Looking for RPG/Classes plugin + Custom Crafts

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Pr4w, Jul 11, 2014.

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    I'm looking at starting a new server with a couple of friends. The main idea is we want one of the ranks to be able to choose between various sets of "Classes" as part of the RP theme we are going for.
    We haven't sussed out all the details yet, but we wanted basic things like Swordsmith, Priest, Woodcutter, Knight, etc.. Basically we want players to work together more, meaning some classes can do certain things other classes can't, as well as have some fun bonuses, for example.

    We could go the hard way round and handle each permission through something like WorldGuard so we know which class can craft/use/do whatever, but I was looking for something that offers a few options already.

    Looked around, found a couple of plugins, but none that I really liked...

    Any ideas on what is good? What would you recommend using? :)

    EDIT: I'm also looking for a plugin that enables "custom" crafts. Eg creating items like armor with new names and attributes. The idea would be to have a certain class be the only one able to create a certain "powerful item", and another class be the only one able to wear/use it. Do you know of any plugins that can handle this? (Permissions-based)
    Ideally, if that plugin also enable certain items to drop from mobs, that would be amazing!

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    Try this plugin out : http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ancient-rpg/pages/english/
    This could also work : http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/heroes/
    As far as creating your own items goes. Try this : http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/custom-items/
    You might need to find or make custom textures for the items you create.

    P.S. I have no idea how any of these plugins work so if you have any further questions or problems with one of these plugins. Don't expect me to find the answer immediately. But nevertheless i'm always here to help.

    You will need a GroupManager or PEX set up.

    Hope this helps,
    Mark (my name is also Mark) ;)
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    Hey, thanks for the reply! :)

    I'll look at those RPG plugins, they look pretty good.
    As for the Custom-Items plugin, do you have something similar but up to date? This one doesn't seem to be updated and comments report it to be broken... :( Also, I'm kind of looking for one that has permissions for crafting as well, know of anything of the kind?
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    Here is a plugin I thought you might like, it allows you to create magic spells your players can use. This could be used for a mage class : http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/magicspells/.

    This plugin could be used for creating items (it is marked as an abandoned project, FYI) : http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/rpg-items/

    You could use this plugin to make certain mobs drop certain items : http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/controldrops/

    This plugin could be used for creating items too : http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/myitems/

    I am not sure of whether any of these plugins are up to date or have permissions for crafting.

    Hope this helps, - Mark ;)
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