SimpleCommandSigns - Hit a sign, Run a command: Version: v0.8 BukkitDev Link Features: Create CommandSigns. Use CommandSigns.
Is this plugin smart enough to know the player that clicked on it and pass that player's name to a command that requires a name? (E.g., /give playername dirt 64) (E.g., /set playername permission.something : true) Can the signs be set to one use only (per player)? Can signs be set to remove themselves after being clicked once (by anyone)? I would absolutely LOVE to have something like that to use as a "hidden rewards" system for a server... For example, I go down into a ravine, place a sign that tells someone they found an ancient pair of boots. The sign below that is the sign to click to get the boots, or to earn the ability to fly (Zombe's Mod fly, for example) on the server.
If anything, at least CommandPoints. I haven't really tested with Command Iconomy, but seeing as the plugin merely makes the player run commands, it should work fine.
Commands are not attached to players. Permissions are. Right-clicking a sign will merely execute a command.
RedstoneCommandSigns (use with caution) That command should work. :/ I don't see what you could have done wrong... I'll look through the code when I get the chance. Maybe submit a support ticket on BukkitDev for me.
I actually just got it to work, the problem was that I had a line break that I didn't need, but thanks for being so nice and replying
You'll have to look through the comments on the BukkitDev page. It's been done using the ChatCommand plugin.
A few months back , I noticed users were able to spam click command signs. (Even with my strict spamguard) Is this fixed by any chance?
Umm... We haven't done anything to prevent spam clicking. This should really be handled externally like by your spamguard. Any idea how your spamguard works? Maybe something can be modified so that it detects commands given by these signs. I'm pretty sure that running the command through our ChatCommand plugin will work.