Inactive [MECH/ECON] Showcase v0.8.1 - Create visual shops by spawning drops on slabs [1.1-R5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by narrowtux, May 17, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Version 0.8.1​
    As supposed in this thread, I created a plugin that lets you put items into glass blocks (now steps, it's notchs fault) to showcase them. This is useable for shops, to show what's for sale there, or to make clear what type of farm you built.
    • Showcase all items in a half-step Block
    • Block protection (you can't break the step block and the block below it to prevent that the item falls down)
    • Multiworld
    • Items in a showcase can't be picked up
    • Only the player who created a showcase can remove it
    • Prevents despawning of items (Normally, drops disappear after 5 minutes)
    • You can setup finite and infinite shops
    • DropChest support (disables DropChest for absorbing the showcased items)
    • WorldGuard support (works out of the box)
    • Localisation
    • Can show custom item names through BukkitContrib
    • Economy support:
      • iConomy 4 & 5
      • BOSEconomy
      • Essentials Economy
    Download & Source-Code
    Download Showcase.jar
    Browse Source-Code on Github
    You will need an economy system if you want shops.
    This will install NarrowtuxLib automatically!
    Please donate, if you really like this ;)
    Show Videos (open)

    When you have got issues, please read this:
    Issue Report (open)

    1. Please, first check if you have got the most recent version of Showcase and the most recent recommended build of Bukkit.
    2. Then, check if the bug is already listed in the "Known Bugs" section.
    3. After doing step 1+2, report the bug with at least this information:
      • Version of Showcase
      • Version of Bukkit
      • If possible, a step-by-step explanation of the bug
      • If possible, console errors
      • When you think that this has got to do with another plugin, please list all your plugins like this:
        • PluginA, PluginB, PluginC ...
    This will be incredible helpful for me to fix it faster.

    You don't actually have to retype everything I typed here, but if you'd take it as a guideline which content you should include in your issue report, it's more helpful ;)

    Please, don't come here just to say "This doesn't work.". This says nothing.

    Adding a showcase
    1. Start sneaking!
    2. Right-click a half-step block with the item in your hand you want to showcase
    3. An assistant will ask you which type of Showcase you want to add. Type the text before the colon :))
    4. Depending on the type you chose, the assistant will ask some extra questions, follow the assistant to finish showcase creation.
    Removing a showcase

    1. Sneak
    2. Right-click on a showcase. If this was a finite showcase or an exchange showcase, you will get your items back.

    ActionPermission-NodeWithout Permissions
    Create a basic Showcase.showcase.basicPlayer
    Create a infinite shop Showcase.showcase.infiniteOperator
    Create a finite shop Showcase.showcase.finitePlayer
    Create an exchange Showcase.showcase.exchangePlayer
    Buy from a finite shop
    Buy from an infinite shop
    Removing a showcase of other players.showcase.adminOperator

    The column "Without Permissions" explains which user-type can use this permission when no Permissions system is installed.
    What are shop showcases?
    A shop showcase can be used to sell items to your players. There are 2 types of shops now:
    1. Infinite shop. This one has an infinite amount of items. The money that the players give to buy an item will go to nirvana
    2. Finite shop. This one has that number of items which the owner has set up. The owner will get the money from which the items were bought.
    How can a Player buy items from a shop showcase?

    1. Click on the Showcase. The price per item and the available amount will be displayed.
    2. Type in the number of items you want and hit enter. A message will show you the success of the checkout.
      • Type 0 to abort checkout
    How can you refill a finite shop showcase?

    1. Click on it
    2. Type in the amount of items to refill. Negative values will remove that amount from the showcase.
    3. Walk away or type 0.

    The showcase command handles manual saving and loading
    /showcase save
    Saves the items to showcases.csv
    /showcase load
    Loads the configuration, translation and items without saving (Use with caution)
    /showcase reload
    Saves and loads everything after that. Useful when some items aren't in place and you want to quick-fix that.

    The configuration file is auto-generated and is called showcase.cfg
    Here are the configuration possibilities:
    • basicmode : this decides if the plugin should operate like in version 0.2 or before (Just the basics)
    • priceforbasic : this adds a price to the basic showcases
    • priceforfinite : this adds a price to the finite showcases
    • priceforexchange: this adds a price to the exchange showcases
    • removewhenempty: when set to true, a finite showcase will be removed when it's amount hits 0
    • showcaseprotection : turn this to false to be able to remove showcases from other players (griefers) (you should now use WorldGuard instead of this one ;) )
    • locale: standard is en-US. The german translation which is included in the jar-file is de-DE. If you type that in, it will copy the german file from the jar to your plugins folder
      • You can change the translation very easily by editing the existing locale.
      • Colors are supported, just add something like [GREEN] or [DARK_RED] to the text.
      • You can add newlines with \n
    • autosaveinterval: the time between two auto-saves in seconds. Standard is 60 secs. Use -1 to disable autosave.

    Currently available translations:

    Version 0.8.1
    See the whole changelog

    • Spawn multiple items in the same glass block (up to 4, would be aligned nicely)
    • Verify that there is no free space below the glass block before adding a showcase
    • Maybe let the showcase glow when you placed torches, glowstone or lava in it
    • Custom messages (aka localisation)
    • Sell-Showcases
    • DropChest support (so the items inside the glass won't be absorbed by a Dropchest)
    • Limit the amount of Showcases per player
    • Add a price that the creator of a showcase has to pay (there would be an independent price for each basic, infinite and finite showcases)
    • Linking infinite shops to banks (money spent for items goes there)
    • Rent a showcase for money/day
    • Autosave with configureable interval
    • Commands for save, load and reload
    Crossed items are already done!

    Known bugs
    • This plugin conflicts with some chat-altering plugins (i.e. bColoredChat) this is because the authors don't know how to correctly set up the priority of events.
    • Normal players (the ones that aren't operators) can't use showcases that are in the spawn-protection area. Either disable the spawn protection or place the showcases to an other location (Disable spawnprotection by setting "spawn-protection-size=0" in the file)
    • With the latest dev preview (not the recommended build), you're able to make slabs to double steps. I've got to investigate until they propose it as RB.
    • ATM, Showcases won't save enchantments. So please just don't try to sell yours because that wouldn't work either.
  2. Offline



    I'm going to use the showcase mode, first time I actually go and install a plugin without giving it second thought.
    I won't use the shop part though, we already have Localshops 3 (finally updated, and instant the best shopping plugin there is).
  3. Offline


    DropChest support is planned.
    This happens when you don't shut the server down correctly.

    Oh, didn't know about that :D Thank you!

    This seems to happen when you don't hold an item when you rightclick. I will prevent that this happens.
    I have to investigate the other thing.

    You have to sneak in order to use it now.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  4. Offline


    When I am setting the amount of the item, what exactly are you suppose to say.
    let's use the example of my IRON_SWORD.

    I also crash.
  5. Offline


    Release v0.3.1
    • You can now create infinite shop showcases [FIX]
    • A warning is displayed when you don't hold an item in your hand when creating a showcase [FIX]
    • DropChest support (DropChests won't suck any items from showcases. Requires at least DropChest v0.7.6) [FIX]
    • Players need to have the Permission or to buy something [FEAT]
    • Make sure that the items won't spawn on top of a showcase [FIX]

    Please tell me if this also happens with v0.3.1 . And, which Craftbukkit version have you got?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  6. Offline


    Me and my users fell in love with this plugin :D

    Request: split up the plugin, I'm only interested in the showcase part, I already have a widely used shop plugin and my users wont take it well if I remove that (and I don't want the other options to show, and if possible no need to type 'basic' for them).

    Edit: This could actually be a configuration option, but that might be over kill since there is no need for a configuration file now... Perhaps ingame mode selection? but it still needs a way to save that info... srry, dont know how Plugins operate.
  7. Offline


    okay, great. and I have 766. It also crashes everyone on my server :p not sure why, it may be a class thing, but i don't know too much > <

    2011-05-18 13:07:37 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins/Showcase.jar' in folder 'plugins':
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/narrowtux/DropChest/API/DropChestListener
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
        at Source)
        at Source)
        at$100(Unknown Source)
        at$ Source)
        at$ Source)
        at Method)
        at Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at de.moritzschmale.Showcase.ShowcaseMain.<init>(
        ... 13 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.narrowtux.DropChest.API.DropChestListener
        at$ Source)
        at$ Source)
        at Method)
        at Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        ... 27 more
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  8. Offline


    Oops, that's when you don't have DropChest installed. Will fix that.

    Release v0.3.2
    • Prevent crash when no dropchest is installed.

    You can deny your users the permissions showcase.finite and showcase.infinite and the options won't be displayed to them. I will do an auto-selection soon, when there is only one possibility.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  9. Sweet!

    Request: configurable limit of showcases players can make, possibly with permission nodes.
  10. Offline


    Released v0.3.3
    • Showcasing on non-safe blocks (i.e. air, torch, etc) is now prevented [FEAT]

    Added to todo.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  11. Offline


    OK, didn't know that since I have *. :p


    Edit: and the 'limit number of showcases' thing would indeed be great! When I noticed it didn't actually cost an item to make them I immediate thought some ppl would love to create showcases with diamonds all over the map...
  12. Offline


    Release 0.3.4
    • Items won't despawn anymore, so there is no ugly re-alignment after 5 minutes. [FEAT]
  13. Offline


    When you say: "Type in the text in (parenthesis)," what do you mean by "the text." I'm feeling very stupid atm and my friend couldn't make heads or tails of it either :)
  14. Offline


    What about adding a price to it? That would be easier to implement and there would be a "bid" for finite shop chests.

    parenthesis are -->()<--
    The assistant shows something like this:
    (basic) blabla
    (finite) blabla
    (infinite) blabla

    You have to type in the text in (), so for example "basic" when you want a basic showcase.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  15. Offline


    testing this today see if the guys like it
  16. Offline


    Wow, you're quick :) Thanks, I was getting the 2 lines that surround those 3 choices but not the choices themselves. I think not having the permission node set is the reason.

    One other thing. I put cake inside a glass block that was on top of a sandstone block and the cake fell down inside the sandstone, visible only when I removed the sandstone. I'm not sure if I did something wrong. I'll read back through the posts. Thanks :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  17. Offline


    That's a minecraft bug, I'll have to add Sandstone to the list of not supported blocks.
  18. Offline


    That is exactly what one of my players just suggested :p
    I told him 'srry cant do that' because I use CommandiConomy and can only charge for commands...

    You could make it all configurable...

    #Limit number of cases per player (also effective shop limit), 0 for infinite.
    LimitOfCases: 10
    #Make creating cases cost money
    CostToCreate: 0
  19. Offline


    Excellent. I have a bakery and cake simply must go in the window :)

  20. Offline


    GREAT PLUGIN! love it cant wait for my players to hopon and use the hell out of it.
    @narrowtux but dude u have to do something about item dupeing on a /reload a lot of us use that or something like it to add players. i have a ladder, birch, halfstep, cobble, and a sign show cased and only the sign duped the outhers didnt.
    suggestion---have it set up so that the glass block that have been made a shop "sucks" up neer by items and kills them or replaces them with the item in the glass some how.
  21. Offline


    Every time I place an item in it (finite shop but most probably all kinds of items) my client crashes around 1-2 seconds after. v0.3.4 Showcase, cb766
  22. Offline


    I wanted even
  23. Offline


    I am using CB 766 and Showcase 0.3.4 and it's still crashing on me. When I get to the last part of the question in finite, when it asks for the quantity of my item, I type "1" and it says it's been created and crashes a ms later.
  24. Offline


    I'm not sure if this is the duping issue but I stopped my server (typing 'stop' in the server window) and when I restarted, 2 of my items (slimeball and cake) seemed to have some copies right on top of them that I was able to pick up. Just FYI :)


  25. Offline


    Do you get any error messages in the console?

    I planned that the items inside glass blocks will be removed before loading, so eventual not removed items will go away then.
  26. Offline


    I love the end result of this plugin, but to showcase an item is pretty complicated for the way we're using it - any chance of a 'basic only' option in the configuration? We're using it in LocalShops shops to show off the items for sale, and never intend to use any of the shops functions.

    Being able to crouch + right click with an item in order to showcase it would make things considerably easier for those of us just using the 'basic' functionality.

    Oh, right. Also, if you display a damaged item, you get a free repair out of it.
  27. Offline


    Would be great if it works and don't cost too much cpu/ram!
    I will give it a chance!
  28. Offline


    i think im gonna get this :)
  29. Offline


    First, Great Plugin!
    I can now make more realistic shops.
    But unfortunately I can't make it work with plugin 'blockonglass'.
    Whenever I put items into glass to showcase it seems that the glass push the items out.
    I tried to disable blockonglass, and it worked perfectly.
    Would it be possible to make it work with 'blockonglass' ?
    Anyway good job
  30. Offline


    Is it a bug that you have to hold something in your hand to remove the shop? ;)
    But seems to work great!
  31. Offline


    Another very good idea :) great !
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