Inactive [MECH] CommandSigns v0.9 - Issue commands using signs [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Fluff, May 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    CommandSigns v0.9

    Tired of having to type out the same commands again and again? Want to allow your players to use commands only at certain places? Help is at hand!

    Feature Summary
    • Allows chat commands and chat messages to be send on right-clicking a sign.
    • Allows commands to be run on signs that players wouldn't be able to use through chat.
    • Sign usage can be limited to specific players or groups.
    • Supports 'variables' for player name and x,y,z position.
    • Won't allow users to gain access to forbidden commands without permission (secure).
    • Add a cost to use a sign, or a reward for clicking the sign!
    • Limit the number of times a sign can be used.
    • Enable and disable signs without destroying them.
    • Permissions-friendly
    • Developer API available
    User's Guide

    About The Developers

    Want to ensure your bug or suggestion isn't lost in the thread? Post it on our issue tracker.

    Command Summary (open)

    • /commandsign enable - Enables the next command sign you right-click on.
    • /commandsign enable <x> <y> <z> - Enables the command sign at x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign enable <x> <y> <z> [w:]<world> - Enables the command sign in world <world> at x,y,z.
    • /commandsign enable [a:]<alias> - Enables the command sign at the alias.
    • /commandsign enable <uses> - Enables the next command sign you right-click on with a number of uses.
    • /commandsign enable <uses> <x> <y> <z> - Enables the command sign at x,y,z in the current world with a number of uses.
    • /commandsign enable <uses> <x> <y> <z> [w:]<world> - Enables the command sign in world <world> at x,y,z with a number of uses.
    • /commandsign enable <uses> [a:]<alias> - Enables the command sign at the alias with a number of uses.
    • /commandsign disable - Disables the next command sign you right-click on.
    • /commandsign disable <x> <y> <z> - Disables the command sign at x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign disable <x> <y> <z> [w:]<world> - Disables the command sign at x,y,z in world <world>.
    • /commandsign disable [a:]<alias> - Disables the command sign at the alias.
    • /commandsign alias - Right-click on a block to get the alias of its location.
    • /commandsign alias <x> <y> <z> - Get the alias of the location x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign alias <x> <y> <z> w:<world> - Get the alias of the location x,y,z in world <world>.
    • /commandsign alias [a:]<name> - Right-click on a block to set the alias of its location.
    • /commandsign alias <x> <y> <z> [a:]<name> - Set the alias of the location x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign alias <x> <y> <z> w:<world> [a:]<name> - Set the alias of the location x,y,z in world <world>.
    • /commandsign alias remove - Right-click on a block to remove the alias of its location.
    • /commandsign alias remove [a:]<name> - Removes the alias.
    • /commandsign alias remove <x> <y> <z> - Remove the alias at location x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign alias remove <x> <y> <z> w:<world> - Remove the alias at location x,y,z in world <world>.
    • /commandsign alias [a:]<name> [a:]<newname> - Set the alias of the location at <name> to <newname>.
    • /commandsign config - Lists all the configuration nodes.
    • /commandsign config <node> - Lists the configuration node.
    • /commandsign config <node> <value> - Sets the configuration node to the value.
    • /commandsign exec [a:]<alias> - Executes the command sign at the location pointed to by the alias.
    • /commandsign exec <x> <y> <z> - Executes the command sign at location x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign exec <x> <y> <z> [w:]<world> - Executes the command sign at location x,y,z in world <world>.
    Syntax Summary (open)

    • [command] - use on the first line of a sign to define a command sign.
    • **[title] - use on the first line in place of [command] to customise the title of the sign
    • /command - runs a command as the player using the sign
    • /*command - runs a command as the fictional user &CommandSigns
    • /@command - elevates the player's permissions (using the permissions assigned to &CommandSigns) if necessary to run the command
    • @player/group - commands following (up to the next @) are limited to that player/group.
    • \message - prints the message to chat
    • \\message - prints the message to the player
    • <NAME> / <X> / <Y> / <Z> / <I> - replaced with the using players name/x/y/z-coord/current held item id on running.
    • $;<cost1>[;<costN>] where cost is <item id>,<item number> or <item id>:<item data>,<item number> - adds a cost to the sign
    • $$ - break evaluation of a command sign
    Permission Nodes (open)

    • commandSigns.use - Use a command sign.
    • commandSigns.create - Create, enable, or disable a command sign.
    • commandSigns.super - Create, enable, or disable a command sign using /*command, /@command, @player/group, or $.
    • commandSigns.super.cost - Create, enable, or disable a command sign using $.
    • commandSigns.super.elevated - Create, enable, or disable a command sign using /@command.
    • commandSigns.super.fakeuser - Create, enable, or disable a command sign using /*command.
    • commandSigns.super.restricted - Create, enable, or disable a command sign using @player/group.
    • commandSigns.default.<default group name> - A flag stating that the group is the default group.
    • commandSigns.config - Allows a user to manage the configuration.
    • commandSigns.alias - Allows a user to manage aliases.
    • commandSigns.exec - Allows a user to remotely trigger command signs.
    Reporting a Problem (open)
    The following bits of information are helpful to include when reporting a problem:
    1. Bukkit and plugin version.
    2. Excerpt from server log of the failed command usage, preferably with the debug configuration option set to true.
    3. Complete command sign text.
    4. Command sign configuration file.
    5. Name of plugin that the failed command comes from, preferably with a link to the plugin's forum thread.

    Recommended Plugins
    • With Annotate, you can have CommandSigns on practically any block with an almost unlimited amount of room for commands! They can even activate when pressing a button or a pressure plate!
    • With ScrollingMenuSign, your signs can look even nicer while allowing your users to scroll through a menu of commands!

    Download Latest Version
    MD5: 7f4076eea7198f2c0f17cde3f62f7c1f
    Download 0.8.1i - RB 803 and previous
    MD5: 72a60e16bfd775b3d15a03aca70e86e0


    To Everyone Asking For Redstone Support (open)

    Yes, I also think redstone support would be very cool. Unfortunately, there are some major limitations on what you can do with a redstone-controlled sign. You can read about those limitations in this post, and you can read a rationale about why those limitations exist in this post. Given those two limitations, I don't think redstone support is currently a useful feature to add, especially given what Annotate can do for you. (If you disagree, please post on the issue tracker on how you would use redstone support.) In the (not too distant) future, redstone support may will be added in a separate plugin due to the different nature of redstone command signs.

    Change Log
    version 0.9 - See Post
    • If PEX permissions work, this plugin supports it.
    • Economy redone; added Essentials Economy.
    • Localization support added.
    • Added new command: /commandsign exec
    • Events properly unregistered when plugin is disabled.
    version 0.8.13
    • Default groups should work for real.
    Older Entries (open)

    version 0.8.12
    • Added handling for default groups.
    • Added support for command aliases.
    • Added /commandsign config.
    version 0.8.11
    • Fixed @ directive.
    • Fixed '/commandsign disable' bug.
    • Added aliases.
    version 0.8.10
    • Fixed /@ permissions error.
    • Added exception handling for removing permissions from users.
    version 0.8.9
    • Added PEX and Permissions 3.0 support.
    • Added new placeholders: <N> and <I>
    • Fixed bug with regular / commands.
    • Added new directives: $$ and \\
    • Added additional debug messages.
    version 0.8.8
    • Fixed /* and /@ working without permissions support.
    • Fixed Permissions creating new users with the wrong casing.
    version 0.8.7
    • Fixed command sign creation permissions.
    • Added debug configuration option.
    version 0.8.6
    • Added Permissions checks to developer API.
    • Fixed enabling bug with /* and /@.
    • Updated to work with GroupManager and fake Permission plugins.
    version 0.8.5 - See Post
    • Fixed multi-world Permissions bug.
    • Changed @ group directive
    version 0.8.4
    • Removed support for Permissions 3.x
    • Updated to 818
    version 0.8.3
    • Fixed API bug
    version 0.8.2
    • Updated for Permissions 3.x
    version 0.8.1
    • Fixed GroupManager integration
    version 0.8
    • Added /@ to temporarily elevate a user's permissions.
    • Added developer API.
    version 0.7.1
    • Fixed item data bug - for real, this time.
    version 0.7 - See Post
    • Removed SignReadMore support.
    • Added Annotate support.
    • Added more granular permissions for advanced sign creation.
    • Removed a debug message that looked like an error.
    version 0.6.2
    • Fixed enable bug on sign creation.
    • Fixed item data bug.
    version 0.6.1
    • Fixed berating of users who can't create command signs but were just innocently putting up a sign.
    version 0.6
    • Added SignReadMore support.
    version 0.5.1
    • Can no longer place blocks directly on enabled command signs.
    • Fixed @ directive.
    • Changed fake user network code.
    version 0.5 - See Post
    • Added /commandsign commands.
    • Added finite-use signs.
    version 0.4.10
    • Fixed BOSEconomy support
    version 0.4.9
    • Supports BOSEconomy
    version 0.4.8
    • Trimming commands in hopes it fixes some problems.
    version 0.4.7 - See Post
    • Added cost signs.
    version 0.4.6
    • Hackish solution to 'items not showing up in inventory' bug.
    version 0.4.5 - See Post
    • Updated support for GroupManager.
    • Added configuration option to change the display name of the fake user.
    • Added configuration option to allow command parser to understand // commands.
    version 0.4.4
    • Fixed numerous bugs when not using Permissions.
    • Beginnings of an API for other plugin devs.
    version 0.4.3
    • Added configuration file.
    • Fixed chat command bugs.
    • Rearranged code for simpler maintenance.
    version 0.4.2 - See Post
    • BREAKING CHANGE - The fake user is now named &CommandSigns.
    version 0.4.1
    • Fixed for 740
    version 0.4
    • Bukkit team trying to break everything again
    version 0.35
    • Fixed conflict when using <NAME> in commands overriding permissions.
    version 0.3
    • Added NAME, X, Y and Z variables
    • Added permission filter
    • Allowed creation of signs that call commands user would not usually have access to
    • Allowed customisation of [command] to other text.
    version 0.15
    • Bugfix ("Insufficient Permissions" annoyance bug)
    version 0.1
    • Plugin Released
    Dimochka, c_dric, Flipp and 5 others like this.
  2. Offline


    can you pleas add redstone support to the sign?
    I mean that players will be able to use restone dust + lever/button/plate to activate the sign

    Can you add a demonstration video as well?
    I dont really understand all the functions
  3. Offline


    What parts were vague in the User's Guide (also linked in the OP)? We want the plugin to be as well-documented as possible.
  4. Offline


    An option to make the sign have a limit to uses or a counter would be sweet.
    Great plugin though!

    I'd also like to be able to hide the command.
  5. Offline


    fluff, it wont even say "you dont have the permissions" it just write all available vars after /region
    i think something with spaces?
  6. Offline


    Fluff, some people may be getting confused by your OP, under the "Syntax" spoiler section, it says this:

    /*command - runs a command as the fictional user #CommandSigns

    When, of course, the correct name is '&CommandSigns', you should change that.

    Btw, thanks for continuing this plugin, excellent work. :D
  7. Offline


    problem solved, it was GroupManager Fault
  8. Offline


    Ah, thanks for catching that.
  9. Offline


    @yup8: i know there is a plugin that can do that. thats not my problem. after someone is done with a level and stand on a pressure plate i want that sign to be executed. becouse some of the people forgets to rightclick the sign after a level....
    worldedit can do this command btw: /remove drops <range>

    so that a pressure plate or a lever like beatcomet already said could be supported would be great!

    thanks for the plugin btw :p it's working like a charm!
  10. Offline


    Just as an aside, if you want to know what issues have already been reported (or features already suggested), hit the issue tracker. (also linked in the OP). I've been around long enough to know that 90% (or more) of people won't look and will blindly post here instead, but's there if you want to know.

    The development plan moving forward:
    1. SignReadMore support, developer API, and customization of fake user
    2. Cost signs (iConomy support) and finite-use signs
    3. Redstone-enabled signs
    4. Cost signs (item cost)
    5. Delayed commands (This may be supported through the integration of another plugin.)
    SignReadMore support is first because of the likelihood that you're going to need more room on the sign when the other features are complete. The SignReadMore update will add an enable command to 'enable' the sign as a command sign; you will only have to use this command on SignReadMore signs and disabled signs. When a finite-use sign has 'run out', the sign will be disabled. Cost signs, finite-use signs, and redstone-enabled signs will all assume that the fake user is running the commands. There are several reasons for this:
    • Cost sign - Why would the user pay the cost on the sign if the user can just run the command?
    • Finite-use sign - If the sign 'runs out', then the user can still just run the command.
    • Redstone-enabled sign - Player information is not passed along when a redstone circuit is triggered. In addition to assuming that the fake user is running the command, redstone-enabled signs will be prohibited from using placeholders.
    We have no estimate as to when the next version will be out. As always, our main priority is keeping the current features up-to-date and bug-free.
  11. Offline


    I don't know if I'm doing it wrong but the &CommandSigns player doesn't even have permission to do the simplest of commands. the permissions for the user are

    subgroups: []
    permissions: []
    group: admin

    with admin obviously having all rights. Yet if I create a sign saying
    /*me test1
    /me test2
    /*me test3

    then I get

    You don't have permission.
    *mydrox test2
    You don't have permission.

    Any ideas/suggestions on how to fix this?
  12. Offline


    Using GroupManager? So far this only supports Permissions. I'm not against supporting GroupManager; it just hasn't been implemented yet.
  13. Offline


    I actually use commandsigns for my entire iconomy! :D
    I kinda wished the you could write words on the sign then have the last sign be hexidecimal pointers to a command. keeps it more english for the user.
    Buy cobblestone
    Price: 20

    The 8DH would point to a command in a file or something. Allow for long string for iconomy implementation.
    I don't know, its such a great plugin for iconomy but i have this funky XY graph of signs to figure out what you want to do ><. Buuut without this, people refuse to type commands all the time. So this literally saved my economy.
  14. Offline


    hey fluff i was wondering if you wanted to help me out with some custom commands for my server?
  15. Offline


    This is an interesting idea, but I think the SignReadMore support will fulfill this need. Using SignReadMore, you can associate a file with a sign and view the file by right-clicking on the sign. The CommandSigns-SignReadMore integration will allow CommandSigns to use the SignReadMore text as additional lines for the command buffer. Do you see this as accomplishing the same goal?
    Send me a PM.
  16. Offline


    Hey Fluff, there is something really important i would like you to add,

    1.One-Time use Sign

    after you add SRM , add somekind of a line wich tells the number of uses of a sign after players have used the sign
    that number of times it will disapear, really impotant feature for most servers.
  17. Offline


    Yes we are using GroupManager. It would be really nice to have GroupManager-support, since we need this plugin for a few planned projects.
  18. Offline


    We use different terminology. It's a 'finite-use' sign, meaning you'll be able to define how many times it can be used (finite uses, rather than infinite uses like regular command signs), after which the sign will be disabled. I thought about making the sign disappear, but it's easy enough to just disable it so that the sign can either be recovered or re-enabled by an admin.
    Seeing as GroupManager is inactive, are you using GroupManager or Essentials? Or is it the same thing now? I don't know; I swore off Essentials back before they split it up.
  19. Offline


    Its the same thing. Anjocaido was the creator of groupmanager, but he cant keep it for now, so essentials guys keep it updated.

    If i can ask, I would like groupmanager support as well. Curretly im using a modificated version of commandsigns taht a friend of mine did, exclusivelly for groupmanager. I need command signs only to make group shops in-game, and permission shops.
  20. Offline


    If you do not use Permissions, a temporary solution may be to op &CommandSigns. GroupManager support will be included in the next release.
  21. Offline


    Pretty strange, why is it not compatible with groupmanager?
    Never seen a plugin compatible with permissions and not compatible with groupmanager before. Do you know the reason of this? It may help the GM devs to fix it.
  22. Offline


    Plugins can be not compatible with GM if the plugin actually edits or affects the nodes themselves. The bridge just allows permission hook to work on GM. I am not a programmer so I might be completely wrong, but that is my experience. Also, I use this fine with GM, though in general, if you don't use roles, permissions is a better choice at this point.
  23. Offline


    0.4.5 released.

    In addition to explicit GroupManager support, two new configuration options were added. These options will be added to your config file with a default value if not already set.
    • legacy.allowRunOnCommands - By default, this is set to false. Setting this to false will allow you to use // commands, such as in WorldEdit. However, it requires that a space be present between commands. For example, with allowRunOnCommands set to false, the parser will parse "/heal/god" as a single command '/heal/god' (which probably won't work). With allowRunOnCommands set to true, the parser will parse "/heal/god" as two commands, '/heal' and '/god'. To get it to work with allowRunOnCommands set to false, you have use "/heal /god".
    • features.fakeUserDisplayName - By default, this is set to CommandSigns. This will change the display name of the fake user. It will not affect Permissions. For example, I like using 'The Elders' as the display name.
  24. Offline


    Great Update!
    thanks, when does "'finite-use'" will be added? also iConomy Support and SRM?
  25. Offline


    Thanks for the update. Sadly I still get the “You don't have permission.” on /* commands.
  26. Offline


    I cannot duplicate using GroupManager with the following permissions:
    subgroups: []
    permissions: []
    group: Admin
    with Admin having * permissions. I'm testing using Essential's /me command, just like you.

    EDIT: Given the current amount of information, the only other thing I could think of is to check CommandSigns's config and make sure useOldCommandSignsUser is set to false. Or, if it's set to true, the CommandSigns user should be /CommandSigns.
  27. Offline


    May I make a suggestion?
    I am really happy with your mod on using signs to trigger commands, but there seems to be a limit.
    A string of commands is limited to 45 characters, and that can be problematic when you want to completely eliminate the need of commands. I would suggest adding a feature where a sign can overflow into another sign, either with codes linking one to another or having some signs next to each other. Or you could add the ability to add a tag in a command sign that links to a .txt file that is named the same as the tag in ...\CommandSigns\ . (ex. [command] <tag> = tag.txt). The txt file would contain a string of commands that activate when a sign with the corresponding tag is clicked. Could it also be possible to add an option of hiding the commands on the sign so it just shows a title and/or other text? That would make your signs aesthetically appealing.
  28. Offline


    Im trying to set up a place where my builders can go and grab materials so i typed
    " [command]
    /i 1 64 " onto a sign.
    To give them 64 stone whenver they right click it, but instead it says they dont have permission, when ive already added it to their group. Im using permissions btw. Is it because its in the spawn protection? Or is there a glitch?

    Ah. I found out why. I would then have to give the builders permission to use /i. Is there a way you can bypass that? Or would i just have to use a different plugin?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2016
  29. Offline


    If you don't want to give /i to the builders, give it to &CommandSigns and use /*. Remember that you'll have to use a version of /i that lets you give the items to another player. For example, if /i's syntax was "/i <item id> <item number> <player>", you could use:

    /*i 1 64 <NAME>

    That would use &CommandSigns's permissions to give 64 stone to whoever right-clicked the sign.
  30. Offline


  31. Offline


    Yay! Well it works, but the only problem is, it says "You've been given 64 stone" but it doesnt give me any stone... At least im getting a response though. Any idea on why its not giving stone?

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