Inactive [MECH/MISC] RedstoneCommand v3.0.2 - Turn on redstone simply by typing in a command [1.2.5-1.3.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by homerbond005, May 30, 2011.

  1. Maybe this page is outdated. Please see Bukkit Dev.

    Hello at all!

    This is my first plugin. It's very simple but useful.
    It creates after creating a special sign a redstone torch at the north site off the sign. You can toggle this redstone torch by typing in a command.

    You can give your users special Permissions to create and/or use such a command. It isn't required (you can enable it in config.yml), but recommend.
    Uses Metrics for sending completly anonomous data to for usage tracking. See and GitHub for more info.

    1. Copy RedstoneCommand.jar in /plugins/
    2. Restart/reload server
    1. Open config.yml
    2. Change permissionsEnabled to:
      1. false if you want OP-only
      2. true if you want to define permissions
    3. Change signPlaceDirectionModeEnabled to false if you do not want the torch to be placed in front of the sign (automatically direction selection). As default the torch will be placed north of the sign if this value is false.

    Create a sign: (Permission: RSC.create)
    1. [RSC]
    2. <command>
    3. <delay in sec (optional)>
    4. unused
    Then you can use the following commands:
    • /rsc <command>
      • Toggle the RSC
      • Permission: RSC.use.<command>
    • /rsc on <command>
      • Turn on the RSC (explicit)
      • Permission: RSC.use.<command>
    • /rsc off <command>
      • Turn off the RSC (explicit)
      • Permission: RSC.use.<command>
    • /rsc delete <command>
      • Delete the RSC from library and remove the sign and the torch
      • Permission: RSC.delete.<command>
    • /rsc list
      • List all RSCs
      • Permission: RSC.list

    What is delay?

    If you define 3 sec as delay, and type /rsc <name> it will turn on for 3 sec.

    Direction of the sign

    At first the fourth line of the sign will be checked if there is given a direction. If there is no direction defined, it will check if automatically direction selection is turned on in the config (See Configuration). If the automatically direction selection is turned on, it will place the torch in front of the sign (where the text of the sign is). Otherwise the torch is defaulted to the north of the sign position.


    • Add verboose mode toggle
    • v3.0.2:
      • Change updater (new server)
    Show Spoiler

    • v3.0.1:
      • Added option for turning off the auto update reminder in config.yml
    • v3.0:
      • Change class paths
      • Added option for settings the location where the torch is placed
      • Torch location can be selected automatically
      • Changed a lot of code
      • Faster
    • v2.7:
      • Usage data will be sent anonymously to with Metrics
      • Fixed bug with wrong "no-permission" messages
      • Now supporting PermissionsEx, Bukkit Perms, bPermissions and OP-only
      • Changed class path
    • v2.6.7:
      • Fixed problems when using RSC and NoLagg together
      • More stability
    • v2.6.6:
      • Ready for Minecraft 1.2 and Bukkit 1.1-R5
    • v2.6.5:
      • Chunk loading before toggling a torch
      • CB 1.1-R3 support
      • No earlier versions are supported!
    • v2.6.4:
      • PEX support added
      • Added explicit commands (/rsc on <name> and /rsc off <name>)
      • Renamed Locations.yml to config.yml
      • Fixed small bugs
    • v2.6.3:
      • Fixed issue when delaying a RSC with the console.
    • v2.6.2:
      • Fixed permissions order while creating a sign
    • v2.6.1:
      • Added rsc.*, rsc.delete.* and rsc.use.*
    • v2.6:
      • Full Console Support added
      • Fixed some spelling failures
    • v2.5:
      • Reintroduced /rsc list
      • Delayed RSCs:
        • [rsc]
        • <name>
        • <delaytime in sec (optional)>
        • <something>
        • Removed "Permissions" and added PermissionsBukkit
      • Bug fix with arrows
      • Smaller source code
    • v2.1.1:
      • A small bug with bad consequences: No use for the whole plugin. There was a failure in the multiworld management. Now hopefully fixed :)
    • v2.1:
      • No more bugs. (I hope so :D)
      • Bukkit #1060 compatible
      • Removed /list command because of bugs. Will be adde next update.
    • v2.0:
      • Bukkit #1000 compatible!
    • v1.3:
      • Permissions for:
        • /rsc list (RSC.list)
        • creation of RSCs (RSC.create)
      • Bug fixes
    • v1.0 Beta:
      • /rsc list
      • /rsc delete <command>
      • Bug fixes
    • v0.2 Alpha: Bug fixes
    • v0.1 Alpha: First release

    DRP96 likes this.
  2. Offline


    :D Okay, auf die Konsole hab ich leider kein Zugriff. Müsste ich morgen nen Kollegen fragen. Wo könnte der Fehler denn liegen?
  3. Beim Zugriff auf die config.
  4. Offline


    Ok, wenn du das gefixed hast kann ich ja die neueste Version laden und gucken ob es dann geht. Falls der dateizugriff oder so nicht geht kannst du ja auch den entsprechenden Code Posten und ich gucke mir ihn dann mal an..
    Dass, es daran liegt ist aber wahrscheinlich, da weder löschen noch ausführen geht.
  5. Verdammt! Hmm sieht so aus als bräuchte ich noch ein wenig.... Wäre ganz gut wenn du an die Konsole rankommst.
  6. Offline


    Okay, habe jetzt auch Zugriff auf die Konsole,
    D.h. Ich kann morgen ein Screen von dem Fehler machen.

    Okay, hier die Meldung:
    15:22:19 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'rsc' in plugin RedstoneCommand v2.1
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
            at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
            at org.bukkit.Location.getBlock(
            at com.bukkit.HomerBond005.RedstoneCommand.RedstoneCommand.toggleRSC(
            at com.bukkit.HomerBond005.RedstoneCommand.RedstoneCommand.onCommand(
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
            ... 12 more
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  7. Offline


    Plugin doesnt work..
    no error but it writes it was a success but it wasnt toggled , redstone didnt change..
  8. I know. Please wait one hour. I'll release a bugfix. A small failure with bad consequences.
  9. Offline


    Now it works.
  10. ------------BUGFIX v2.1.1-------------------
    Whoa. A bad failure. But now, it will work. (I hope so!)
    If you have some failures, please describe them exactly and post the console message, the whole.
    Thanks at DRP96!
  11. Offline


    Thanks , works great now!
  12. Offline


    This is amazing!
    Now i have secret rooms with piston opening entrances :D
    One thing, is it possible to add the permission RSC.use.* (so all /rsc <command>that are set can be used?)
    or does it have to be RSC.use.<command>?
  13. Offline


    It should be possible. The .* means every subnode, so it should work...
  14. Yes, this is possible. By the way: Which permission-system do you use? SuperPermsBridge?
  15. Offline


    Cool, and nope haha. I use GroupManager, part of essentials :)
  16. OK. If you have questions ask me :)
  17. Offline


    Typo spotted, "Source (not jet available)".
  18. Oh yes. Thanks.
    dark_hunter likes this.
  19. Offline


    If I think of anything else I will :p
  20. Offline


    Yes your welcome.
  21. Offline


    I have a new question :D

    Could it be possible to add a time delay feature to the command?
    So the sign you place would read for example:

    In which, 5 seconds after the redstone is powered, it would shut off again
    I would love it if it was :)
  22. Automatical shutdowns.... yeah this should be possible. I'll try adding it.
  23. Offline


    Awesome :)
  24. Offline


    Can you allow the console to use the /rsc command too?
  25. Update is ready, I'll upload it in the next 10 minutes. :)
  26. Offline


    Can you add this:
    If you use like /rsc example
    that the sign example gives like 10 secs a redstone power?
    Button sign!
  27. Offline


  28. Is this Google Translate? :D Sorry but I don't understand you.
  29. Offline


    no, its me!
    wait, you've already added it, I didn't read it, what I was meaning was the delay XDD
    homerbond005 likes this.
  30. Offline


    I've been having problems with permissions for this plugin. I have rsc.* and i can create the sign and the torch appears and i get the notification but I keep getting the error "you don't have the necessary permission!" when i try to use the rsc. I'm using bukkitpermissions anysuggestions?

    EDIT: I found the problem. The command isn't rsc.use.* its rsc.use.rscname so i have to asign each rsc a new permission.
  31. The Problem is with PermissionsBukkit. The * support isn't given yet.

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