[MECH/ADMN] ButtonLock v1.3.4 - Locking able Buttons and Levers for Minecraft [2520]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by MrX13415, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. Offline


    seems to be a bug ...
    thx for finding that bug.
    going to fix that ... - fixed (version 0.6.1)
  2. each time server restarts or shuts down & get started again -> my passwords are gone.
    Each time i must set them again wtf? :O
  3. Offline


    maby there is an error in the 'LockedGroups.yml' file ... (check if you get an error)
    try this:
    stop your server.
    delete all 'LockedGroups.yml' files and restart the server...
    than set all passwords and reload or restart the server to save all to the file ...
    (I think ... I make an command to reset/reload and save the config files ...)
  4. Code:
    LockedGroup#: 0
      GroupPW: 2129543710
      Block#: 0
        BlockPosX: -32
        BlockPosY: 86
        BlockPosZ: 282
      Block#: 1
        BlockPosX: -32
        BlockPosY: 86
        BlockPosZ: 283
    this is my lockedgroup yml.
    i have 3 worlds, this 1 is from normal world where all locks should be.
    ive tried removing and dling again etc. it never stays :D always resets
  5. Offline


    I can't reproduce that ...
    I dont know why this is happening :(
    make sure you are using version 0.6.1 ...
    and alway use the '/stop' command to stop the server otherwise it will not save it ...
    (you can use the command '/reload all' to save the data too.)
    set some passwords and than reload all plugins with the command '/reload all' ...
    now make sure there is some content in the 'LockedGroup.yml' ...
    if there is some content it should work well ...

    PS: your LockedGroup.yml ... there is no error in it ...
  6. i use Remotetoolkit so it works like this:
    Save all
    stop server
    restart server

    :/ ill see if it still does it, if it does then i try redownload.


    yep, made passwords. Save-all command for save all, then .restart for restart server -> passwords are gone again. :(
  7. Offline


    So, I hope we can fix that problem now ...
    Download the new Version (Version 0.7) ...
    After you have set your passwords ...
    use the command '/bl s' or '/buttonlock save' to save all configs to the disk ...
    use '/bl rl' to reload all configs ... the passwords should work ...
  8. it works after restart only if i remember to type /bl rl <- each time :/
  9. Offline


    maby your .restart command doesn't stops the server well ...
    use 'stop' at the minecraft-console or in the chat to stop your server ...

    it should reload all configs at every start of your server ...
  10. if i do this, then my remotetoolkit wont restart... and it has autorestart every 1 hour :)
  11. Offline


    than you must use the command 'reload all' befor restarting your server ...
    it will save all settings for every plugin (include ButtonLock) and reload all plugins ...
  12. Offline


    Not sure if this is already possible, but can you make the permissions set up like this:

    - ButtonLock.use #allows users to open and close locked blocks
    - ButtonLock.setpw #allows uses to set passwords on blocks
    - ButtonLock.removepw #allows users to REMOVE passwords on blocks

    As it seems anyone who can create a lock can also remove it

    Nevermid! You cannot delete a password unless you unlock it first!

    PS: when try to remove a lock on a already locked door it says:

    "Enter the password firts ..." So just a typo :)
  13. Offline


    guess what ... would be bad if everybody can remove the password ... the plugin would be useless ... :D

    Damn .. I know this typo but forgot to change it at least ... thank you ... ;)
    I fix it in the next version ...
  14. Offline


    0.7 is working perfectly for me! I restarted my server about five times just to make sure. ;)
  15. Offline


    nice to hear :)
  16. Offline


    Just had an idea, would it be possible to add player names/groups to locks so certain people can open and close them without having to enter the password all the time?
  17. Offline


    sure ...
    try to add this :)
  18. Offline


    Hmm, an issue seems to have reared it's ugly head. The LockedGroup.yml doesn't clear per-se, but it does lose some blocks every once and a while. Also, one of the users on my server seems to be able to open any door, or toggle any lever, without even using any commands. :confused: Luckily, he's trustworthy enough it's not a problem.

    Though he did like seeing the inside of the Bank Vault! :rolleyes:
  19. Offline


    mhm ... I try to fix that
  20. Offline


    :eek: It seems that the doors (and etc) are only locked for me! Everyone else can freely open, close, and/or use everything that I lock.

    This was not an issue in 0.4, what's been changed I wonder?
  21. Offline


    WTF? :eek:
    It works well on my server ... whats wrong ? sure that the buttons are locked ?
    and check the permissions and configs ...
  22. Offline


    Permissions? I didn't think it was required... I thought it would just default to...not really needing anything special from permissions...
  23. Offline


    mhm did you hav a permission system on your server ?
    if true ... you must definate the permission for each group .. so they can use it (exept for the Admin group ;))
  24. Offline


    No, I don't use any permissions systems. I mostly use plugins that default to OP, and I have a server wrapper that handles anything the plugins don't.
  25. Offline


    It only works for people with op (if no permissionsystem) ... with out you can't use it ...

    OMG! - :mad:
    I found a big permission bug ...
    if no permissions system is installed and your are not op ... it doesn't cancelled the event ...

    I fix that NOW. - FIXED!
  26. Offline


    Yeah, I just had a friend test it out for me, stuff is only locked to ops. Shouldn't it default to locked for everyone if no permissions are detected?
  27. Offline


    Version 0.7.1 is out!

    it is recommanded to upgrade to this Version...

    Please download the new Version ... should work now :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  28. Offline


    That angry smiley is a exactly how I imagined you looked when you found that bug. :D

    I'll test out the new version once my server empties out (I don't like to upgrade plugins when it's running). ;)

    EDIT: And once again, it works great! There's still something weird about the LockedGroups.yml trying to clear itself. *shrugs* I can't find why it does that in the source.

    Gute Arbeit!
  29. Offline


    Danke / Thanks ... :D
    I dont know ... but I try to find the reason too
  30. Offline


    Hmm, I ran my LockedGroups.yml through an online YML parser: http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/
    It reports this:
    mapping values are not allowed here
      in "<unicode string>", line 2, column 10:
          GroupPW: XXXX
    I removed the password (even if it is hashed)

    I also tried the config.yml and it reports no errors for it.

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