Hello, I am currently looking for a plugin developer that might be interested in helping me with a small plugin. What I wanted for this plugin is, when a player joins the server they are given 30 seconds(or configurable amount of time) to explore and are then teleported to the regular spawn and sent a message(hopefully also configurable). I wanted this for a jail server so when a person joins they can explore the town they spawn in for 30 seconds, then they could be teleported to the prison spawn and sent a message that says "You were caught stealing" or something like that. If anyone is interested in making this, or even if there is a plugin that is already out there that I was unable to find that you could point me to that would be great! Thanks in advance! -R10soccer
D: really sorry thought thats where i posted this D: apparently not i guess uhh should i just have a mod move it or
R10soccers This really looks like a plugin that will make your server lose players. Could you give some more context?
timtower The server I am making is a prison server where you do jobs and such to rank up through the blocks and eventually get Free. With this plugin I wanted to make it have a bit more of a story so that instead of just starting in the prison they start free and "do something" do get put in the prison. If that didn't answer your question please respond so i can try to make this idea make sense...Thanks for the questions and help so far timtower Iroh random_username
R10soccers Working on it now Current Status: Commands: /priset: Set Prision Location, Permission: PrisionStart.priset /msgset <Message>: Set teleport message, Permission: PrisionStart.msgset Config: message: Teleport message, You can use /msgset <Message> ingame to set this, but editing it here let's you use color codes such as ยง1for blue x: X position of prision, You can use /priset ingame to set this y: Y position of prision, You can use /priset ingame to set this z: Z position of prision, You can use /priset ingame to set this Problem: You aren't teleported...
pfgbucket Thanks a ton for helping me with this, also with the configuration/Command In game could you add where the admin can set the amount of time until the telephone takes place and the message is sent? Thanks again for helping me with this.
why not just make a command block, so when they walk into an area it tps them to the prison and tells then not to be naughty ???
timtower this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this); (in onEnable) and public void onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event){code}
Magicly started working,now I need to test the teleport timtower It's all working now, I just need to get the timer to know the correct player name...
pfgbucket Code:java final Player player = event.getPlayer();Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this, new Runnable(){ public void run(){ player.teleport(yourlocation); player.sendMessage(yourmessage); }, 30 * 20l); ?
If someone joins while the timer is running, won't that cause problems. Changed my code to have the final Player player, but can't test it
good R10soccers Done with plugin Plugin Page: Here Download: Download Link (if plugin page not open yet)
I had the timer before you gave me the timer, but I could give credit for the final something = something; Done with that command: /timeset <time in seconds>, permission: OP
Well I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this final outcome. And for the especially amazing plugin dev pfgbucket for taking on this project for me. I appreciate it a ton man thanks for the help. Regards, R10soccer