Plugin name: MapSvote Commands: - /mapvote <1 - 10> (/mv, /mapv, /mvote) - Vote for map. - /forcemap <1 - 10>(/fm, /forcem, /fmap) - Forcely start a map. - /createmap <1- 10> <name of map> (/cm, /cmap, /createm) - Create a new map. - /info - Info about a current map. - /info <1 - 10> - Info about a map. Every time you create new map, new info about that map will spawn in config. - /setspawn <map_id> - Set spawnpoint for players when they die or join the server. - /spawn - Teleport you to the current map spawn - /CurrentMap (/cm) - You will see current map. - /forcespawn <1 - 10> - Forcely teleport yourself to the other maps spawn. Permissions: - /mapvote - Default - /forcemap - mapsvote.admin - /createmap - mapsvote.admin - /info - Default - /setspawn - mapsvote.admin - /spawn - Default - /forcespawn - mapsvote.admin What this plugin do: - For every new player that joins it will spawn him on current map that is played. - Map spin happens every 30 minutes. And every 5 mins, players will see that server broadcasts "&7Map spin will be happening in <time> mins. Vote for your map by typing /mapvote <1 - 10>. Current votes:- NameOfMap (Map4) | 10 Votes; next line - NameOfMap (Map7) | 7 Votes etc... - That broadcast will be happening on 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 29, 29.30 and last 10 seconds. - When you type /info you will be able to see who created the map (You can edit that in config). And other things. - Before the teleport to the new map. All players will be killed and teleported to the next voted map. - If someone have rank he can have - Every message should be configurable and editable. - Config too.