Inactive [MECH] PailStone v4.0 - A redstone extension [2034]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Hafnium, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Eonz PailStone
    A Redstone Extension

    Version: v4.0 (download)

    Permissions: Any

    Do you like this plugin? Help a poor student out, and toss me a few bucks!

    New version control setup coming soon.​

    • :logic IC signs to simplify redstone logic gates and save space.
    • :logged IC detect if a player is in the world.
    • :item IC spawns item drops.
    • :ctime IC signs to check the time.
    • :send and :recv transmit signals wirelessly.
    • :sensor senses players withing a certain area.
    • :spawn IC spawns mobs.
    • :cuboid IC changes up to 100 blocks at a time
    • :bolt IC to spawn lightning
    • :disp IC to send you text from anywhere when redstone power is applied!
    • :announce IC to display messages to everyone in an area.
    • :trigger IC to turn on redstone power from anywhere.
    • :cweather IC to sense the weather conditions.
    And MORE! Full List


    • Major overhaul of all systems.
    • Some significant syntax changes.
    • Added :area
    • Added /ps area
    • Added :arrow
    • Added :teleport
    • Added /ps coord
    • Added pulse
    • Permissions Overhaul

    • Added :click and :count.
    • Added support for PermissionsEx and Bukkit permissions.
    • Made PermissionsEx the default choice for permissions.
    Old Changelog (open)

    • Added :delay, :toggle, :clock, :rand
    • Fixed minor errors in text prompts
    • Added :item, :logged
    • Added config file
    • Added sign wipe protection to combat standing bugs in vanilla minecraft (toggleable in config)
    • Added variable cuboid limit, settable in config.
    • (3.4.1) Fixed error when triggering :trigger signs from console.
    • Fixed bug with a single input not working when extra inputs were wired.
    • Fixed bug where signs with blank lines would not always load.
    • Optimization.
    • Added :cweather
    • Added data values to :cuboid
    • Fixed bug where :send signs fired in rapid succession would not always trigger their :recv signs.
    • Added :disp
    • Added :announce
    • Added :trigger (previously :command)
    • Bugfixes (Thanks, Ollieboy)
    • Total rewrite. New release.
    • Various bug fixes.
    • Signs names, not arguments, are now colored.
    • Updated for 602.
    • Fixed major bug in the :cuboid IC regarding build limits. (Thanks to kenohki for pointing it out)
    • Added :twire IC to detect players in cuboid areas.
    • Started work on IC scripting language. (Unreleased)
    • :spawn IC
    • :cuboid IC
    • Updated to 556 to capitalize on the chunk ghosting glitch fix. The chunk ghosting glitch was causing spontaneous sign unloading.
    • Various bug fixes.
    • Pulled all code onto the main thread to stop concurrency errors.
    • Fixed a major bug that caused signs to sometimes spontaneously unload.
    • Fixed proximity's sensor range bug
    • Temporary bugfix for levers not triggering signs. (This is a craftbukkit problem. I put in a hacky solution)
    • Added config file.
    • Added ability to set data values of blocks with :set (fourth line)
    • Updated for CraftBukkit 531
    • Removed reference to Block.getRawData()
    • Updated for CraftBukkit 527
    • Redid backend entirely.
    • Added : proximity
    • Added :send and :recv
    • Removed (maybe temporarily) : players
    • Major bugfix.
    • Added :command
    • Minor bugfixes to :set.
    • General bug fixes.
    • Added players sign.
    • Major bugfix. (Thanks GagaPeter)
    • Added :rand sign.
    • Modified the :disp sign.
    • Added support for Permissions 2.5+
    • Added :set
    • A few bug fixes.
    • Fixed a bug that broke :ctime signs in some cases.
    • Auto-toggling ICs now fix their output levers if a player flips it.
    • Fixed code that still referred to the plugin by its old name.
    • Added support for automatically toggling signs.
    • Added :ctime and :logged
    • First Public release.
    • Added :logic and :disp
    sinkir and furekusu like this.
  2. Offline



    Ah sounds very cool! I'm very excited about the possibilities with :count. I use RS NOR latches heavily in my quests and things, so it's much easier to have an output when the sign is 1, and then =0 =1 =0, meaning it resets from the side and stays on forever if pulsed from the front. And also, not to spoil anything but the new 3.8 will have some VERY awesome features. My favourite is :sequence, and I'll let you try and work out how that one works :p. You'll have to learn them off the website though, I won't have time to make videos for a short while.
  3. Offline


    Will it be a sign that will, by selecting a first input, output a sequence in a particular order, while by selecting another input, output the sequence in another order? This is madness! :mad:

    It's funny, I didn't think of this usage of :count... I've only used it to simplify my quest for creations based for a good part of random outputs. Now I've got many more ideas spawning in my mind!
    No problem for the videos, it's already cool that you've been able to make several already, we can wait!
  4. Offline


    3.8 is out! Three new ICs!
  5. Offline


    Ho god, I love you for the :area IC! I won't have to wait until CraftBook get its own version of the feature up and running! Can't wait to test the new ICs! Thanks! :)

    After some testing, I'm really happy with how it works. A question for you Hafnium though: the :area IC allows to "rebuild" a pre-defined area, whether it has been destroyed, altered, build onto, ... whenever powered. But unless I missed that, I think it does nothing when unpowered. Could it be possible to add an optional argument that add the option to toggle between two areas? Like so:
    where zone1 would be the first defined area, say, generated whenever the input goes high, and zone2, another area, toggled whenever the input goes low. This way, by not adding the optional region, it would work like you already coded it, but it would allow us to toggle areas, which could be a neat addition! (I'm currently building cloth protection over our arena spectating zone, toggled when it starts to rain. But with this feature, it could allow it to disappear when the rain goes away!)

    It's just a question about whether it'd be hard to add, or not. No "add this now"-type of comment! Thanks for your time anyway!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016
  6. Offline


    I could do this. The alternative I suppose would be making two :area signs and hooking one up to an inverter.
  7. Offline


    That's what I did for the time being, two area signs, and switching an input gives power to either one of the two signs. The optional line to switch would simplify that though, but it's not urgent since we can use this alternative ^^

    Another idea I'd like to share: I'd really like to see one day an IC sign that allow us to give an output when this occurs:
    . You set an area, let's say a line of three blocks: brick, then wood, then glass.
    . You select this area and define it with a /ps command.
    . You set up a sign which is checking this area.
    . You can destroy the area.
    . When the area is showing the exact same contents, it toggles the output of the sign.

    With this, we could create a lot of useful things: activating pistons when crops reach a certain height, flood prevention, traps (of course) and, what would be the most helpful to me since I'm building a slot machine: when the same three colors appear in a single row, it activates the :item IC to give the reward.

    I know that you have a life, maybe a job, and so on, but I guess that it couldn't hurt to share this idea with you, in case you find it's a good one, and not too hard to add. Thanks!

    And a quick question: since v 3.8 now that I add a pulse sign, and specify RISING or FALLING, I also get a 10 under. Is it a number of ticks for the duration of the output pulse?

    EDIT: If it's a later addition to the pulse sign, I also note that you now allow sphere zones for the :cuboid IC, that's just great!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016
  8. Offline


    Is there any way to make a :send sign send both a Q and a Q-NOT signal? For instance.....


    would allow you to use..




    This would reduce the complexity of powering double doors considerably, not to mention many other circuits.

    Another device I would like to see, would be a Monostable Multivibrator.

    Output goes high when input goes high, output goes low after defined number of ticks whether or not the input changes back to low.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016
  9. Offline


    Any plans for permissionsbukkit support?
  10. Offline


    Once they add the ability to check permissions on offline players, yes.
  11. Offline


    I kind of stumbled upon Pailstone.. Watched the videos and tried a few things. Now, the server can't be without it :D.
    With :send/:recv you can transfer complex circuits far away ( like a specific underground installation build for the entire server redstone usage ) and you save space where you actually need your action to happen.
    BEST plugin ever!
    Hafnium likes this.
  12. Offline


    Just wait, PailStone is coming due for its biggest update ever. Unfortunately, it won't be done before 11/11/11, so its release is entirely dependent on how addicted I get to Skyrim.
    Tanite and BadDog like this.
  13. Offline


    I can already hear the drums.. DOVAHKIN! DOVAHKIN! :D
  14. Offline


    Now if you tell us there may be the biggest update ever for PailStone, I can't help but be excited to hear this. I think your plugin is one of the reasons I'm still playing Minecraft. So it's good news!
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


  17. Offline


    Looks like an error in imjake9's block whitelist/blacklist code. Will check it out.
  18. Offline


    Hafnium, your plugin is the BEST. I don't think I could play Minecraft again without using it.

    Having said that, is there any chance of fixing it so that the signs don't unload when the chunk is unloaded? I have this whole trap room set up on my server, and it breaks every time I log off. There's a lot of announce and display signs involved, and when I use /ps loadsigns, it tells me :announce and :disp signs cannot be batch reloaded. It kind of wrecks the purpose of having them if every time I log off or leave my castle I need to destroy and replace them.
  19. Offline



    The only time signs should unload is when the server is shut down incorrectly or the signs are influenced by another plugin. Do you stop your server with the /stop command? If not, you should.
  20. Offline


    Hay @Hafnium, got a request. There is two things that don't let me use only this plugin on my server (but only 1 really important).

    1. A sign like pulse but like redstone chips does it (the important one):
    2. This one maybye it's solved with a clock config a don't know:
    A more faster clock for making machineguns, for ie. you can set in RC a clock of 100ms with 1 of variation, this means, that de 99.9% of the time it's on, but it has very little cuts in the sign, that makes de dispenser shoot. Maybye a :pulsar sign will be nice! (Its a very fastest clock for this kind of things).

    Well, in any case here is the RC documentation, the RC plugin, althought it's functional, they development it's innactive, so you can grab very nice ideas from here for futures updates, like adder, divider, multiplier, etc.


    PS: Thanks for the awsome plugin, click it's a very very very nice idea for hidden passages.
  21. Offline


    It's not actually my server. I'm an admin on my friends server. You've actually been on his server (although I bet you've helped out a lot of people) His names ScorchedIce. You say all we need to do is /stop and the plugins will continue to work? I have, honestly, no idea how, or even IF, he shuts down the server.

    As to whether the signs are being influenced by another plugin, that I have no idea, but I doubt it.
  22. Offline


    Any idea when this will likely be fixed? Are we talking days or weeks?

  23. Offline


    Hey there, got another issue:

    I created 4 signs with their areas, this appears in the data file when i shutdown the server with /stop

    When i turn it on again i get this error on the console:

    2011-11-11 12:14:17 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling PailStone v3.8 (Is it up to date?): null
        at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.signs.PSSign.isLoaded(
        at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.signs.PSSign.isValid(
        at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.controllers.SignGroup.trigger(
        at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.controllers.SignController.trigger(
        at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.signs.PSSign.initialize(
        at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.signs.PSSign.signFactory(
        at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.signs.PSSign.signFactory(
        at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.controllers.SignController.load(
        at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.PailStone.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    And i must reload the server cause it won't let me use the /ps loadsigns command, when i try to use it, i get "/ps <sub-command>[ <arguments>]" as if the command dosen't exists.

    It also happens (i just tested), with any new signs, for ie i created this new one:

    And when i restarted completly, i got the same error.

    This is my plugin list:

    ChannelChat, Lockette, Reservations, SimpleHelp, Supply
    Sign, Warpz0r, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, PermissionsEx, Permissions, Modifyworld, S
    pout, iConomy, PailStone, AutoRegionGuard, MineBackup, Multiverse-Core, Multiver
    se-NetherPortals, xAuth, MinecraftViewer, CommandBook, CreativeGates, DeathContr
    ol, ChestShop, Jobs, Register
    And my config:

    wipe-protection = false
    max-cuboid-area = 400
    block-blacklist =
    use-blacklist-as-whitelist = false
    allow-list = Hafnium, Thulinma, imjake9
    debug = false
    Hope it helps.
  24. Offline


    thanks for this awesome plugin

    no problems so far on my server
  25. Offline


    Please change the foldername back to "Pailstone" because it interferes with Pail.
  26. Offline


    Not sure how it would interfere, both plugins are perfectly capable of using the same folder...and the folder name afaik was never Pailstone, was always pail.
  27. Offline


    Very cool and useful plugin, but could you make an arrow sensor?
  28. Offline


  29. Offline


    Quick status update?
  30. Offline


    This is happening quite often now when I start the server. Then all of the saved signs are wiped and I have to fly around reloading them. I see someone above was having it too:

    2012-01-07 17:37:42 [INFO] [PailStone] Loading PailStone
    2012-01-07 17:37:42 [INFO] [PailStone] Copyright (c) 2011 Chris Bode
    2012-01-07 17:37:42 [INFO] [PailStone] Author contact: [email protected]
    2012-01-07 17:37:42 [INFO] [PailStone] PailStone is licensed under the
    2012-01-07 17:37:42 [INFO] [PailStone] RECIPROCAL PUBLIC LICENSE 1.1
    2012-01-07 17:37:42 [INFO] [PailStone] wipe-protection is set to 'true'
    2012-01-07 17:37:42 [INFO] [PailStone] max-cuboid-area is set to '400'
    2012-01-07 17:37:42 [INFO] [PailStone] block-blacklist is set to ''
    2012-01-07 17:37:42 [INFO] [PailStone] use-blacklist-as-whitelist is set to 'false'
    2012-01-07 17:37:42 [INFO] [PailStone] allow-list is set to 'Hafnium, Thulinma, imjake9'
    2012-01-07 17:37:42 [INFO] [PailStone] debug is set to 'false'
    2012-01-07 17:37:42 [INFO] [PailStone] using PermissionsEx.
    2012-01-07 17:37:42 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling PailStone v3.8 (Is it up to date?): null
            at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.signs.PSSign.isLoaded(
            at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.signs.PSSign.isValid(
            at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.controllers.SignGroup.trigger(
            at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.controllers.SignController.trigger(
            at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.signs.PSSign.initialize(
            at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.signs.PSSign.signFactory(
            at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.signs.PSSign.signFactory(
            at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.controllers.SignController.load(
            at net.eonz.bukkit.psduo.PailStone.onEnable(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.t(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(

    EDIT: Derp, author not seen since last October >.>
  31. Offline


    Ya, this is why I hesitate putting non-open plugins on my server. (edit: the source is actually available for this, i just forgot when writing this) Fortunately I only ever tested a couple signs. Falsebook is going to get opened up, but it looks bloated (given that it handles more than just ICs), the documentation is poor in places and it can be buggy. RedstoneChips looks like a good bet for really opening up possibilities with redstone. Unfortunately it's more complicated than the others. The appeal of Pailstone is its simplicity.

    I haven't made the jump yet though. There's an appeal of making things within the limitations of redstone. Many of these features would trivialize those. Hm.

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