventory...?
    Chance of fail? For a receiver to receive the signal or for a WStone to be build?
    And with cooldown on creating you mean a new WStone should need a few secounds before he's able to transmit/receive a signal, right?

    //EDIT³: State update:
    • Reworked codes 100%.
    • 1) 100%.
    • 2) Not sure if I want this.
    • 3) 100% but: No passwords. :D
    • 4) Waiting for reply...
    • WstoneConnect (an API, will make awesome things possible, you will see... :D) 100%
  7. Hi when i try and make a transmitter or reciever this message comes up in the server dialog

    [SEVERE] Could not pass event SIGN_CHANGE to WStone
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.entity.Player.hasPermission(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    at com.V10lator.WStone.WStoneBlockListener.onSignChange(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet130UpdateSign.a(SourceFile:41)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
  8. Christiannuts: Please update to the newest RB of bukkit. This should fix it. :)
  9. Offline



    TESTS) Ill do this tomorrow/later.

    1) Thanks!
    2) Configurable (default_networks: public #may be private)
    3) Me and my friend wanna to make private network. I wanna give him access to build entries.
    4) I mean if i place sign quicker than 10 minutes they wouldnot work. (To fast crafting so huge element). And some chance of fail - i place and he didnt work. (Need waiting 10 minutes again)
    5) Function "completed network". After that noone (who has access to private network) could add elements.
    6) Function "bridge" - 1 transmitter, 1 reciever. Others will banned(need to be enabled before build).

    EDIT²) Sorry, but last 2 month i do this - looking for new plugins, giving idea and waiting for develop))) Before all done - i think "this is impossible, no chance", after "YAHOOO!!!" xD

    7) Add pls max transmit length (not over 9000 cubes)
  10. Offline


    is there a way you could make the wireless recievers have a timer?
  11. @enelar:
    1) No problem. :)
    3) Should be possible now? :)
    4) Does anybody else out there want this? (Question to all)
    5) Simply remove all players from the networks permission list.
    6) And that's for what? Build this in a private network and it should be fine...?
    7) I wanted to keep this distance free but... I think there's the start of an idea in my head... I will answer that point later.. ;)
    A timer for ... what?
  12. Offline


    6) I mean permissions. By default players could build only "bridge" connections.

    WOW BASTARD...(Wow sorry, just translated this word...)
    Pls exclude `V10lator` folder, no?
    Its not intuitive(gentle) to search plugin config. (I have > 60 folders, and usually open by plugin name)

    Edit... this stuff didnt work(i am too lazy for normal videos)
  13. All my plugins use the V10lator folder, so... no [EDIT](and I'll bet you woudln't have 60 folders if every dev would use such a method)[/EDIT]. :)

    What is "this stuff"? 0.6 or the dev build I asked you to test? Any errors in the logs?

    //EDIT: BTW: Next time try this:
    It will embed the video in here:
    Theres also a button which looks lika a movie to enter the URL directly ;)
  14. Okay guys, here's what you will get in the next release:
    - Maximum distance
    - WStone repeaters (you want to be able to send farer than the distance limit, won't you?).
    - Optionally inception support (because with inception all worlds are a big world...).
    - Optionally stargate support (why shouldn't a stargate be able to teleport signals?).

    What you may see:
    - Signal reduction over distances.
    - Signal boost with repeaters.
    - Chunk control.

    More ideas? :)

    No release before 18. Aug.

    Here's a video showing the max distance and the use of repeaters:

    //EDIT: You will see Stargate support:

    You wanna be one? Write your candidacy in here but don't forget to say why I should choose you! :)
  15. Offline


    Hey! I thought i am part of team now.
    Please no more releases before new saveformat.
  16. Offline


    If you place a sign in front of a half block, (id 44) it sits there and SPEWS out redstone as it constantly tries to place redstone, this completely crashes any client nearby, and EXTREMELY quickly crashes the server.

    Needs to be fixed rather quickly...

    Also, I am experiencing a bug where the redstone from the sign appears to the side, not behind the sign.. Any idea on why this may be happening? It does still work like normal, you just cannot have the redstone going out the back... :/
  17. Offline


    Try this:


    P.S V10lator use isEmpty method)

    Could you please catch this bug on video?
    Please in 1-3 different situations. (If you dont know when this bug appear)

    C.O where are you?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  18. Offline


    It happens at random points.. I think it is after the sign is tampered with in some way (i.e. destroyed without permission so it respawns, then any sign placed at that point will be sideways) next time it happens I will be sure to get a vid of it.

    It actually OVERWROTE the block to the side of the sign and placed a redstone there, even if there was a open spot behind the sign. It was very strange...
  19. There is no team... :confused:
    For the next release is much planned but I really don't have much time now...
    Sounds bad and will hopefully be fixed in 0.7
    No vid needed, just more explaination what's going on. Is the redstone output changing from the back to the side or is it at the side from the beginning? Any helpfull information in the log?
    What is this? I hope it's not based on a dev build I gave you...
    There is no version 0.6.1! So again: What is this?
  20. Offline


    I have a problem where whenever I close my server, my wireless redstone connections don't save :( Luckily I'm just testing it out, otherwise it would be a huge pain in the neck to reset everythin I'm thinking of using this for... Great work though! Tons of [diamond] for you! :D
  21. Offline


    Fixed the Redstone Flood bug. Now if redstone is located over a block which it cannot be on, it destroys the sign and removes the receiver from the network. It also destroys the receiver if the block under the redstone is removed after it is placed.

    Downlad Jar:

    EDIT: patch file included for dev :)

    Overall, great plugin!

    Attached Files:

  22. Offline


    Now I have an unending flow of redstone just coming out of a spot even though I removed the sign. The only way to stop it is to uninstall the plugin. Pretty much makes the plugin useless unless I want to crash my server. Please fix this.

    This fixed it. Thanks.
  23. Offline


    It is fixed in that .6.1 version that guy posted.. XD

    Dunno if its official or not, but it seems to have several key bug fixes so far... :eek:
  24. Thanks a lot. This patch won't get incluced 1:1 (because, for example, the file receiver.class won't exist in 0.7 anymore) but there will be a bugfix based on this. :)
    Again: It's not official but I will have deeper look into it now.
    @enelar: It would be nice to see some patches...

    Any errors in the log (not only by closing the server)?
    Anything in the files in plugins/V10lator/WStone/ ?

    //EDIT: @enelar: I had a deeper look into the jar you posted. Am I right that the line
    is the only change between this an WStone 0.6?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  25. Offline


    I just fixed 0.6 version (in
    Yep, ure right.

    I think thats for more fast develop we need system like in bukkit?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  26. Okay, thanks, that fix will be included in 0.7. :)

    I was infected by this a few minutes ago! A short look showed that block.getData() sometimes returns 0, no matter how the sign is orientated. I still don't know why this happens (maybe it's a bug in bukkit?).

    Sorry but I don't understand... WStone 0.7 is developped with bukkit #804 and will be testet against craftbukkit #1060
  27. Offline


    I mean maybe we need system like jenkins or

    Try to check it with && !isEmpty();
    This method never lags.
  28. As I sayed: There is no team, so no need for that. I know the jump from 0.6 to 0.7 will be big but I think it's enough to have the possibility to send me patches. If you really need you could have access to the dev sources...
    You love isEmpty(), don't you? :D
    But this isn't in a if statement, so I tried this:
    byte bd = 0;
      bd = block.getData();
    which doesn't change anything. :(

    //EDIT: I think it's a bug in minecraft/bukkit. Because the code based on the patch from addchild314 actually don't read getType() == Material.REDSTONE_WIRE even if I can confirm that it is in-game. :(
    Don't misinterpret this: addchild314s code works flawlessly all the time, but then you are in a chunk (maybe it's chunk related?), build a new receiver, the output is at the wrong place (because getData() returned the wrong value) and later the whole receiver will get deleted because the output is no redstone wire (which it is!).

    //EDIT²: This means two different values of two different blocks at two different places are read out wrong at two different times! So the only similarity is the chunk, isn't it?
  29. Offline


    isEmpty() cant fail...
    Maybe something wrong with getBlock method - he returns nothing.

    P.S if you wanna work alone why GPL? Why not CC or Beer?
  30. But it does... try it for yourself... ;)
    If that would return nothing, it would be a MC/bukkit bug, wouldn't it...? ;)

    I don't wanna work alone, you are able to send in patches... and maybe I'm planning more...

    heres the actual changelog for WStone 0.7:
    • Added max. distance.
    • Added optional Stargate support.
    • Added optional Wormhole X-Treme support.
    • Added chunk control.
    • Included a bugfix from addchild314.
    • Included a bugfix from enelar.
    • Rewrote WStoneConnect.
    • Added weather.
    A side note: With WStone 0.7 you will need Inception, Stargate and/or Wormhole X-Treme to be able to transmit signals between worlds.

    I'm still searching for alpha testers!

    To the alpha testers: Please download the dev version again (link is the same) and search for bugs! :)

    BTW: Here's the todo list:
    • Wait for Inception 1.05 and when it's released add optional support.
    • Search for and fix bugs.
    Maybe the first point will be sheduled to WStone 0.8 ... :D

    //EDIT: WStone 0.7 + Wormhole X-Treme:

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  31. Offline


    ever time i try to place a transistor or receiver sign this pops up in server log
    also i have RB 1000
    2011-08-19 21:02:58 [SEVERE] Could not pass event SIGN_CHANGE to WStone
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.entity.Player.hasPermission(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
        at com.V10lator.WStone.WStoneBlockListener.onSignChange(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet130UpdateSign.a(SourceFile:41)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(

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