Magic: The Gathering

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by jithins, May 15, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: FUN, MISCELLANEOUS, ECONOMY

    Suggested name: Magic: The Gathering

    What I want:
    If anyone plays this card game.... it will be awesome to get this in minecraft
    1) players can get a starter deck
    2)you can fight villager (or integrate citizens) and fight them
    3) the GUI will be like an inventory
    4)Due to the many cards.... people can create an archive

    Under the Folder there can be sub folder...
    each card can get its on file

    cards should be named <cardname>.yml

    the card should state
    1) Name
    2) Cost of Mana
    3) type Of Land
    4) affects
    5) the Dmg

    Kind of like this plugin

    but for Magic instead



    Players can buy booster packs.... using server economy
    Create a java GUI to help create cards
    Colour Code The Cards...

    I Do Not Know How To Code

    But If Anyone Takes This Plugin, I Can Help Make The Cards
  2. Offline


    I don't know if you realize what you just asked, so I'll explain it. Take a game that has taken a whole team of people to develop and integrate it into Minecraft, that by no means has been made to do this sort of thing.

    Sorry to sound so harsh, but this request is rather large. If a dev takes this up, kudos to you, but the magnitude of this request is large.
  3. Offline


    Theres someone doing yugioh... magic shouldn't be much harder than that

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