Inactive [MECH] FalseBook 0.96alpha - CraftBook for Bukkit,85++ICs, Gates, Minecarts / MC1.4.6

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by GeMoschen, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    FalseBook - Your CraftBook for Bukkit

    Current version: v0.96alpha
    Minecraft: 1.4.6

    Show Spoiler

    • supported Permissionplugins
      • bPermissions
      • bukkitPermissions
      • Essentials GroupManager
      • Permissions
      • PermissionsEx
      • SuperPerms
      • Vault (still in development)
    • uses the syntax of CraftBook for better compatibility
    • implements over 85 Integrated Circuits (ICs)
    • implements [Lift Up] & [Lift Down]
    • toggleable ...
      • ... bridges
        • undestroyable
      • ... doors
        • undestroyable
      • ... gates
        • undestroyable
      • ... areas
    • a lot of fancy features for minecarts
      • collect and deposit items from chests to minecarts
      • make furnaces which refill themselfs with minecarts
      • program carts to take only specific items out of chests
      • craft things out of a chest with a minecart
      • lift up & down for minecarts!
    • chatsystem with different chat-channels to clean up the normal chat
    • toggleable...
      • netherrack (with fire)
      • pumpkins
      • glowstone <-> another block (even if minecraft itself has the glowstonelamp now...)

    Minecart Blocktypes:
    Show Spoiler

    • BenchOut : Iron-Ore
    • Booster 2x : Gold-Ore
    • Booster 8x : Gold-Block
    • Brake-Block 25% :Gravel
    • Brake-Block 50% : Soulsand
    • Burn : Iron-Ore
    • ConstantSpeed-Block : Iron-Block
    • Craft : Iron-Ore
    • Deposit / Collect : Iron-Ore
    • Eject-Block : Coal-Ore
    • Emitter-Block : Lapis Lazuli Ore
    • Reverse-Block : White wool
    • Station-Block : Obsidian
    • Sort-Block : Netherrack
    • Teleport-Block : Lime wool
    • Program-Cart : Lapis Lazuli
    • Programmed Deposit-Block : Blue wool

    Other Features:
    Show Spoiler

    • Bridge (FalseBookBlock.jar)
    • Doors (FalseBookBlock.jar)
    • Gates (FalseBookBlock.jar)
    • Toggle Netherrack Fire (FalseBookExtra.jar)
    • Toggle Pumpkins (FalseBookExtra.jar)
    • Toggle Soulsand to Glowstone and back (my addition) (FalseBookExtra.jar)
    • ToggleAble Areas (Experimental):

      Define the area with the "Wooden Hoe" (use rightclick)
    • /farea <areaname> -> Adds an Area
    • /delfarea <areaname> -> removes an Area
    • /listfarea -> Lists all Areas
    • /fareatoggle <areaname> autosave -> toggles the autosave function of an area. Autosave = save blocks, when toggling the area off.
    • /fareatoggle <areaname> protect -> toggles the protection of an area. ON = Area is only destroyable/buildable to users with permission: falsebook.destroy.blocks
    • /fareaallow <areaname> id[:subid] -> will add/remove the blocktype from the toggleable blocks of this area. Default: all blocks will be toggled.
    • (FalseBookBlock.jar)

    Important Note:
    You must copy ALL jar-Files over the old ones (all files have been changed) !
    The "Package_..."-Files must go into "plugins/FalseBook/ICPlugins/"

    Download FalseBook 0.96alpha for Minecraft 1.4.6

    FalseBook Wiki - Work in progress

    YouTube-Channel with Videos

    Donations are welcome if you wish to support me


    Attached Files:

    cevio, Artem-s86, Dereku and 67 others like this.
  2. Offline


    This should normally be added automaticly in "plugins/FalseBook/%worldname%/". The File "plugins/FalseBook/" is no longer used and can be deleted.

    Das muss in "plugins/FalseBook/%worldname%/" (und sollte automatisch passieren eigentlich). Die Datei "plugins/FalseBook/" wird nicht mehr genutzt und kann gelöscht werden.
  3. Offline


    What happened to [cart] permissions. Can't no longer use because I don't have permissions. Even OP can't. Other permissions are working fine.
  4. Offline


    ah thx, but redstone is "standard" allowed ?
    so is is maybe
  5. Offline


    [SEVERE] Could not pass event org.bukkit.event.block.BlockRedstoneEvent to FalseBookCart
    at com.bukkit.gemo.FalseBook.Cart.FalseBookCartBlockListener.cartDepositEvent(
    at com.bukkit.gemo.FalseBook.Cart.FalseBookCartBlockListener.onBlockRedstoneChange(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.g(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.doPhysics(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.k(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.applyPhysics(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.g(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.doPhysics(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.k(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.applyPhysics(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.g(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.doPhysics(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.k(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.applyPhysics(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.g(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.doPhysics(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.k(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.applyPhysics(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.g(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.doPhysics(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.k(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.applyPhysics(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.g(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.doPhysics(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.k(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.applyPhysics(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.g(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.doPhysics(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.k(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.applyPhysics(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.update(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.setData(
    at net.minecraft.server.BlockButton.interact(
    at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.interact(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet15Place.handle(SourceFile:39)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(

    What should i do to solve this error?
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    Update FalseBook to the latest version. There is no Line 358 anymore in the latest versions ;)

    hm... I'm not able to reproduce this error. Can you please post your config-file?
  8. Offline


    LWC installed? try/cremove on the sign
  9. Offline


    GeMoschen, this isn't really a bug report, since I rewired the structure in question after I finally figured it out. However, it seems 0.92 alpha reversed the set/reset pins on all the RS Latch ICs to be 1=reset, 2=set, where previously it was 1=set, 2=reset. I was scratching my head over why this particular machine was suddenly broken until I tracked it down to the latch and made a bare set of latches to test. I'm assuming you've updated the documentation for this if you were aware of the change.
  10. Offline


    YEP !!!! lwc TY Now im going to find a workaround thank you so much

    TO FIX REDSTONE AND SIGNS RespectLWCProtections=false
  11. Offline


    You may be able to use /cpublic instead. so it can't be destroyed, but everyone can use it (because redstone is everyone ;))

    well, or that. But i really like the lwc protection :)

    (Edited to clarify)
    The Problem seems to be more complex.
    MC3030 (nor latch) works as expected. The middle input (1) sets, and the left input (2) resets it.
    The inputs for MC3033 (nand latch) are the same. But the Inputs are inverted.
    Raises when: Set exclusive goes down (so reset has to be high)
    Falls when: Reset exclusive goes down (so set has to be high)
    MC3031 (inv nand latch) does the same as MC3033. None of those two matches the wiki description. The description of MC3033 even seems to not match, what it shall do.
  12. Offline


    I'm a bit confused about the inputs right now..

    Let's see:
    The MC3033 implements a RS NAND latch. Only the Q output is available. When the S (inverse "set") input exclusively goes high, the output (Q) goes high and stays high even if S goes low again. When the R (inverse "reset") input exclusively goes high, the output (Q) goes low and stays low even if R goes high again. If both go low at the same time, the output goes high. If both go high at the same time, the output does not change.
    The inputs (set and reset) are inversed.
    So the output should go high, if Set is going from high to low and when reset is high (because of inversion).
    If the reset goes from high to low (inversion), the output goes low.
    If both go from low to high (inversion), the output goes high.
    If both go from highto low (inversion), the output does not change.

    Or do I missunderstand that? It's just the thing with the inverted inputs? Or isn't it working like that?
  13. Offline


    That is exactly that, what it works like at the moment.
    S Fall, R H -> 1
    R Fall, S H -> 0
    S Fall, R Fall -> 1
    S Raise, R Raise -> no change
  14. Offline


    Don't matter what here was. Wrong IC-Number :D

    I will look over all the Latch-ICs and fix them to work like in the wiki
  15. Offline


    MC3033 (nand) works like you said
    MC3031 (inv nand) works like i described
    MC3030 (nor) works like expected (and described in the wiki)
  16. Offline


    For some reason self-triggered IC's are not working... Has anyone encountered this issue before?
  17. Offline


    No, working like a charm. Maybe there errors during startup? Is plugins/FalseBook/ICPlugins/Package_SelftriggeredICs.jar present? Are you sure you used the [MC0xxx] variant without clock instead the [MC1xxx] ones?
  18. Offline


    Yes, certainly. It says "You have created a so and so IC", depending on what IC I made (time, weather, light, etc.)
    But that just doesn't do anything... And no, no errors at all.
    If it is of any difference, I am using Permissions Bukkit 1.2

    IC startup:
    FalseBookIC: Loading FalseBookIC v0.92.2alpha.
    : FalseBook IC ] Selftriggered ICs are executing aprox. every 500ms.
    : FalseBook IC ] 'SelftriggeredPackage' imported '17' ICs.
    : FalseBook IC ] 'DetectionPackage' imported '12' ICs.
    : FalseBook IC ] 'StandardPackage' imported '36' ICs.
    : FalseBook IC ] 'WorldEditPackage' imported '17' ICs.

    : FalseBook IC ] FalseBookIC v0.92.2alpha by GeMo enabled
  19. Offline


    Then you should post some screenshots from your (test-)setups.
  20. Offline


    Are you sure that you have used the [MC0xxx]-ICs?

    Please post the full startup-log. Selftriggered ICs will load with a delay of 1 to 2 seconds and give you an message then.

    At least the installation of FalseBook was completely done as I can see with your last log.
  21. Offline


    Is there a way to prevent item duping using bridges/gates? I am talking close it, break it, open and close again....
  22. Offline


    This is already implemented and cannot be turned off.

    Ops and players with permission "falsebook.destroy.blocks" are able to remove protected blocks.
  23. Offline


    Bukkit: 1846
    falsebook: 0.92.2 alpha

    Players can break iron gates, despite noone being op or having falsebook.destroy.blocks permission.

    Using PEX
  24. Offline


    thx GeMoschen, works all fine now,
    btw, [MC0264] - ITEM SENSOR is that my Sensor :D ?
  25. Offline


    Ah you are talking about gates. I will check that once again and fix it. Thanks :)

    Correct ;)
    DaEgo likes this.
  26. Offline


    Placed a powered rail on a lapis block and surprisingly a FB-Cart-Block was created, i never heart off: Programblock! What function have this block? Thx
  27. Offline


    Does it run with 1.1-R3? :)
  28. Offline


    Seems like the toggle signs are not working anymore (0.92.2) when it's connected to redstone.
    This "feature" or bug destroyed many minigames we have built, please fix it.

    And another problem is that normal players can't anymore toggle areas, they need to have a toggle build permission, but I don't want to let them build toggleable areas, because they can destroy whole world with that.
  29. Offline


    Works for me as expected.


    You have LWC installed. Set either config RespectLWCProtections=false or use /cremove on the signs.
  30. Offline


    When are you going to tell us what permissions have been changed ?
    [cart] with permission "falsebook.cart.collectanddeposit: true" ain't working at all.
  31. Offline


    Hm, I have updated my server and now no IC works.

    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] Loaded selftriggered ICs: 22 done
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] Failed selftriggered ICs: 38 failed
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] List of failed ICs: 
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 1, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 43 , Y: 64 , Z: 250
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 2, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 46 , Y: 64 , Z: 247
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 3, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 79 , Y: 64 , Z: 225
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 4, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 46 , Y: 64 , Z: 245
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 5, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 46 , Y: 64 , Z: 251
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 6, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 45 , Y: 64 , Z: 269
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 7, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 45 , Y: 64 , Z: 258
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 8, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 47 , Y: 64 , Z: 259
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 10, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 45 , Y: 62 , Z: 259
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 12, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 46 , Y: 62 , Z: 262
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 14, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 59 , Y: 64 , Z: 251
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 15, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 57 , Y: 64 , Z: 251
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 16, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 60 , Y: 64 , Z: 265
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 17, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 65 , Y: 64 , Z: 267
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 18, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 45 , Y: 62 , Z: 273
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 19, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 54 , Y: 64 , Z: 264
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 20, UNKNOWN - NO SIGN FOUND @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 54 , Y: 64 , Z: 262
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 21, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 52 , Y: 63 , Z: 398
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 22, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 43 , Y: 61 , Z: 392
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 23, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 43 , Y: 61 , Z: 390
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 24, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 43 , Y: 61 , Z: 394
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 26, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: -10 , Y: 60 , Z: 140
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 27, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 47 , Y: 58 , Z: 158
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 29, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 46 , Y: 61 , Z: 162
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 30, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 76 , Y: 60 , Z: 166
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 35, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: -3 , Y: 47 , Z: 139
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 45, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 337 , Y: 65 , Z: 254
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 47, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 53 , Y: 61 , Z: 170
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 48, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 54 , Y: 57 , Z: 164
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 49, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 24 , Y: 58 , Z: 130
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 53, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 24 , Y: 58 , Z: 138
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 57, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: -1 , Y: 60 , Z: 129
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 58, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: -1 , Y: 60 , Z: 130
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 61, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 107 , Y: 71 , Z: 228
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 76, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 29 , Y: 66 , Z: 69
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 79, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 50 , Y: 63 , Z: 134
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 80, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 68 , Y: 67 , Z: 136
    2012-02-03 18:41:59 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ID: 81, UNKNOWN - NO IC FOUND ON THE SIGN @ Location - World: MinecraftBlackOps , X: 56 , Y: 56 , Z: 182

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