Inactive [MECH] CrowdControl v0.0.3 - The creature control plugin [1.1R3]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by WinSock, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. Offline


    CrowdControl - The creature control plugin.
    Version 0.0.3

    New Rewrite is out! Get it at:
    Temp Download Link Below

    Yes it's back, the two plugins MobControl and CrowdControl have been merged now and I present to you on the behalf of the elBukkit team the new and improved CrowdControl! Features are still being added from both of the old plugins but i have decided that enough basic functionality is here to release it to the general public!

    If you're not familiar with JSON i recommend this online editor:





    Full Changelog
    11RJB and NathanWolf like this.
  2. Offline


    I have a suggestion for this plugin because I don't think that the most users want to set up ALL monsters.
    Maybe you can implement a basic command which toggles between the "normal" server spawn settings and the "crowd" settings.
    It would be nice if we can just change values from the normal monsters which are spawned already cause of the normal spawn rate. I downloaded this plugin just to change maybe the spawn rate, max monsters on the world and not want to set all monsters new :/ In addition I think that 90% of the users won't know the damage/health etc. values for the monsters. So maybe you also add the default value of each monster to commands list ( after the monster's name maybe? )
    So this is just a suggestion and I don't want to blame anything of your work but it would be Very nice if you can implement this.
    Keep up your great work!
  3. Offline


    Send me your CrowdControl.db file, i will check for weird entries.

    I'm trying to figure out a clean way to implement that right now :) I hate having constants in my code but that's the way it has to be done to give defaults.
  4. Offline


    WinSock: I would recommend being able to modify specific entries in the db.

    So if I just want to enable zombies without changing how they behave, I would do:

    crowd set ZOMBIE Enabled true

    Don't know if this is helpful at all
    WinSock likes this.
  5. Offline


    i think i will drop this plugin its great if all things runs fine but i search a lightweight plugin for mob changes and i found someone.
  6. Offline


    Sorry for not being able to help anyone out i'm in Texas on vacation. I have a way of programming but no way to test anything out. All progress in the next few days will be in development builds only.
  7. Offline


    That's cool, I'm sure you need a vacation, have fun.
    WinSock likes this.
  8. Offline


    Thanks :)

    Hmmm i think i might know a way to do this :) Hmmm, late night of partying - done, Red Bull check Laptop check Eclipse check :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  9. Offline


    Well this is a bit unweildy, for one not entirely sure if you need the whole of bukkit to make a plugin, the single plugin can easily take up more space than all your other plugins combined, given that 7 megs isn't really that much since 1995. Secondly the plugin could come with at least the default settings, having to rewrite the entire spawning rulebook isn't entirely a fun time. Other than that the features did promise everything mob control did, and hopefully they'll all work this time so that much at least is good. Just takes a bit of time doing initial setup from scratch.
  10. Offline


    I'm having a problem :(

    2011-06-18 02:52:18 [INFO] CrowdControl v0.25.08 is enabled!
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [SEVERE] [CrowdControl]The database name can not contain: /, \, or .db
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [SEVERE]     at com.alta189.sqlLibrary.SQLite.sqlCore.checkTable(
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [SEVERE]     at com.elBukkit.bukkit.plugins.crowd.RuleHandler.<init>(
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [SEVERE]     at com.elBukkit.bukkit.plugins.crowd.CrowdControlPlugin.onEnable(
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-06-18 02:52:19 [INFO] CrowdControl v0.25.08 is disabled!
  11. Offline


    Having trouble running this on 860 -- seems to disable mobspawners and /spawnmob command. No errors thrown. Looks promising, though!
  12. Offline


    Yes I have noticed this as well with mobspawners and spawn commands. At the moment when you start this up it will wipe all mobs from the map very slowly(slightly scary). This also seems to clash with mo' creatures if you have that working thanks to itemcraft. After you set up the spawning with this I don't think they come back. But yes, I can see this become a really good plugin.

    Think he "might" be working on a way to edit the database which would be wonderful. Haven't looked at the code myself on why it stops the commands and all spawning of creatures from mods or plugins.

    @morizuki, I could try and help figure that out but I need to know when the error occurred. Like soon as you installed or tried to edit something or restarted the server.

  13. Offline


    Yea thats the problem about my system. I have no clue when i cancel the default bukkit spawn event if it was manually spawned or a custom spawn. So for now i just cancel all spawns, i might pull request an added enum but for now thats a limitation of bukkit.
    I agree that is very clunky to use.... I have to come up with a good idea for modifying rules. Would people be opposed to a separate java app to configure? And i have removed the craftbukkit from my plugin and its now down to 2.1 mb.
    Can you redownload? Because that error was removed before i even released the plugin :p

    You ninjaed me xD read above :)
    And thanks for helping with the questions while i'm on vacation :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  14. Offline


    it's still persist :(
  15. Offline


    Hrm, umm i'm not seeing where it can happen :confused:, the class i'm using doesn't have that error msg. Umm can you try my latest dev build?
  16. Offline


    yes I've download it.. and it's still persist :(
  17. Offline


    Ummm i'll help you tmro its late and i'm on vacation in texas. and have to get up in like 4 hours.... lolz
  18. Offline


    When does it spit out this error? Finding a way to recreate it helps.
  19. Offline


    Definitely a plugin I'll watch. I'm really not keen on having to configure the whole thing from scratch though, I'd rather get the default config and work it from there.
  20. Offline


    oh ok thanks.. :D

    when I'm starting my server..

  21. Offline


    So you just throw it in the plugins folder for the first time not touching anything and it does this? Hmm if that is so I wonder...hmm.

    Edit: Never idea didn't recreate it if that was the case.
  22. Offline


    yeah.. can't configure anything cause it's not generating..
  23. Offline


    I changed set to your method :)
  24. Offline

    Brandon Egnell

    umm jsut a question but could you make it a config.yml file to edit the stuff. doing it in game for me seems a little hard for me. Just first there is no tutorial then the help is all mashed into 2 lines. Im not being mean im just making a suggestion. i think other's might find it helpful too :)

    Example SpawnLightRule
    /crowd finish 0 world ZOMBIE 15,0

    no zombies have spawned in daylight yet
  25. Offline


    Did you enable them using the set command?

    To everyone I'm at a short train stop where i found free WIFI, eta 7 hours to home! I have a lot of new features to test when i get home to a proper computer that isn't a dual core atom netbook with 512 megs of ram :p
    @bill45 @NathanWolf Can you keep my thread in order for me until then? Thanks!!!
    NathanWolf likes this.
  26. Offline

    Brandon Egnell

    im not quite shur what you mean by that
  27. Offline


    This plugin causes me a Ram leak. I have 2 gigs ram dedicated to the server + im running build 860.
  28. Offline


    Did you spawn 1000 zombies or something? I can run this just fine and my server only has 1 gig reserved for it. Then again playing minecraft itself seems to eat up 1.4 gigs on its own sometimes... So all together it gets close to 3 gigs just gone..To many plugins I suppose.

    @Brandon Egnell What he meant is use the set command to enable the spawning. If you do "/crowd set" it will tell you what you have to enter for the set command.
  29. Offline


    Oh you will love how i'm organizing the set command for a new update :) And plus i'm multithreading parts for possible performance increases xD
  30. Offline


    Could you add the ability to be able to edit different colored sheep for instance having red sheep spawn in the nether?
  31. Offline


    Hrmm, Now i just need to think of a clean way to implement this...

    Once this pull request gets added then other spawning plugins will work along with this plugin!

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
    Birdman33573 likes this.

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