Inactive [MECH] MineVehicles v0.6 - Use your boat as submarine and minecarts as aircraft! [1.2.5-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by atlan1, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Good ideas, however I don't think that I can make a vehicle with more than one passenger, but thank you :)

    Which perm node did you use, because in the past there were some missunderstandings with 'minevehicles.general.*'
    Tell me the steps to reproduce the issue. Also try on a clean server without any other plugins (but with permissions).
  2. Offline


    "minevehicles.*: true" is the perm i used, and there really are no steps i just added that to my perms and restarted my server and nothing worked.
  3. Offline


    Which permission plugin do you use? If you use Permissions 2.x or 3.x it won't work, because this plugin uses the bukkit permission system SuperPerms. So get e.g. bPermissions or PermissionsEx.
    If you use them already I can't help you. :confused:
    Perhaps you didn't set up the permissions right.
  4. Offline


    yeah i use permissionbukkit
  5. Offline


    Ok I think this should work too. No idea whats wrong with your permissions ....
  6. Offline


    damn i really wanted ur plugin tooo:( do you have a test server i can try it out on?
  7. Offline


    Same for me
    Exactly the same...
  8. Offline


    UPDATE: version 0.6
    • Added custom control keys
    • Improved flight behavoir
    • Fixed boats going through blocks
    • Fixed weird fuel consumption
    Please comment and report bugs!

    Try the new version.
  9. Offline


    this worked for me earlier beautifully then installed Mcmmo and it just stopped. I then removed Mcmmo, still nothing. i then removed Mine vehicles, put it back in and still nothing.
  10. Offline


    I tried myself with mcmmo and it worked. Are you sure you're using the latest versions of both?
    Do you have any other plugins on your server? If so post a list in [code blocks], and try to figure out wich plugin causes it by deinstalling one by one.
  11. Offline


    how i got fuel i cant remove that option?
  12. Offline


    Ok, I interpreted this as "How to get fuel? How to remove this option?".
    1. You have to mine the material you decided to use as fuel. You can change the material in the config file.
    2. Just type "false" in "fuel.enabled". See the first post for explanation about the configuration file.
  13. Offline


    sorry but every time i want to change any config files an error occurs can you help me out? Sem título.png
  14. Offline


    There's something going wrong with your config.yml.
    Paste it here to check whats wrong.
  15. Offline


    enabled: true
    disableFallDamage: true
    flySpeed: 140
    key: KEY_SPACE
    enabled: true
    disableDrownDamage: true
    diveSpeed: 35
    remainingAir: 600
    key: KEY_LSHIFT
    disableVehicleDamageByPassenger: true
    enableChatMessages: true
    enabled: false fuelItemId: 263
    fuelTime: 10000
    it's that but if you prefer a photo...its only say.I really need know how every time i change a onfig file it bugs,so thanks for helping me out^^ check the config its only that in my config file
  16. Offline


    I am picturing being on a server with a Minecart flying past me.
    This could be awesome!

    - Downloading...
  17. Offline


    The nodes "enabled: false" and "fuelItemId: 263" are in the same line. Please use [ CODE ] BLOCKS [/ CODE ] next time.
  18. Offline


    Hello, I tried your plugin and its running great. I have one question tho. The airplane mode is a bit weired. Too much up and down movement, not enough forward movement. I tried tweaking the value for flyspeed and it doesnt seem to affect much of the forward movement, just how jumpy it is.

    Any way to have move forward movement for it?
  19. Offline


    In this version you can't really change the forward movement. When I have time to update this I'll improve the movement.
  20. Offline


    Great! looking forward to the next version, thanks. One thing also, I tried setting flyspeed values under 100 (so not to have so much up and down movement) and under 100, the cart doesn't fly at all. I also tried 3 digit, like 090 instead of just 90 (in case it was meant for 3 digit numbers only) and it doesn't work either.

  21. Offline


    I am confused, the image at the front is not working, so I do not know how to build one. What is the command to activate a boat? Can I build any type of boat I want? HELP ME! And you will get - [cake]
  22. Offline


    I don't know what you mean with "image at the front". And there is no command to activate the boat. You have just to give you the permissions or be op to use (and got fuel in your inventory if enabled).
  23. Offline


    This doesn't work for 1.2
  24. Offline


    I know. Perhaps I will update this somewhen, but currently I am working on other plugins.
  25. Offline


    Don't forget to update for 1.2.3! :D
  26. Offline


    Please update to 1.2.3 guys, my server needs this awsome plugin.
  27. Offline


    UPDATED FOR 1.2.3!
  28. Offline


    Works great with 1.2.3!!! good job with the plugin. Once I figured out you have to keep hitting Left Shift to go up higher, it was easy to control.
  29. Offline


    Can you give me a 1.1 version pleeeease , my server isn't updated yet ! waiting for spout ...
  30. Offline


    spout is still on 1.2.3... ?

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