Inactive [MECH/FUN]Rasengan[1.2.5-R4.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by UltiNaruto, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Rasengan (uses PermissionsEx[optional])
    Version: v4.1

    Rasengan is an attempt of bringing naruto's attack into minecraft.

    Features :

    Right click on the enemy with fists to damage enemies and pushes them far away.
    Damage = 5 hearts. (Configurable)

    Commands :

    /rasengan_type Changes which kind of rasengan you use.

    Permissions :

    rasengan.doRasengan Allow the player to use the rasengan
    rasengan.changeRasengan Allow the player to change the kind of rasengan
    rasengan.ignore Players with this permission can't be hit by a Rasengan
    rasengan.ignoreFoodDecrease Players with this permission won't have their food level decreased

    Configuration :

    config.yml Changes Initial Rasengan Cooldown, Initial Rasengan Damage, Initial Food Decrease Value and PVP
    users.yml Player Settings (Rasengan Type)

    Video :

    Downloads : Bukkit-Dev


    Version 1.0:
    • Initial Release
    Version 1.1:
    • Added Cooldown of 3 seconds
    • Added PVP (can't be set yet!)
    Version 2.0:
    • Added Configuration File
    • Added Player Config File
    • PVP can be set now
    Version 2.1:
    • Fixed some fail typo on configuration keys
    Version 3.0:
    • added permission nodes
    • updated to latest recommended build
    Version 3.1:
    • added a food decrease effect
    • added a permission node that cancel the food decrease effect
    Version 4.0:
    • completely rewrote the plugin
    • added an option to know if the users wanna be notified when someone use rasengan
    Version 4.1:
    • Fixed a bug on reload causing people to reconnect to make sure the server doesn't crash (aka NullPointerException)
    Note : this is my first plugin. So I would like people not to post aggressive posts.
  2. Offline


    No special effects? :(
  3. Offline


    I will try to add the special effects asap.
  4. Offline


    Updated to 1.1:

    - Added Cooldown of 3 seconds
    - Added PVP (can't be set yet!)
  5. Offline


    Use spout to make this plugin better and make a whole list of jutsus and stuff.I reccomend it you dont have to because it would be hard but it would be cool creating a clone and then doing a real rasengan.
  6. Offline


    well in the next release I will add something u'll like but I need to make the config working.
    and no I'm not planning to use spout as mostly every player I meet dont even know how to install spout
  7. Offline


    just make a video explaining its easy even i can make it for you.
  8. Offline


    Please read the submission guidelines and format your post as outlined there.
  9. Offline


    md_5: I did it. Is this what you requested me?
    tsuna25: Of course you can make one but for now spout is useless because i'm not working on graphical effects yet. By the way when I'll use spout I'll make some graphical effects.
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    You mean Smoke effects ? Then you can use event.getPlayer().playEffect(Location, Effect.EFFECTTYPE, an integer);
  12. Offline


    if u don't wanna use spout u could always use the ender pearl as the rasengan orb, or somethign like that
  13. Offline


    does the enderpearl has a right click action yet?
  14. Offline


    Updated to 2.0:

    Added Configuration File
    Added Player Config File
    PVP can be set now

    And then updated to 2.1:

    Fixed some fail typo on configuration keys
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    i will see if I do something for it.
    btw thanks for telling me that.
  17. Offline


    Updated to v3.0:

    - added permission nodes
    - updated to latest recommended build
  18. Offline


    Updated to v3.1:
    - added a food decrease effect
    - added a permission node that cancel the food decrease effect
  19. Offline


    Added a preview video
  20. Offline


    Add an option for a needed fuel like furnaces burn with coal.For example lapis or lapisblocks or a diamond.This would make the plugin harder/better
  21. Offline


    Please upgrade amaterasu :)
  22. Offline


    Yes, please upgrade Amaterasu:)
  23. Offline


    well I won't be able to take a look at it this month because I've my exams. It's really important for me. I wanna be a game designer so my exam first.
  24. Offline


    Ok i understand can you update amaterasu next mont or at least tell me how to update plugins step by step please?
  25. Offline


    it's only an event api update I will do it this evening as it seems to be incredibly easy to update
  26. Offline


    Thx for updatig the plugin can you tell me how you did it?
  27. Offline


    the way the events register is a bit different.
    before you would have have registered them in the main plugin source file but now you can register them in another source file.
    Icyene likes this.
  28. Offline


    Part of changelog removed from spoiler, approved.
  29. Offline


    just wondering is there a difference using different rasengan
  30. Offline


    of course there is. More time needed to reload. rasengan can be triggered from further and deals more damages.

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