Max Health above 20?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Codex Arcanum, Apr 18, 2012.

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    Codex Arcanum

    Is there any way to set an entity's current/maximum health to more than 20, or do I have to fake it?
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    I'm pretty sure you have to fake it. If I remember correctly, bukkit doesn't allow values over 20 to be set for health.
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    you can try this:
    write out an event to give them godmode.
    then make a loop that checks for virtual damage to the player (obviously won't show by itself, because of godmode). You can use a check to see what mob or player hit them, and with what.
    This will be subtracted from an integer of health that you set.
    Play the hurt animation on the target player.
    Send a message to the player saying how many hearts they have left.
    Once their "Virtual Life" hits 20, set them to full health, and disable godmode.
    On their death event, restart the sequence.
    Or, just lessen the damage everything does to people :p
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    Codex Arcanum

    See, that's what I was referring to as "faking it", but thanks anyway.
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    ah right, lol :p
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    Bukkit prevents you from setting the health too high, but the server itself doesn't care. You can use reflection to set to a value higher than 20. I've done it before and it seems to work fine.
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    Codex Arcanum

    Could you explain to me how to go about doing this? I've never used reflection before. Feel free to say no if it's to complicated or lengthy.
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    Not sure if this works but try it.
    public Map<Player, Int> playerHealth = new HashMap<Player, Int>();
    public void onDamage(EntityDamageEvent event){
    Entity entity = event.getEntity();
    if (entity instanceof Player){
    Player player = (Player) entity;
    playerHealth.put(player, player.getHealth());
    if (player.getHealth() == 20) {
    int health = playerHealth.get(player);
    long healthLong = (long) health;
      if (health > 20){
      int Damage = event.getDamage();
      long DamageLong = (long) Damage;
      long scaleFactorLong = (healthLong / 20) / DamageLong;
      int scaleFactor = (int) scaleFactorLong;
      playerHealth.put(player, scaleFactor);
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