Inactive [MECH/ECON] Money2XP v1.1.4 - train your mcMMO-skills using money - now with zones! [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by TZer0, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Support for this plugin has been discontinued. If you wish to take over, please contact me.

    Money2XP - train your mcMMO-skills using iConomy/BOSEconomy-money

    Old version(1.0, iConomy 5, mcmmo ~1.0, pre 1.0.43)

    Old version(0.2.2, iConomy 4):


    • Allows players to train their skills using iConomy-money, BOSEconomy-money or EssenaitalsEco-Money.
    • Easy to set up
    • Will allow rich players to spend some cash :)
    • Training-zones!

    Commands (you may use /m2xt and /m2xs instead of /m2xtrain and /m2xset):
    Show Spoiler

    • /m2x and /m2xset - general help
    • /m2x (l)ist - shows skills and prices
    • /m2x [skillname] [amount] - Purchases [amount] xp for [skillname]
      • Usage:
        • /m2x archery 100 - gives you 100 archery xp.
    • /m2x [skillname] i[amount] - Purchases [amount]*[xpPerItem] xp for [skillname]
      • Usage:
        • /m2x archery i100 - purchases 100*xpPerItem archery xp for 100 of [item]
    • /m2x (c)heck [skillname] [amount] - Shows how much a purchase will cost you
      • Usage:
        • /m2x check archery 100 - Shows you how much 100 archery xp will cost you.
    • /m2xset [skillname/default] [price-per-xp] - sets the price per xp for [skillname] to [price-per-xp], 0 = default, -1 = unavailable
      • Usage:
        • /m2xs archery 150 - sets the price per xp for archery to 150
        • /m2xset default 75 - sets the default price per xp to 75.
    • /m2xset [skillname] i[itemId]:[xpPerItem] - Allows players to purchase xp for [skillname] using item with [itemId] at a rate of [xpPerItem]
      • Usage:
        • /m2xs archery i3:10 - allows purchases of archery xp for 10 xp per dirt-block.
    • /m2xtrain (z)ones {t/true/f/false} - turn training zones on/off
      • Usage:
        • /m2xt z t - enables zones
        • /m2xtrain zones f - disables zones
    • /m2xtrain (n)ode [1/2] - sets nodes for area-creation (to your current location, which two corners you define is irrelevant)
      • Usage:
        • /m2xt n 1
        • /m2xt node 2
    • /m2xtrain (c)reate [name] - creates a zone using nodes.
      • Usage:
        • /m2xt c myzone
    • /m2xtrain (l)ist {#} - shows training zones
    • /m2xtrain (s)elect [name] - select an area
      • Usage:
        • /m2xt s myzone
    • /m2xtrain (a)rea - shows information about the selected area
    • /m2xtrain (r)e(s)ize - resize selected area
    • /m2xtrain (ad)d [skillname] - adds a skill to selected area
      • Usage:
        • /m2xt ad archery
        • /m2xtrain add swords
    • /m2xtrain (d)el [skillname] - removes a skill from selelected area
      • Usage:
        • /m2xt d archery
        • /m2xtrain delete swords
    • /m2xtrain (d)elete(a)rea [name] - deletes an area
    • /m2xtrain (r)eload - reload config, reports errors
    Available skills: mining, woodcutting, excavation, repair, herbalism, acrobatics, swords, archery, unarmed, axes, taming

    Setting up a training-zone
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    Remember: before doing this, run: "/m2xt z t"
    1. First set up two nodes, these should span the zone you want to be able to train in. "/m2xt n 1" and then "/m2xt n 2" somewhere else
    2. Then create the area: "/m2xt c myareaname"
    3. Select the area: "/m2xt s myareaname"
    4. Add skills which are trianable in the area: "/m2xt ad skillname", for instance: "/m2xt ad archery"

    Setting up a sign-shop
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    First line: [m2x]
    Second line: skillname
    Third line: xp-amount
    Fourth line: will be automatically replaced by "Cost: %.2f", price

    If the price changes later (say, archery-xp goes from 10 to 20), then the fourth line will be automatically replaced with the new price and the purchase aborted so that the purchaser may re-review the deal.

    • -1 disables skill-purchases for a skill, 0 sets it to the default value
    • You can set the default-price to -1 to prevent skill-purchases for all skills except for those with a price set.

    • v1.1.4
      • Fixed sign-shop issue.
    • v1.1.3
      • Fixed issue when right-clicking without having access to money2xp.user.
    • v1.1.2
      • Fixed NPE when running without permissions.
      • Made it possible to set prices through console (will add some other functions currently under m2xt soon to console)
      • Fixed some other minor issues.
    Previous changes (open)

    • v1.1.1
      • Fix for using zones and signs simultaneously.
    • v1.1
      • Sign-shop
    • v1.0.1
      • Updated to latest mcmmo-version thanks to @NuclearW
      • Fixed exception when running m2x in console
    • v1.0
      • EssentialsEco-support
      • Allow purchases using items
      • Allows xp-costs below 1. (double instead of int)
    • v0.2.3
      • iConomy 5
    • v0.2.2
      • Added taming to list of skills.
    • v0.2.1
      • Fixed null pointer exception on start if no areas are present.
    • v0.2
      • Training-zones
      • Aliases
      • use float/double to store xp-costs so that one can get more than one xp per unit of money.
    • v0.1.5
      • Fixed the balance-message after purchase.
    • v0.1.4
      • Fixed broken iConomy-support from v0.1.2
    • v0.1.3
      • Fixed a minor bug
    • v0.1.2
      • Added BOSEconomy-support on MCbyWay's request.
    • v0.1.1
      • Fixed some small bugs
    • v0.1
      • Initial release

    • [high] Use Spout and make a video-tutorial obsolete.
    • [medium] Make a video-tutorial.
    • [medium] Options for limiting how much a zone allows you to train (levelcap).
    • [medium] Purchasing X levels instead of xp. Will be added as soon as mcMMO is fixed!
    • [medium/low] xp-cost increase per level or related to amount of xp already purchased for that skill.
    • [low] Let players become trainers when reaching high enough levels.
    • Anything you can come up with!
    Feedback, as always - is welcome.
    kahlilnc likes this.
  2. Offline


    Ah, I might've forgotten to upload that patch. Updated!
  3. Offline


    Essentials ECO support please
  4. Offline


    Added to todo. Will add after verison 0.2 as this will introduce zones (and possibly some bugs which will need squishing)
  5. Offline


    Oh, that's cool! Waiting for zones+NPC trainers!
  6. Offline


    There won't be NPCs, but there will be zones. Just add NPCs using citizens or NPCx. ;)

    Why should I program something which has been done.. twice (and at that.. in rather satisfactory way with truly interesting concepts like guards an roaming groups!)!
  7. Offline


    I mean, waiting for the zones, so I can use them with NPC plugin :) Just for now NPC's have no meaning without zone restrictions :)
  8. Offline


    Can you add reward for Electrified Creeper?
  9. Offline


    I'd say that's beyond the scope of this plugin. Sorry.
  10. Offline


    Ops, wrong topic. xD
  11. Offline


    Yeah, your post made very little sense. xD
  12. Offline


    Just a bit. xD
  13. Offline


    Zones are up and running!
  14. Offline


    I was previously running 0.1.4 with no problems - love this plugin!

    However, since updating to 0.2, I get the following console error:

    146 recipes
    16 achievements
    13:54:30 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.5_02
    13:54:30 [INFO] Loading properties
    13:54:30 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    13:54:30 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-700-
    gf3ae4c3-b733jnks (MC: 1.5_02)
    13:54:30 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    13:54:30 [INFO] Preparing start region
    13:54:30 [INFO] [Permissions] (Phoenix) was Initialized.
    13:54:30 [INFO] [AncientGates v1.0.2] Loading conf from disk
    13:54:30 [INFO] [AncientGates v1.0.2] Loading gates from disk
    13:54:30 [INFO] [AncientGates v1.0.2] Enabled
    13:54:30 [INFO] Blueprint-Revisited v0.5 was sucessfully loaded!
    13:54:31 [INFO] BOSEconomy: Located Phoenix Permissions 2.6.
    13:54:31 [INFO] BOSEconomy 0.6.2 enabled.
    13:54:31 [INFO] ChestLock 0.7 is enabled!
    13:54:31 [INFO] ChestLock Successfully linked with Permissions!
    13:54:31 [INFO] [CookieMonster] Attached to BOSEconomy
    13:54:31 [INFO] [CookieMonster] v1.3.2 loaded successfully.
    13:54:31 [INFO] [CookieMonster] Developed by: [jascotty2, Coelho]
    13:54:31 [INFO] [HeroicDeath] enabled.
    13:54:31 [INFO] [mcMMO] Permissions enabled.
    13:54:31 [INFO] mcMMO version 0.9.29 is enabled!
    13:54:31 [INFO] Money2XP version 0.2 is enabled!
    13:54:31 [SEVERE] null loading Money2XP v0.2 (Is it up to date?)
    at tzer0.Money2XP.Money2XP.reloadAreas(
    at tzer0.Money2XP.Money2XP.onEnable(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManage
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    13:54:31 [INFO] NoExplode version 1.4 is enabled!
    13:54:31 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.6] (Phoenix) loaded
    13:54:31 [INFO] PhatLoots 0.6 is enabled!
    13:54:31 [INFO] PhatLoots Successfully linked with Permissions!
    13:54:31 [INFO] PhatLoots Successfully linked with BOSEconomy!
    13:54:31 [INFO] RedstoneMobSpawn version 1.1 is enabled!
    13:54:31 [INFO] SecretDoors v0.2 by MrChick enabled
    13:54:31 [INFO] SimpleHome: Loading homelist...
    13:54:31 [INFO] done.
    13:54:31 [INFO] SimpleHome version 1.5 is enabled!
    13:54:31 [INFO] Weather Man 6 - On Air!
    13:54:31 [INFO] Done (0.091s)! For help, type "help" or "?"

    Any ideas?
    I didn't think to backup 0.1.4 before upgrading this time, so now I'm without this lovely addition to my server. :)
  15. Offline


    I suspect it'll work, but give me a minute, I'll fix that.

    Edit: done
  16. Offline


    Confirmed working - no errors now. Thanks for the quick fix! :)
  17. Offline


    i'm having a bit of a problem with resizing training areas. Am i supposed to be using /m2xtrain (n)ode [1/2] for NW and SW corner. I dont know, just been trying to get it lined up for a square archery range and it seems very confusing (maybe just me)

    NEVERMIND - complete blonde moment for me. Love the plugin
  18. Offline


    Updated description to avoid confusing other people as well :)
  19. Offline


    yeah once i get all the kinks worked out on my server, i'm going to be doing alot of yourtube tutorials for all the plugins (for my mods and players).. no one likes reading a wall of text... samekio has the right idea (sorry if i butchered your name haha)
  20. Offline


    i'm anxiously watching this thread for when you put sign version in. i have dumbheads on my server and these commands would blow their minds, lol.
  21. Offline


    hey there this would be a great addition to my economy but my game hosting company wont fix/update permissions even after many complaints so is it possible for this to support OP as well please?? thanks anyways
    on the suggestion side of things and forgive me if this is how it already works but could it be set so that when you purchase a level the cost goes up each level and the increments could perhaps be set in the config :)
  22. Offline


    Ahhahahahah... lol, no hope to educate the brutes, eh? I'll have it as my 2nd priority then.
    Well, it has support for OP, but only if the permissions-plugin isn't found. If you are able to add plugins to your server, then try to get this added: assignpermissions.
  23. Offline


    that plugin looks great only problem i have is that you need a working permissions plugin to use it hehe
  24. Offline


    But if you don't have a working permissions-plugin then this isn't a problem. It defaults to op when permissions aren't active.
  25. Offline


    now all i have to do is twist my hosting companys arm enough because they force there broken permissions plugin when i add money2xp
  26. Offline


    Uhm, take backup of your map and threaten to change hosting company? (I know I would've done that)
  27. Offline


    well i finally got them to remove the restrictions and have added this mod which seems to be working but in default settings i got a level on swords but it didnt cost money, ive had a look through the commands and not too sure whats wrong when I list commands they show $100 per skill. also I only have access to version 0.1.4 (which I getting them to update to the latest asap), hope this isnt the cause of my questions. also would like to know what you thought about my early idear for cost based on your level and the layout would be like this skill cost = base skill cost + increment based on skill level. e.g base swords cost $10 at level 1 would cost $10 at level 10 would be $20 (10$base+10 levels and $1 increments per level = $20) this then forces high level characters like on my server to have more involment in the ecconomy.

    also could you add support for the new skills in mcmmo like taming if you havent already
  28. Offline


    In theory, you already have an increment in cost per level as you need more xp to reach the next level - on the server I maintain, it already costs me ten times as much to gain an excavation level compared to someone starting out. Oh, and I believe 0.1.4 has a bug where it doesn't show the updated balance after a purchase (but when you do /money, you can see that things have changed) - fixed in 0.1.5, see changelog. Taming was added in v0.2.2. (you must learn to read changelogs! :p)

    Now, in the situation you're in - I would've considered complaining until you get access to a terminal or some sort of interface where you can upload plugin-files. Emergency solution: have them run a script which copies the content of bukkit_update/plugins to plugins (requires the update-plugin).
  29. Offline


    i have 40+ complaint ids in my email atm so I am on it dont worry and PS thanks for all the resposes and i do try to read all the post and change logs before posting stupid questions just I miss that sorry

    also while you must gain more xp to level skills per level training at lvl 500 is more complex than a skill at 10 and in my oppinion should cost more :p soooooo pppppllllleeeeaaaseee, hehe thanks anyways
  30. Offline


    I'll just add it as a potential todo. I'm don't think I'll be able to add it at once since I have some things in real life which need doing. Though, I may add this with a modification - xp-cost increase related to amount of xp already purchased.
  31. Offline


    Is it possible to set low values for EXP gain? EG: Having an item at 2 EXP per 1 iCoin.

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