Looking for Farm Animal Control Zone Based Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Drei Gyuu, Sep 26, 2011.

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    Drei Gyuu

    Hello, I've been browsing for hours for a plugins and I've come to the point where 2 days spent is already enough. Its time to ask for help.

    I've gone ahead and checked most of the plugins for zones and the closest one i could get was bzone.

    Basically, what I am trying to achieve is this scenario. For say I have the mob spawn in my server properties disabled. I want to be able to have a plugin where I can override that and set a zone where animals can spawn. (Naturally, without having to put a spawner) I want to be able to control if I only want chicken or pig or cow to be able to spawn in this particular area.

    My server is set up in such a way where there are different livestock farms. So, I want to be able to set those fields to be able to only spawn a certain animal.

    Please advice if you know any. Thanks Much Appreciated in advance.
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    There is no way to override the server property, but i believe there is a plugin that does this(its outdated). Hoping to support this feature on my plugin eMob soon.
  3. Offline

    Drei Gyuu

    Would be nice if you can select a zone where its properties is simillar to a mob spawner. It will spawn a certain type of mobs very spicifly (Cows,Chicken,Ender,Creeper,Giant,etc) pretty much everything.

    Then you'd be able to limit it, like 20 cows per zone, and then the respawn time for the cow takes like 1 min. in between.

    A zone management plugin specially designed to control mobs or livestocks.
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    Drei Gyuu

    Temporarily I'm using CreatureBox and have it underground 1 block below and change the properties to be able to still work in the dark

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