Matching a world name string to a world?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Razorcane, Nov 16, 2011.

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    Heyo, I'm doing a /spawn command, one that teleports you to the spawn point regardless of which world you are in. Now, I have the code for that already, but I can't have it change worlds without setting the world name equal to a world. I'm assuming there's a simple way to do this, and I feel stupid for asking, but is this possible? Here is the code I am talking about:

    spawn = new Location(world, spawnX, spawnX, spawnX, spawnYaw, spawnPitch);
    The "world" variable is stored as a string in a .txt file, and once it is called from the text file, it needs to be converted to a world object to match the requirements for the Location object. I'm not quite sure how to do this, however.
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    try along the lines of getServer().getWorld(world) whereas the world variable is a string (no guarantee of this working)
  3. Offline


    Pass a server to the method making the string, or construct the class with that method with a server.
    Then use server.getWorld(world);
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    You can also do this without a server object by just doing Bukkit.getWorld(worldName).
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