Version 1.20 [Description] McMMo Plugin XP Multiplier Will Last for 24 Hours McMMo XP Boosted at 4x -------------------- /mcm Opens up a Gui Menu of Options for the plugin /mcm buy Chat Message: "&5Purchase a McMMo Multiplier from" /mcm list will list how many mcm boosters you have ---------- /mcm claim Claims a McMMo Booster if you have one *Will Ask you to make sure you want to activated the booster* Successful Claim Message: "&5McMMo Booster Activated for &d24 Hours" Failed Claim Message: "&cYou Did not have a booster to claim" ---------- /mcm Active Will Tell you if there are any active mcm boosters ---------- /mcm time Will tell you how much time a booster has left Permissions For ^ These Commands: mcm.default Admin Commands /mcba Stop Will End any Active Booster /mcba Pause Will Pause any Active Booster /mcba Start Will Start a Active Booster /mcba give will allow you to give a mcm booster to players /mcba take will allow you to take a mcm booster from players admin permissions: mcb.admin /mcba reload Reloads the config files