Problem/Bug /manuadd doesn't work...

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Josefina_1303, Mar 6, 2017.

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    Recently I've been trying to add new tags and edit them on (I have GroupManager and Essentials) Im not really sure where to ask this to be honest.. Anyway, as I worked on the tags ([Owner], [Admin], Etc.) I went to check on my server to try different codes and see how it looked, then I saw that i was moved from [Owner] to [Default] (Which i called newbie) I attempted to use /manuadd Josefina_1303 (my mc username) Owner and it said i was moved, but when i typed i was with the tag [Newbie], i attempted restarting the server and now i can't use /manuadd

    I was given a error log but i don't understand it, it should be attached below and any help would be very appreciated!
    Thank you

    Also here are the things i modified, all i changed was the prefix and changed "Default" to "Newbie" then back to "Default" after this happened.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2017
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