[MECH/FUN] Fruitful v0.7.4 - Drop apples, cocoa beans, and more from any block [1597]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Patrick Crespo, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Patrick Crespo

    Fruitful - Drop nearly anything from blocks:
    Version: 0.7.4

    I've moved this project to the BukkitDev site. Check there for help and future updates.
    Xordaii likes this.
  2. Offline


    @heronfarm I also had that problem. A /reload or server restart fixed it.
    But I'm having another problem.
    Every tree (generic and redwood) seems to be working, except the birch. I added the exact same thing to birch like I did for the other two, but the secure-drops seem not to be working. I don't know why. It was the only tree for which I changed the saplings once, but then removed it.
    I don't know if that has something to do with that.
    Edit: Only secure drops seem to be effected!
    Solution: Somehow it had something to do with permissions. I gave the group the permission fruitfuil.drop.* and set permissions to 'true' and everything was fine. I don't know what was wrong but it's working now.

    You could also add a console output for the version, so we know which version we're using.
    [hh]:[mm]:[ss] [Info] [Fruitful] v 0.6.2 Plugin has been enabled
    instead of
    [Fruitful] Plugin has been enabled
    So we know when to update. Would help alot ;)

    Edit2: A 'nooverride'-keyword would be cool. Because I just want to change the drops of the trees and I don't know the default values from MineCraft of seeds from long grass. Another reason for that is that I want cocoabeans to be handles by another leveling plugin.

    The plugin is AWESOME! REALLY AWESOME! It gives so many possibilities and the config is so huge, I love that. Just try to fix the birch. Maybe you miss-wrote the damage-value or something. Take one more look and I think it'll work.

    Thanks anyways for this AWESOME plugin.
    I was searching for something like that.
    Greetings from Germany,
    NoNe aNd NoNly.
  3. Offline

    Patrick Crespo

    It's probably something in your configuration, could you post it for me?

    Do you use Permissions or the Bukkit permissions? (I'll check the default values to make sure I didn't mistype anything. :)) And yeah, I'll add a version line as well, although by default Bukkit puts the time stamp in them itself. At least for me on my server.

    Also, as for as the override options go, I'm in the middle of adding a few more keywords, I'll make sure something to that effect get's on the list.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  4. Offline


    @Patrick Crespo Thanks and I am using Permissions (3.x) and had the Permissions in config set to 'false' but needed 'true'. That's already fixed :)
    Thanks for looking forward on adding some new keywords. I'll check the plugin daily to look for them. I did some kind of workaround yet for my Leveling plugin. That'll be OK for a while.

    See ya and have a nice day,
    [N]oNe aNd [N]oNly.
  5. Offline


    Yes, it was a configuration file issue I hadn't factored in the changes that came with v0.5

    I'm no longer receiving the error previously reported, my thanks Patrick Crespo and noneandnonly!

    Say goodbye to [SEVERE] Could not pass event LEAVES_DECAY to Fruitful! Remember to update your config files folks!
  6. Offline


    Can you do so that the trees also can drop slime balls? :$
  7. Offline

    Patrick Crespo

    Yes, that's quite possible. Just add to any of the tree lines (generic, redwood, birch) or all of them something to the effect of:
            slimeball: 1-2, 1:64
  8. Offline


    Would it be possible to add mushrooms to droping plants too? So mushrooms would sometimes drop items? Would be really interesting.

    Kind regards,
    NoNe aNd NoNly.
  9. Offline

    Patrick Crespo

    Actually, I'm kind of waiting for the next recommended build to release a version where this will be possible. If it take s a bit, I may release it early, but it'll require build 1024 or newer.
  10. Offline

    Patrick Crespo

    I released this before the next Recommended Build is out, but for the adventurous, it now supports your own custom Blocks. Feel free to try it out if you want, and post here if you have questions about the new configuration layout.

    In the future I plan on adding more keywords to support tools, since I now support other blocks than leaves/crops, and will most likely implement a region based system after I figure out who has the easiest to use API. :)
  11. Offline


    are the links broken ?
  12. Offline

    Patrick Crespo

    Not for me.
  13. Offline


    I THINK that I have it set up right for everything I want it to do so far. Still wanting to test to see if I have ice blocks dropping from breaking ice.

    An odd thought occurred to me this morning. How would you set it up so that if you used a bucket to scoop up a water source, there was a random chance you would get a fish in inventory AND a full bucket? I figure the [no-override] keyword, but exactly what steps would you have to take to get it set up? Thought it would make a fun surprise on the server, just for a day. Have everyone out there scooping up fish.
  14. Offline

    Patrick Crespo

    If you set up Ice and dont use the "no_override" keyword, it should prevent water from spreading from the broken block, too.

    I would have to set up a way to monitor the bucket fill/empty events to get the fish thing working propertly. I'll add that to the list of things to do. It does sound interesting, but when you fill a bucket it doesn't 'break' the block, so that's where we'll have to see. At least I don't *think* it does. :)
  15. Offline


    Would you mind giving me the updated config for this i tried it and its not working how i want??
  16. Offline


    Ah. Then don't worry about it. I thought it would be a simple config thing I didn't figure out. Was thinking it would monitor the "water source" being "broken". If it can't do that, no big deal! I have lots of ideas to keep them busy.

    If you drop the jar into your plugin folder, then start and stop the server, it creates two files if there aren't any there yet. You will see one that says simple config or something like that. Delete the other and use the simple config, it has setup for just that purpose.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  17. Offline


    ok thanks
  18. Offline


    Wow let's write a more confusing and vague how-to.

    All I want is for my hardcore world to have gravel dropping gunpowder, and it just will not obey me.

  19. Offline

    Patrick Crespo

    Well, I apologize for having an unorganized post, however the information that you need is in main post under configuration syntax. A snippet from it mentions:

    The blocktype is defined in the configuration under "blocktypes:"

    i.e. you need to define each block type you want to be process, so your "blocktypes:" section needs to have a gravel item defined before it will be processed. Without the "no_override" keyword, your gravel will never drop flint, if that's an issue, unless you also define a chance for flint to drop as well.

    Also, if you don't use anything else in the configuration, just delete it (except the root keys).

    It'll help clear things up when you're looking at the big picture, as well.
  20. Offline


    Sadly, I have to post a bug I found. I made sandstone drop 4 sand, but sometimes there's 4 sand dropping PLUS one sandstone. So the default ones are sometimes dropping to. It's some rate of about 1:30 so it's not that horrible, but it sometimes happens, especially when you're very fast at mining/destorying the block. Maybe it's only because I ran it on my localhost and it was a bit laggy, because the rate was sometimes around 0 :D Just think about maybe some performance-tweaks and it'll be fine. I only wanted to inform you about this little bug, have a great time and greetings from Germany, Folas.
    Edit: Why do decaying leaves not drop anything anymore? :( They did pre 0.7.1 I think but they don't do anymore :'O I only tested with mobs yet and set the chance to 100%!!
  21. Offline

    Patrick Crespo

    If you downloaded 0.7.1 before the 'update' on the 10th, you should re download it. I'll check to make sure things are working. Sometimes I get ahead of myself. :) Also, as for Sandstone dropping sandstone, the only time that should happen, is if something un-cancels the event that I'm cancelling. (I assume you're not using the no_override). What other plugins are you using? Also, could you post your config, or link a pastebin of it so I can check to make sure what you have set? It could be a keyword or setting not working properly causing the issue.

    If you do post your config, be sure and use a code block so it's formatted correctly.
  22. Offline


    I think I found out what the problem was: LevelCraft. I set my level too high and got the "mining-boost" which made me sometimes use the pickaxe like superpickaxe which might have canceled your event. I think that was the problem, so don't care about that anymore. I'll try redownloading and using the config again later this day. So there will be an edit somewhere HERE :D
    Till then, Folas.
  23. Offline

    Patrick Crespo

    I can adjust the priority on the event lower so it takes effect before LevelCraft notices, but that may effect LevelCraft's monitoring of block breaking, so that's probably not a great idea in the long run. I'll take a look at LevelCraft's' source if available, and see if there's a way to interface with it without breaking either of the plugins' behaviors.
  24. Offline


    Works great, thanks! I was just a bit disappointed that there weren't wget friendly links for all versions though. :(
  25. Offline


    Works great now. Thanks for telling me to redownload :D
    By the way: Move on to http://dev.bukkit.org ! Would be cool to subscribe there and get the updates asap.

    Have a nice day,
  26. Offline

    Patrick Crespo

  27. Offline


    Has been working fine until this morning when it was giving me this error. All the drops I have set up still work so I'm not sure the problem.

    2011-09-03 19:01:10 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling Fruitful v0.7.1 (Is it up to date?): org.bukkit.permissions.Permission.recalculatePermissibles()V
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.permissions.Permission.recalculatePermissibles()V
        at com.ughcentral.fruitful.Fruitful.loadSuperPerms(Fruitful.java:122)
        at com.ughcentral.fruitful.Fruitful.duringEnable(Fruitful.java:83)
        at com.ughcentral.fruitful.Fruitful.onEnable(Fruitful.java:62)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:126)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:878)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:272)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:162)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:146)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload(CraftServer.java:380)
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap$ReloadCommand.execute(SimpleCommandMap.java:281)
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:129)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:312)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(MinecraftServer.java:480)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:465)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:361)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
  28. Offline

    Patrick Crespo

    What Craftbukkit build are you running? That looks like a pre-1024 build since it can't find one of the required methods, but maybe they broke it in a newer build. (Still works under 1060 for me.)
  29. Offline


    Due to a whitelisting bug with 1060 the owner put the server back to 1000. So when its all fixed and we re upgrade there should be no error. Thanks for your help.:)
  30. Offline


    Hello i have a little request, can someone plz help me with "converting" my old Fruitful config file to the new one so it works the same way? here it is:
    # Fruitful version 0.6.2 default configuration
            stick: 0, 1:64
            apple: 1, 1:64
            goldenapple: 0, 1:2048
            sapling: 1, 1:32
            slimeball: 1-2, 1:64
            cocoabean: 1, 1:32
            cobweb: 0, 1:1024
            birchsapling: 0, 1:32
            spider: 0, 1:256
            slimeball: 1-2, 1:64
            stick: 0, 1:64
            wheat: 0, 1:256
            seed: 1-2, 1:5
            string: 0, 1:256
            slimeball: 0, 1:64
            seed: 0, 2:25
            pig: 0, 1:256
            wheat: 1-2, 1:1
            cocoabean: 0, 1:32
            yellowflower: 0, 1:96
            zombie: 0, 1:512
            pumpkin: 0, 1:128
            seed: 1-2, 4:5
            redrose: 0, 1:96
            stick: 0, 1:64
            redwoodsapling: 1, 1:32
            cobweb: 0, 1:1024
            seed: 0, 1:64
            spider: 0, 1:256
            slimeball: 1-2, 1:64
        Permissions: true
  31. Offline

    Patrick Crespo

    Aside from splitting up the lines so that it's easier to understand (At least in my opinion), the main difference is that you have to tell Fruitful want to monitor.

    That means you have to define the blocks and drops yourself. Also, rather than zeroing out the amount that can drop, you could just delete the lines you didn't want to happen.

    I don't know if the 0 birch saplings was intentional or not. If it was, then get rid of [no_override] under birch:
    Show Spoiler
            keywords: [no_override]
                range: [1]
                chance: '1:64'
                range: [1, 2]
                chance: '1:64'
            keywords: [no_override]
                range: [1]
                chance: '1:64'
                range: [1, 2]
                chance: '1:64'
            keywords: [no_override]
                range: [1, 2]
                type: 18
                data: [0]
                type: 18
                data: [1]
                type: 18
                data: [2]
                type: 260
                type: 351
                data: [3]
                type: 341

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