Inactive [MECH] FishPeople v1.7.1 - Gold Helmet = Infinite Air While Swimming [1.2.3-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Richard Robertson, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. FishPeople - Infinite air underwater:
    Version: v1.7.1

    This plugin is for servers that focus more on creative rather than survival. It makes building underwater infinitely safer because you no longer drown. The only downside is that people who are underwater can no longer speak. Instead there is a comical [glub glub glub] accompanying any underwater chat messages.

    • Infinite air while wearing gold helmet (or configured item)
    • Garbled underwater chat (if configured)
    • Permissions support!
    • Now swim in lava! (if configured)
    • Supports item names as well as ID numbers
    Also available here

    File located at /plugins/FishPeople/config.yml
    This file will be created if it does not exist and will contain these default settings.
    These default settings will also be used if a value is not set.

    • fishpeople.infiniteair
      Gives the player infinite air while wearing the helmet (overrides extended air)
    • fishpeople.extendedair
      Gives the player more air while wearing the helmet
    • fishpeople.cantalkunderwater
      Lets the player talk underwater and bypass the filter
    • fishpeople.invinciblehelmet
      Prevents the player's helmet from taking damage if damage is configured
    • fishpeople.lavasafe
      Allows the player to swim in lava (no burning damage)
    • fishpeople.config
      Allows the player to call /fishpeople
    • fishpeople.*
      Emulates having infinite air, invincible helmet, lava safe, config, and chat filter bypass

    • /fishpeople help
      Lists all commands available
    • /fishpeople help <command>
      Gives help on the command given
    • /fishpeople reload
      Reloads the configuration from the hard disk
    • /fishpeople enable
      Enables the infinite air and chat filter
    • /fishpeople disable
      Disables the infinite air and chat filter
    • /fishpeople helmet-type <id>
      Sets the item id for the head item that gives infinite air
    • /fishpeople chat-filter true
      Replaces chat messages when players are underwater
    • /fishpeople chat-filter false
      Allows users to talk normally underwater
    • /fishpeople underwater-chat <message>
      Sets the message that appears when someone talks underwater
    • /fishpeople air-multiplier <number>
      Extends the amount of air players have
      "/fishpeople air-multiplier 2.5" would mean they have two and a half times as much air
    • /fishpeople helmet-damage <amount>
      Every second a player is underwater and wearing the special helmet it will take the damage specified
    • /fishpeople helmet-replacement <id>
      Sets the item id for the head item that will be set when a helmet is destroyed
    • /fishpeople low-air-warning <seconds>
      When a player has only <seconds> left of air, they get a warning
      Set negative to not give a warning
    • /fishpeople low-air-message <message>
      Sets the message to be displayed when a person hits the low-air-warning mark

    Version 1.7.1
    • Fixed null pointer exception occurring on Minecraft 1.2 and higher
    Version 1.7
    • Removed defunct Permissions 3 support
    • Fixed helmet damage
    • Updated to match Bukkit's new event handling system.
    Version 1.6
    • Compiled for Permissions 3 support
    Version 1.5
    • Bug fixes: falling damage while in lava, and race condition when loading Permissions plugin
    Version 1.4
    • Bug fix: replaced player.getLocation() with player.getEyeLocation() so effects only happen when the player's head is underwater
    Version 1.3
    • Changed event registration to match Craftbukkit 600+
    Version 1.2
    • Permissions support
    • Can have extended air instead of only infinite air
    • Can configure a message to appear warning those with extended air that they will drown soon (since the client bubbles are wrong)
    • Can configure helmet to take damage while being worn
    • Can replace the helmet when something else when it is "destroyed" from being used. You could use this to say, turn your gold helmet to a leather helmet when the magic runs out
    • Added the ability to swim in lava
    • Fixed problem where some servers would not restore air
    Version 1.1
    • Helmet type configurable
    • Underwater chat message configurable
    • Underwater chat message disable-able
    • Can limit to ops only
    • Can adjust all options at runtime
    Version 1.0
    • Initial release

    Known issues:
    • Client side remaining air bubbles still disappear; I cannot do anything about this.
  2. Offline


    I'm not using permissions. Also, player was an op. I'll try it with a non-op player.

    .. nope, same results. Maybe it's permissions?
  3. When you say you aren't using permissions, do you mean that you don't have a permissions plugin or you didn't set the permissions for FishPeople?
  4. Offline


    It's not permissions (unless you have it installed but haven't added the permission nodes), I've just removed permissions and tried again as an OP and as a normal user with just the config.yml file and it still works fine.

    What does your config.yml file look like?
  5. Offline


    I don't have or use the permissions plugin.

    enabled: true
    op-only: false
    helmet-type: "gold_helmet"
    chat-filter: true
    underwater-chat: "[glub glub glub]"
    infinite-air: true
    air-multiplier: 5
    helmet-damage: 0
    helmet-replacement: "air"
    lava-safe: false
    low-air-warning: 1
    low-air-message: "You are about to drown"
  6. And you're saying that your players drown while wearing a gold helmet?
  7. Offline


    I never actually let them get that far; I watch the bubbles disappear until they start to take damage. They shouldn't take damage with the helmet on, right?

    I'm going to try a completely clean server with just your plugin.

    Okay, it was permissions; I had renamed the plugin. :'(

    Once removed from the equation the helmet worked just fine except I'm still not getting the chat filter.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2016
  8. Offline


    then we shall try it again thanks kham.
  9. Are you giving * permission? If so, you are giving 'fishpeople.cantalkunderwater' which removes the filter for that user.
  10. Offline


    I'm not using permissions at all; I have your plugin as the only plugin on the server and am using the following config.yml;
    enabled: true
    op-only: false
    helmet-type: "gold_helmet"
    chat-filter: true
    underwater-chat: "[glub glub glub]"
    infinite-air: true
    air-multiplier: 1
    helmet-damage: 0
    helmet-replacement: "air"
    lava-safe: false
    low-air-warning: 1
    low-air-message: "You are about to drown"
  11. For the sake of testing purposes, I just recompiled the jar linked against the most recent version of Bukkit and uploaded it. Do you mind downloading it again and seeing if it fixes the chat filter?
  12. Offline


    works fine now thanks!
  13. Offline


    The latest build resolved the text issue as well over here, thanks!
  14. Ok. Not sure what happened, but I'm glad it's solved.
  15. Offline


    New bug ... if a player is in water, whether its in a boat or waist deep, their text is always [glub glub glub]. Same config as above.
  16. I can fix that. Thanks for the report. I am pretty sure I know what that is happening.

    Ok. 1.4 is up. It fixes the issue where waist deep water and boats will trigger chat effects.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2016
  17. Offline


    It now only affects players submerged which I think is how it's supposed to work, correct?
  18. Yes. I never took into account the fact that the location is at the feet. Now it's reading where the eyes are so if your players eyes are underwater (so you see everything rendered underwater) then you are counted as needing air or filter.
  19. Offline


    Okay, here are some bugs:

    Sometimes, when you are diving in lava and if you get to the ground you get a damage from ~1,5 hearts
    Could be that this is like falling some blocks down?

    Sometimes users are getting random hits, even when they are on the surface on the lava

    Everytime I get out of the lava I get a damage, too!

    Hope you can fix this!

    Great plugin & idea!
  20. Unfortunately I've never seen this happen in any of my tests. I've tested with a lava pool about 5 blocks deep. How far are you diving?
  21. Offline



    it's only 2-3 or maybe 4 blocks deep.
    Like a naturally generated lava pool in a cave...
  22. Do you have a public server where I could see this happen?
  23. Offline


    No it's a hamachi server...
    I PM you
    (Because I've found another bug with lava and a bucket ;) )

  24. Bump with update. Taking damage while "falling" through lava is now canceled as well if you are lava-safe. No version change as this is not a significant bug and most people probably didn't even run into it.

    You can update if you want but that's the only change.
    harakiwi likes this.
  25. Bump with update. It is recommended to update if you have had any issues where Permissions don't seem to take effect. I found a potential issue where FishPeople gets loaded before Permissions gets loaded which can cause problems.
  26. Offline


    Trying it out at the moment, thanks :)
  27. Offline


    This plugin corrupted my inventory so I had to delete my player file, because Minecraft kept freezing when I opened my inventory after going underwater with the gold helmet on. On b740.
    My config:
    enabled: true
    op-only: false
    helmet-type: "gold_helmet"
    chat-filter: false
    underwater-chat: "[glub glub glub]"
    infinite-air: false
    air-multiplier: 10
    helmet-damage: 1
    helmet-replacement: "air"
    lava-safe: false
    low-air-warning: 1
    low-air-message: "You are about to drown"
  28. I believe I saw a note about empty spaces in the inventory being changed to null instead of air. I'll see if that is the problem when the helmet is replaced.

    Thanks for the report and sorry about your corruption. For now I recommend setting helmet damage to 0 until I can release a fix.
  29. Offline


    hmm This extended / infinite air portion of the plugin seems to be broken in CB766.
    [glub glub glub] shows up... but nothing else works... regardless of permissions
  30. Did it work before you updated?

    The latest upload of FishPeople does work with infinite air for 766.
  31. Offline


    I didn't use
    I didn't use it before 766... I'll try again.

    My fault -- it *is* working... you just have to let the air run out and you're still underwater and not drowning...


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