Gold Fall version: 1.5.2 GoldFall.jar source: Gold Fall is a fairly simple plugin. Gold Fall makes it so that every time that a player breaks a leaf block a golden apple might fall. To install the plugin, download the .jar and put it in your plugins folder . When you start your server, a config.txt file will be created. In the file it will say: Code: frequency: 1/20 message: +name just got a golden apple! The frequency is how often the apples will fall. It defaults to 1/20. You can put a fraction with positive integers on it or just a positive integer between 0 and 100. Just one integer between 0 and 100 will default to being over 100(percent(%)). To figure out the percentage, divide the numerator(first number) by the denominator(second number) and multiply it by 100. So 1/20 would be 5%. If you want a decimal percentage, don't do this 0.1 or 0.1/100, the program won't be happy. For 0.1%, do 1/1000. After it says message, it is the message that will be broadcast when someone gets a golden apple. +name will always be replaced with the name of the player who broke the leaves block. changelog: v.1.5.2 - added support for build 1337 v.1.5.1 - added support for build 1317 v. 1.5 - added support for build 1240 v. 1.4 - fixed a typo in the source. v. 1.3 - changed the config to working with fractions. v. 1.2 - added a configurable message for when someone gets a golden apple. v. 1.1 - added a config file to change the chances of a golden apple. v. 1.0
Code: TODO: config files so that the the rate at which that apples fall can be changed I believe you should do this as soon as possible.
Looking forward to when config file is added Maybe add a configurable message whenever someone loots a golden apple?
Updated! config file included to change when apples fall. message will be released in the next update which will come soon. Updated! added the message EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
is there any chance you can make it so you can do less than 1% i installed it and within 1 minute, 13 people found golden apples of me saying the plugin was installed... and there is only 31 people on my server playing atm.
I will work on that. It just takes a lot more code. I can also change it to fractions. I don't have time to fix it update it now but it will be updated tomorrow. Updated! Config can now have fractions and integer percents. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I was looking at the source and noticed a small typo. "info.getName() + "] There is a " + temp + "% chance of getting a golden apple when a leaf is brocken");"
I will update for the new build in a minute. I will have the plugin on bukkit dev because I have to. I ABSOLUTELY HATE BUKKIT DEV!!!!!!!!!!!! I have put the plugin on BukkitDev. It is there because it has to be there, not because I want it to be there. I will always check this forum though because I like it better. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.