HealMe - iConomy based heal command: Version: v1.0 HealMe is meant to be an option for players to use their iConomy money to heal themselves. The plugin offers both the options of healing themselves for a percentage of their money (a sort of tax on the rich) or the option to have a flat heal price. You may also "scale" the cost of healing based upon the player's remaining health. One of the main reasons I wanted to make this was to have a heal that is affordable for new players, but was very expensive for veteran players. Using the percentage, it gets progressively more expensive the more money they have. But you can just as easily set a fixed price. Commands: /healme (fully heal the player for a price) /healme -reload (reloads config) Default config: Code: config: percentageMode: 'true' #turns percentage prices on/off scaledPrice: 'true' #turns scaled prices on/off value: '8' #value for both all modes lowestAllowableMoney: '500' #minimum money value noMoney: You have so little money, God doesn't care. healMessage: 'God answered your prayers for ' Features: Percentage based and static heal price options Scalable cost option that's based upon current health level Set a minimum cost Configurable messages Download HealMe.jar Changelog: Version 1.0 Initial release
Okay, soul i understand it a bit more than on the server. Thanks! I would suggest to make /hm work just the same. Also an option to use "part" of your money to heal part of your money.
What do you mean by this? If you mean part of your money to heal part of your health, it can do that. It will or will not do that depending on the if scalablePrice is true or false. (Default is true) Or maybe you mean to be able to not heal completely? Like you have 10% health and you want to just heal to 50%?
The forst one is what i mean, although the second thought is a good idea, and i thought of something else, does the price also depend on how much health you have. paying 100 dollers to restore 1 heart does not make seance to repair 8 for the same price. its hould also be 10 percent per heart as well.
You can choose either of those options. That's called "scalablePrice" in the config file. If it is true, it will "scale" the price based on their remaining health. If it is false, it does not consider how much health the player has. If I understand you correctly, the plugin will do what you're saying.
hey critter, hi soul. you can use command helper to assign aliases if you run the server. /hm = /healme miss u guys well written plugin, awesome feature to have.
Good plugin, but it would be really cool if you added a cool down. Like they can only do it every 60 seconds or something.