Solved Maths help (int value in correspondence to another value)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SuperOriginal, Jul 8, 2014.

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    So i'm developing a plugin in which a player's "level" (int) determines another double's value. Every 100 "levels" the double increases by 25. Does anybody know how to do this without manually increasing every increment? (ex. (if(lvl >= 100 && lvl <= 200)...) Thanks :D
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    Probably something like. double = double + (25 * (int / 100))

    Not sure if that works or if it's formatted correctly
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    I don't think that works, but it gave me an idea to retrieve the first digit of the number, and multiply that by 25. I'll see if that works.
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    SuperOriginal Whenever a player increases their int level by a point, do something like this:
    1. if(intLevel%100 == 0)
    2. {
    3. doubleLevel = doubleLevel+25;
    4. }

    I've used the modulus operator (%). This returns the remainder when two numbers are divided.

    In the code above, if the player's intLevel divided by 100 leaves a remainder of 0 (intLevel%100 == 0), they must have reached a new level, so 25 is added to the doubleLevel variable.
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