Inactive [MECH] DropChest v0.8.3 - Chests that absorb dropped items [1.1-R3]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by narrowtux, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


    DropChest - Chests that absorb dropped items
    Version 0.8.2
    Important! When migrating from 0.6 to any above version, you have to move the DropChest.txt from server/plugins/DropChest.txt to server/plugins/DropChest/DropChest.txt
    This is because I have to follow the Bukkit plugin saves guidelines.

    This plugin automatically adds dropped items to near chests. That is very useful for automatic farming and monster traps that gather loot.
    • automatically suck dropped items that are near a chest to that chest
    • customizable warning if the chest is nearly full
    • list your DropChests and watch how much percent is still free
    • Permissions
    • Filter
    • Storage Minecart support
    • Dispenser and Furnace support
    • Item information
    • Chest protection
    • Automatic Owner tracking
    • Double-Chest support

    GitHub Project (Source Download)
    Download development version

    Donate, if you want to support me ;)


    Show commands (open)

    To add a chest to the "watchlist", type
    /dropchest add [radius]
    After that, rightclick the chest that you want to add. Radius is the radius in which the Chest should suck items. Default value is 2.

    To remove a chest from the "watchlist", just type
    /dropchest remove chestid
    where chestid is the number of the chest that you get when you call /dropchest list

    You can list the chests that are on the watchlist via
    /dropchest list
    You can adjust the radius of a chest via
    /dropchest setradius chestid radius
    You can check which id and radius the Chest in front of you has:
    /dropchest which
    after that, rightclick on the Chest to get information about it.
    If you are sitting in front of the console, or don't want to rightclick, you can use
    /dropchest info chest
    It will generate the same output as /dc which.

    You can teleport to a chest via
    /dropchest tp chestid
    where chestid is the ID of the dropchest

    You can set the name of a DropChest via
    /dropchest setname {chestid} {newname}
    The name is displayed in chest is full warnings, and in the DropChest list!

    If you migrate from 0.6 to 0.7, you can set the owner of a dropchest by typing:
    /dropchest setowner {chest} {newowner}
    You can protect a chest by typing
    /dropchest protect {chest} {on|off}
    You can always use /dc instead of /dropchest if you are lazy.

    Another very helpful command is /dcitem:
    /dcitem [NAME|id]
    This can be used to obtain the name of an item by it's id or get an id of the item-name.
    This doesn't work with all names, though.

    Use the new command /chestinfo {name|id} to get info about what's inside the chest.
    Omit the argument and rightclick on any chest to get info about that.
    >/dcitem 4
    >/dcitem cobblestone

    Show Configuration (open)

    You can configure DropChest by pasting the contents of the following block to plugins/DropChest/dropchest.cfg
    #Should the dropchest drop items when it gets a redstone signal?
    #How long should the dropchest not suck items after it has dropped them
    #Should users be able to protect chests like in LWC?
    #Which is the default radius if you omit the radius argument in /dropchest add?
    #Which should be the maximum radius for players that have not dropchest.setBig and aren't ops?
    #At which fill-status should the chest warn you?
    #Which message should appear as warning?
    #You can use this variables (example):
    # $owner : the owner of the chest (narrowtux)
    # $name  : the name of the chest (my superduper mobtower chest/#42)
    # $fill  : The fill status, in percent (81)
    warnmessage=$owner, your chest $name is nearly full($fill%).

    Filter / Storage Minecarts
    Show Filter/Storage Minecarts (open)

    Filters have changed in version 0.6. There are now 3 seperate filters that are for sucking items, pulling items from passing minecarts and pushing them to passing minecarts.
    You can now set the filters by either using commands or using the interactive mode. Let me show you the interactive mode first:
    to begin, type
    /dropchest filter {suck|push|pull}
    Note: choose one of suck, push or pull, please (for example /dropchest filter suck)
    Then you will enter the interactive mode. In this mode you can edit the selected filter by hitting the chest with the desired item in your hand.
    To edit another filter, type the above command again.
    To finish your filter, type
    /dropchest filter finish
    Commands mode:
    /dropchest filter {suck|push|pull} {chestid} {itemid|itemtype|clear}
    Call the filter-command like above, as second argument, use the chest-ID, and as third argument, either type the item-ID, the name of the item (as they appear here: org.bukkit.Material) or type clear to clear this filter.
    Please note! The suck filter acts different from the Pull/Push-Filter when it's empty. When the suck-filter is empty, the chest will suck every item. When a Pull/Push filter is empty, it won't take or give any items to a passing minecart.

    Show Permissions nodes (open)

    You can use these nodes:
    • dropchest - To get the right to use DropChest
    • dropchest.create - To call /dropchest add
    • dropchest.remove - To call /dropchest remove chestid
    • dropchest.radius.set - To set the radius of a Chest to something else than 2
    • dropchest.radius.setBig - To have unlimited radius
    • dropchest.which - To have access to the /dropchest which command
    • dropchest.teleport - To be able to teleport via /dropchest tp chestid
    • dropchest.filter - To set or reset filters
    • dropchest.filter.set - To set filters in interactive mode
    • dropchest.filter.reset - To reset filters in interactive mode (click with nothing in hand)
    • dropchest.list - To have access to /dc list and /dc info
    • dropchest.destroy - To be able to break a dropchest without removing it before.
    • dropchest.protect - To be able to protect a chest
    • dropchest.moderator - To be able to modify a dropchests properties even if you're not the owner. Also, ops and the console can do that.
    You can use these variables:

    • dropchestmaxradius - To adjust the maximum radius for a group or a user
    How to use variables:

          dropchestmaxradius: 1000
    This is just an example and this also works with groups!

    Version 0.8.2
    • Fixed the loading issue.
    Version 0.8.1
    • Supports SuperPermissions (when no Permissions plugin was found)
    • Fixed show stopping bugs.
    • Use YAML as persistence storage. You can find the new file at plugins/DropChest/dropchests.yml
    Show Changelog (open)

    Version 0.8
    • Performance improvements
    • Fixed a bug that caused dropchest to eat stacks in storage minecarts (thanks @Tenebria )
    • Implemented per-chest delay (thanks @Gibbers )
    • Made /dc list per player. Use /dc list {pagenum} all to see all showcases (works without all in the console)
    Version 0.7.9
    • Fixed bug where items were lost when a chest/minecart was full on pushing/pulling
    • Little code cleanup
    Version 0.7.8
    • Fixed a bug where, for example, if you had several ItemStacks of 1 block each, only 1 ItemStack would be pulled to the chest or pushed to the MineCart, the others would be deleted.
    • Minecarts can now be over/under DropChests to be handled
    Thanks M-Type!
    Version 0.7.7
    • Double Chest support
    Version 0.7.6

    • Fixed some issues when using a Permissions implementation that is not complete (in this case EssentialsGroupManager as reported by @Kartus )
    Version 0.7.5

    • you can add all items to a filter by using the keyword "all" instead of the material-type
    • you can obtain info about a dropchest without having to rightclick (/dc info {chest}). However, the output is the same as when you would have called /dc which
    Version 0.7.4

    • warnfillstatus=-1 now disables the "chest is full"-warning
    Version 0.7.3

    • Fixed a bug that came with a new Bukkit release
    Version 0.7.2

    • /dc which now says something again, thanks to @Liger_XT5.
    Version 0.7.1

    • Removed debug messages :D
    Version 0.7

    • Configuration added
    • DropChests can drop their contents when a redstone input is present
    • Now, only the owner of a dropchest can adjust it's properties
    • The owner of a dropchest can protect the chest. So other players can't open it.
    • Customizable warning message and fill threshold.
    • Warnings will now be displayed to the owner of a chest, if he is online.
    • And made compatible to Minecraft 1.5_01. Older versions of craftbukkit won't work!
    Version 0.6.9

    • /dc which even more fancy
    • Removed debug message reported by @Reterg
    • Implemented the /item command which tells you what item this id is or vice-versa.
    Version 0.6.8

    • /dc which now looks fancy and shows the filtered items, too.
    Version 0.6.7

    • Added dropchest-id to the /dc which output.
    Version 0.6.6

    • Fixed NullPointerException on startup
    Version 0.6.5

    • Fixed /dc which
    • Refactored some code
    • You can now also use names of dropchests in the commands.
    Version 0.6.4

    • Fixed chunk unload that results in crash
    Version 0.6.3

    • Updated to bukkit-version 602
    • Tried to fix Thread-Exceptions. Breaking DropChests still not fixed, maybe happens later this day ;)
    Version 0.6.2

    • Permissions not required anymore.
    • Thread-Safe. No more ConcurrentModificationCheck Exceptions!
    Version 0.6.1

    • Fixed loading issues. You have to move your old DropChest.txt to the folder DropChest/ in your plugin directory!
    Version 0.6

    • Seperate filters for sucking, pushing to minecarts, pulling from minecarts
    • Multiple users can add dropchests at the same time now!
    • Added a name to the DropChests
    • Fixed Minecraft 1.3-Bug (method net.minecraft.server.Entity.q() was not available any more)
    I'm working on extended furnace handling, that fuels automatically go to the fuel slot and so on. This is still buggy so I didn't released it, it comes in the next version.

    Version 0.5.1
    • Multiworld works now
    • Paginated /dc list
    • Persistent DropChest IDs
    Version 0.5

    • Added support for Storage Minecarts
    • Added support for Dispensers and Furnaces
    Version 0.4.2

    • Fixed bug that Tearlow described.
    Version 0.4.1

    • Fixed loading bug when migration from versions 0.3 or below
    Version 0.4

    • Added filters.
    Version 0.3.1

    • Multiple world support
    • Since the Craftbukkit version from feb, 13 at 12:00 CET, Chests that are destroyed by Players are rebuilt
    • Worked around NullPointerException when Permissions is not loaded properly
    • Files now hosted on github ;) that non-members also can download DropChest
    Version 0.3

    • Permissions support.
    • Configure the maximum radius for each single user or group (via Permissions)
    • Fixes bug with unhandled Exception in the EntityWatcher-Timer.
    • /dropchest can be called via /dc for short
    • /dropchest without arguments just lists the commands that the user can execute, as well as his maximum radius.
    • Oh, and I corrected the Pythagoras formula for radius calculation. Shame on me...
    Version 0.2.3

    This is quite a huge bugfix update. Permissions come next ;)
    • Broken DropChests are now automatically removed from the list
    • changed package name from com.bukkit.narrowtux.DropChest to com.narrowtux.DropChest to prevent not loading issues coming up next monday
    • Added command "which", that allows you to see which id a chest has and if it is already a dropchest.
    • Linked against the most recent versions of Bukkit and Craftbukkit. The Bukkit guys have fixed a lot of bugs that affected this plugin. In my tests, there were no more nullPointerExceptions or similar errors. Also, DropChest now also works on very fresh placed Chests
    • And a currently constant maximum radius of 20 blocks
    Version 0.2.2

    • DropChest are now removed when you call /dropchest remove chestid
    • DropChest now have a minimum radius of 2
    • Fixed some saving issues
    Version 0.2.1

    • Fixed a problem where the radius has not been saved
    Version 0.2

    • Added a radius
    Version 0.1

    • First Release of DropChest
  2. Offline


    any news on advanced redstone support on dropchest?
  3. Offline


    Have i do something wrong? I realized that you answering to all questions, but not to mine. If you don't answered because you don't know or want to fix this issue, then sorry for this post.

    (German: Habe ich irgendwas falsch gemacht? Ich habe festgestellt das du auf alle Fragen geantwortet hast, außer meinen. Wenn es daran liegt das du den Fehler noch nicht fixen möchtest oder kannst, entschuldige meinen Beitrag.)
  4. Offline


    Is there no way for non-OPs to use this addon when not using permissions? If no, can you enable a way please?

    Many addon developers seem to not understand the needs of small-private servers. OP vs. Non-OP users is the perfect amount of "permission" many of us server admins really care about. But, with so many developers giving an all-or-nothing approach to using Permissions, it makes it where some of us would rather have a filter on the plugins search that says "Does NOT require Permissions" along with a second reading "Does NOT require OP privileged player if NOT using Permissions".. which is always the tricky cousin when searching for addons like this for your server.

    Sorry for the wall-o-text, I just grow tired of turning down awesome plugins because they insist on using Permissions, Full OP, or nothing. OP = /give command. Full permission to a mod won't break the game, full permission to the game will defiantly break the game. Think about it.

    Thanks for listening. Love the mechanics of this addon very much.
  5. Offline


    Well I guess I need to bump this problem again. I play on Darsith's MC server, and the drop chests where great. But since the last update, drop chests do not seem to work that great anymore.

    1st problem like Darsith mentioned is that the Drop Chests go away after a server reset. This is a major problem for me, as I had built a Lowes and Walmart filled with drop chests, that gather (pull) items from a mine cart system that brings materials from a mining/digging/farming area. I had over 400 drop chests in walmart and about 100 in lowes. It was impossible for me to keep adding them back in after a server reset.

    I am still using about 60 drop chests to gather items and bring them to walmart where I manualy move them to the walmart chests (sooooo much work - was much easier with working drop chests).

    The other issues is a small one for me, it is the delay, it was great having drop chests gather items before they him my inventory. Now I need to keep my inventory filled with junk (filler) so that the drop chests gather the items.

    Please Please Please Please Please at least figure out why our drop chests go away after a server reset.

    Thanks in advance,

  6. Offline


    Try the dev build, it *should* work w/o permissions there.

    Which DropChest version do you have got?
    I thought this is not a serious problem, as the user did something wrong there. Also, I was not home for 3 days...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
    Icemelt likes this.
  7. Offline


    It's a serious problem. Or you like to run a plugin, which can produce an error-loop (and increasing the server.log size and make a server unstable) because a player wrote a command wrong? (in our case, he only forget to add the parameters to the filter command)

    I hope you can look over it, if you need anything i can give you all information.
  8. Offline


    The version Darsith is using is 0.8.3

    Dar restarted the server to get the version, and it also threw this error

    Additional information:

    After getting that error, Darsith removed all the drop chest files before doing a fresh install. Then we added a drop chest, and restarted the server again.

    The error was not there, and the drop chest did not vanish.

    So maybe the problem is solved, if there was a corrupt drop chest file, causing all the drop chests to disappear after a restart.

    We will do more testing later, but I have to go. Looks like the solution may be to delete all drop chest files, if your drop chests do a vanishing act.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  9. Offline


    Oh well, I updated my client to 1.8 by mistake, so now I can not play on the old server until Bukkit and the mods used are working with 1.8

    I am pretty sure we solved the Drop Chest problem but will not be able to test anything until all is working with 1.8 (hope the 1.8 conversions go fast :) )
  10. Offline


    DropChest should work with 1.8 when bukkit is done (and bug free).
  11. Offline


    I WOULD LOVE TO USE THIS BUT IT SAYS you can not use dropchest ask an operator to enable it for you! how?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! in the notepad thing its just { }.... whats suppost to be in it??? PLZ HELP!!!!!!!! ps: i am an op/admin!!! i DO NOT HAVE PERMISSIONS!!!!!
  12. Offline


    Which version?
    How old are you?
    jkmerlin likes this.
  13. Offline


    im using 1.8.1 server aka 1185 and im using v0.8.3 of dc and i know its not the right type but it still works for it :) and why do you want to know how old i am?? lol
  14. Offline


    I'm having an issue too narrowtux !

    I can (and my player can) create DropChest, and when something is droped nearby, it disapears, but it's NOT inside the chest afterwards !

    I'm using:
    CB #1185
    DropChest v0.8.3

    Hope you can help :)
  15. Offline


    Is there a way to use this with just the ops.txt? or built in permissions? we do not run a permissions system on my server.

    All commands by ops are coming back with you don't have access messages.
  16. Offline


    I'll do an extended test with the permissions issue soon.
    I defined the bukkit permissions in my plugin.yml and even provided defaults but as it seems this doesn't work with dropchest.
    Zeno15 and jblaske like this.
  17. Offline


    Wel none of the player son server can use this plugin even with permissions dropchest.* and dc.* only the op can use it so a nice feature to disable permissions woudl be great first plugin I found that actually has problems regarding permissions, i use essentials with groupmanager and also have LWC for chest protections
  18. Offline


    i hope you have a updated version of your super dropchest plugin, me likes it lots ;-)
  19. Offline


    Yeah, i could use this on my server for sure but we run 1.8.1.
  20. Offline


    So will this work on 1185?
    I could live with only op's being able to use these chests :D
  21. Offline


    Works on 1185
    Hopium likes this.
  22. Offline


    Sorry to keep the stream of requests up but any news on the small server with no permissions plugins yet?
  23. Offline


    Would it be possible to add the ability to suck in records to jukeboxes? (Possibly popping the old one out if it does so?)
  24. Offline


    man i miss this plugin
  25. Offline


    I tried to install it, but it said something like:
    You may not use DropChest. Please ask your Operator to enable this awesome plugin for you.
    I already installed it, added the dropchest.cfg in /plugins/DropChest myself, but it still doesn't work. There's a dropchests.yml which is only filled with '{}'.
    I also added everything from the dropchest.cfg to the .yml, but it still says the same thing. I'm so sad that this does not work anymore, because I would really need it and it seems like there's no other plugin out there like this one which works at the moment *cries* :'O
  26. Offline


    I dont have permission to use it! (on my own server).

    By the way, Sqrt(a)^2 = a, just saying.
  27. Offline


    Not sure if it has been mentioned here before but I have the following bugs to report:
    Using latest bukkit with permissionsbukkit

    No way to set the sucking radius, not in the config, not in the permissions. It just doesn't follow what's in there.
    Some 'Full chest' messages will be thrown in general chat, so everyone can read it.
  28. Offline


    How do you install, I put the .jar in my plugins folder, but then what do I do?
  29. Offline


    I have a big problem, i can't give myself or others permission and i'm op. I have tried to find some instructions in the posts you have made. And i could not find it on any other webside. Every one describe the the useof commands and not how to give permission.
    Plzzz help me!
    Jeahaha likes this.
  30. Offline


    PLEASE update it and make it that ops can make them without permissions
  31. Offline


    I want to use the plugin again , because my permissions were very bad , and I am operator :D

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