Looking for Dev

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Devils_Cool, Mar 6, 2013.

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    I am looking for a couple developers for a plugin called Donor Dreams. The plugin will consist of commands and features that would simplify a server owners ability to privilege donors. The plugin will be free and for fun. I figure with a couple other devs, we could get a well rounded featured drop-in plugin. If interested, please contact me via pm or skype(pm me for username).

    Essentially though, this plugin will be a features plugin. This plugin is not a replacement for Essentials or CommandBook but is in plans, suppose to work nicely with them and provide fun features that they have when they aren't around.

    Note: Saros will be required for eclipse.

    We seem set on devs, but if you still want to help, we could use a tester or two. Thanks a bunch!
  2. Offline


    I am interested, I sent you a pm
  3. Offline


    so what kinda thing do you want in your plugin?
  4. Offline


    Think of the commands like /hat or /heal in essentials, then /more from commandbook along with the compass ability in world edit. Obviously, we aren't going to copy/paste or just steal others ideas, we are going to implement features as such and more like for example /protectme (Give player temp godmode) or /fly (Let their be flight). We may also add features that aren't limited to commands. We are in a planning stage right now and if you are interested, let me know.
  5. Offline


    i'm interested but i'm not the best programmer out there but not the worst either ;) but i could help.
  6. Offline


    I feel ya gotta start somewhere and if you are willing to do things right and learn from mistakes, then you are heading in the right direction and good enough for me. Just pm me or add me on skype (pm me for username) for further conversations.
  7. Offline


    oke ill add you see you soon in skype.
  8. Offline


    There's a bunch of idiots on the internet, that ddos, now I advise you not to put your skype name right in the public chat where anyone can see, people have skype resolvers and just dos people for no reason at all, just for attention, and they think they're a big hacker and all, I suggest you say your skype name in a PM or somewhere where everyone can't see, I've gotten ddosed before, and believe me, if he hits you for an hour, he'll constantly keep hitting you, till you quit, just a heads up, It's not going to happen to you, but if you put your skype name somewhere else on the internet, you will most likely get dosed
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    eamon12 I understand your concern and thanks for reminding me of the horrors of the internet. Keep in mind though that ddosing involves time and effort, and I'm doubtful right now anyone would want to ddos me. You are right though that one shouldn't mention any personal details in the open public.
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  11. Offline


    Devils_Cool I guess I could help if I have spare time, my saros is kreashenz@theusualstuff lol. Just add kreashenz on the front of the @, I will be happy to help whenever needed :)
  12. Offline


    kreashenz I remember your post looking for help. We seem set for now, but I wouldn't mind inviting someone along during a code review or something. Thanks. :3
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