Inactive [MECH] Backpack v2.2.0 (The Ultimate Inventory Expander!) [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Afforess, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Because One is never enough!
    Backpack is the ultimate salvation in inventory management. Your standard minecraft inventory has 36 slots in it, just enough to be handy, but terrible for long journeys or mining expeditions to the other side of the map. Backpack nonatuples your existing inventory space. (For those of you not familiar with latin, that's 9x the space).
    How is this massive inventory boost possible? The mouse wheel. (Thanks to Edward Hand for the idea!) Sneaking while Scrolling through each of the quickslots switches you to a new inventory page. This gives you freedom to scroll through NINE different pages. Scrolling without sneaking allows you to scroll through your inventory like normal.

    If you don't quite get it, I've made a short video demonstrating:
    Is there a way to change the number of pages? I only want certain users to have x amount of pages.
    Yes, see the next question down!
    Is there permission or group manager support!
    Nope! There is however a configuration file (aptly named "config.xml") that is created on the first run and allows you to customize the amount of extra inventory pages, and who gets to use them.
    Are your inventories saved between logins and server restarts?
    Yes. Backpack saves the inventories in the same file notch does, in the "player".dat file.
    Updating all those files must be slow/I heard that I/O operations are slow.
    They are. Backpack is multithreaded, so if you have more than 1 core, you won't notice any lag.
    This mod doesn't have anything to do with Minecarts, why the Minecart Mania dependency?
    Minecart Mania offers a useful interface for a lot of things I needed in writing Backpack, and 70% of the code is actually in MM. If you really hate Minecart Mania, you can just install core, and disable all of the features from it's configuration file.
    • /open <page number>
      • Opens a dialog with your current inventory, and the inventory from that page so you can easily swap items between pages. Quick slots are numbered 1-10, with 1 on the leftmost side.
    • /backpack
      • Toggles your backpack on or off.
    (Permissions is optional, but will be used if installed)​
    • backpack.toggle
      • Allows the use of the /backpack command
      • Allows the use of the /open command
    • backpack.saveactionbar
      • Saves the action bar in-between pages
    • backpack.maxpages.# (where # is a number 1-9 [e.g backpack.maxpages.6])
      • The maximum pages allowed for the players
    • Version 0.10
      • Initial Release!
    • Version 0.11
      • Swapped the role of sneaking around
    • Version 0.12
      • Player death is handled correctly
      • When your current inventory page is full, nearby items on the ground will be added to empty slots in other inventory pages.
    • Version 0.13
      • Added a first time login message. Only is triggered once for each player.
    • Version 0.14
      • Added customizable amount of inventory players, through XML.
    • Version 0.15-0.20
      • Bug Fixes
    • Version 0.21
      • Added /open command
    • Version 0.23
      • Reduced I/O operations from being continuous to once per minute
      • Fixed a bug which could cause player inventory pages to be lost if the server shut down in such a way that MM unloaded before the I/O operations finished.
    • Version 1.0
      • Fixed lag caused by I/O operations
      • Player Data now saves correctly, and will not become corrupt during server shutdowns
      • Improved Error Handling
      • Improved Console Log of Information for admins
    • Version 1.0a-1.0g
      • Bug fixes
    • Version 1.1
      • More robust inventory backups
      • /backpack command
    • Version 2.0
      • Supports MC 1.4
      • Action bar no longer switches with new inventory pages
      • Backpack saves with rest of inventory in player.dat file
      • Other plugins can access and correctly see a player's larger inventory w/o being Backpack Aware
    • Version 2.0.1
      • Backpack's work correctly after death
    • Version 2.0.2
      • Small Backpacks work correctly
    • Version 2.0.3
      • Players can choose to save the action bar or have separate action bars via the config
      • Bug fixes
    • Version 2.0.4
      • Improved Error Handling
    • Version 2.0.5
      • Fixed /open command crashing clients
    • Version 2.0.6
      • Fixed item duping on death
    • Version 2.0.7
      • Bug Fixes
    • Version 2.0.8
      • Permissions Support
      • Efficiency Changes
      • Bug Fixes
    • Version 2.0.9
      • Updated to MC 1.5
    • Version 2.1.0
      • Minor fixes/Cleanup
    • Version 2.2.0
      • New saving system
      • Lots of cleanup
      • Lots of bug fixes
  2. Offline


    I'll have to throw a "me too" in there about the disappearing inventory issue. Luckily it's confined to the few players who were online immediately after I enabled the plugin so I could disable it and restore their player files from backup.
  3. Still wondering if there is a planned version of this where you must be 'wearing' a chest on your 'chestplate' slot in order to hav access to multiple inventories? If so, it would be awesome if the 'extra inventory' had to be empty before removing it. Giving an optional tie-in to Deathchest where only if you have a backpack on does your inventory drop into a chest at death would be nice.
  4. Offline


    Is there any chance we'll see a return of the changing Action Bar? That's really what made this plugin for me before (I used it with NathanWolf's Magic plugin to swap between spell loadouts).
  5. Offline


    I'm getting the same thing. This is my first time using the plugin, I just installed it, logged in and my inventory was wiped clean. My console got these errors upon shutting down:

    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at com.afforess.backpack.DataManager.getSaveDirectory(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at com.afforess.backpack.DataManager.saveContents(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at com.afforess.backpack.BackpackInventory.a(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.b(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.Entity.d(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.WorldData.a(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.PlayerNBTManager.a(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.ServerNBTManager.a(SourceFile:37)
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.World.w(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.saveChunks(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.stop(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [INFO] Stopping server
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [WARNING] Failed to save player data for IncendiaDrakon
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [INFO] Saving chunks
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Thread-3"
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at com.afforess.backpack.DataManager.getSaveDirectory(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at com.afforess.backpack.DataManager.saveContents(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at com.afforess.backpack.BackpackInventory.a(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.b(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.Entity.d(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.WorldData.a(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.PlayerNBTManager.a(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.ServerNBTManager.a(SourceFile:37)
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.World.w(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.saveChunks(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.stop(
    2011-07-22 01:48:56 [SEVERE]     at
  6. Offline


    Not sure if it's been reported before (haven't read through all the pages), but I've noticed that if your wearing armour, then disconnect from the game and re-login, you lose your armour.
    I removed the backpack and minecartmania plugins and retested, and armour works fine.
    Also noticed that when you first install backpack et al, then your initial inventory is erased.
    When you remove the plugins, your initial inventory is preserved.
    This happens on RB953 and RB1000.
    Dzhalagash likes this.
  7. Offline


    Getting loss of armour too, on RBwhatever1.6.6was.
  8. Offline


    Too buggy to be used, inventory loss, this addon should be discouraged from use until it gets seriously fixed, else some people may be in search of Afforess house without good intentions... Don't use this.
    (Luck for you I had backed up before testing this!! :) )
    blackbinary and big_hairy_jimbo like this.
  9. Offline


    conflict with Citizens vAny

    2011-07-27 08:26:32 [SEVERE] Could not pass event ENTITY_TARGET to Citizens
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid inventory size; expected 36
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.inventory.CraftInventory.setContents(
        at com.citizens.npctypes.traders.TraderTask.clonePlayerInventory(
        at com.citizens.npctypes.traders.TraderTask.<init>(
        at com.citizens.npctypes.traders.Trader.onRightClick(
        at com.citizens.resources.npclib.HumanNPC.callRightClick(
        at com.citizens.listeners.EntityListen.onEntityTarget(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at com.citizens.listeners.PlayerListen.onPlayerInteractEntity(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet7UseEntity.a(SourceFile:33)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
  10. Offline


    Adding on, redstone switches don't show up till you switch pages.
  11. Offline


    Is compatible with death causes? It back ups all inventory?
  12. Offline


    Adding on, don't think /open # works properly, pages shifting and possibly wipes out the page.

    Disappearing Armour
    Redstone switches don't show up till you switch pages.
  13. Offline


    same error as everyone else when stopping the server and /open <inventory slot> erases what i switch from one slot to another. Also if I am still logged into the server when I stop the server, it doesn't save my position and resets me back to the last saved position, but i keep my gear or whatever i made since the last save point, just resets my position. I loved the idea of the backpack but it seems I will be trying another plugin, I certainly hope in the future this plugin the idea is genius

    [INFO] Stopping the server..
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [INFO] Stopping server
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [INFO] [FeaturePack] Plugin disabled. (version 2.6.5)
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] MinecartManiaCore version 1.2.8 is disabled!
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [INFO] SuperJump version 0.7 has been disabled.
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [INFO] WorldGuard 5.2.2 disabled.
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [WARNING] Failed to save player data for el_Freakyfrog
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [INFO] Saving chunks
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [SEVERE]     at com.afforess.backpack.DataManager.getSaveDirectory(
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [SEVERE]     at com.afforess.backpack.DataManager.saveContents(
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [SEVERE]     at com.afforess.backpack.BackpackInventory.a(
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.b(
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.Entity.d(
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.WorldData.a(
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.PlayerNBTManager.a(
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.ServerNBTManager.a(SourceFile:37)
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.World.w(
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.saveChunks(
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.stop(
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-08-03 11:24:23 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-08-03 11:24:23
  14. after updating plugin, all players on server lost all items in inventory:'(
  15. Offline


    Same error here.
    Is v2.1.0 working without loosing the Inventory?
    Then i need a downloadlink to this old version.
  16. Offline


    Inventory loss is from a rewrite of backpack. Generally shouldn't experience inventory loss with 2.2 asides from the previously mentioned issues.
  17. Offline


    So we just tried to install this today and everyone lost their inventory and the plugin doesn't work at all with scrolling/sneak etc. Using the /open commands work (page 1 can't be reached). Sorry but this just doesn't work. We'll looking...
  18. Offline


    Afforess is on hiatus in the Minecart Mania thread, probably here as well. I'll PM him and see...

    Wish me luck!
  19. Offline

    Robert Pendell

  20. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    Pretty sure this plugin doesn't really work well in general... <_<
  21. Offline


    Herrr bump? Waiting for an update.
  22. Offline


    adding on to the ever long list of bugs, /reload while inventory opened results in clearing of inventories.
  23. Offline


    nearly certain this doesn't work with 1240
  24. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    It hasn't worked for quite awhile now.
  25. Offline


    Was working up to 1185 with 9 slots and locked inventory bar.
    Just had the:
    Armour disppearing on logout.
    Redstone switch not showing up in your quickbar till you change pages.
    /reload while inventory opened results in clearing of inventories.
    /open will wipe out one page.
    4 bugs that we've experienced, most of them avoidable.
    Well if Afforess isn't gonna update, any chance someone can pick this and quickstash up? Really hate to have to move a thousand chests with only 36 slots.

    I suppose there's also the bug of inventory loss if the hardisk fills and the server can't write to the data.
  26. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    Those four bugs are pretty major. I'd consider them to imply that the plugin doesn't work.
  27. Offline


    Will there be an official update? Or do I have to do on my self?
  28. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    This is really not a good plugin to update as your first plugin, since it builds against CraftBukkit and accesses internal stuff. I think there are alternative backpack plugins, though I'm not sure if there are any that don't require Spout.
  29. Offline


    Only other alternative atm requires spout, only supports 54 extra slots, and may or may not support quick stash. Though on the plus side, that one probably works with Citizen's traders, though not entirely sure if that's worth losing 162 slots for (+54 if you don't lock the quickslot).
  30. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    Yeah, I agree that this one is better than SpoutBackpack. I suspect that if Afforess ever does update this that it'll require Spout, though. Maybe if I get some time I'll update this, but it probably won't happen.
  31. Offline


    Please Update it, we need this plugin for our adventure server, Iam not so trained with Java and my friend who can programm with, haven't got time at the moment.

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