Looking for continuous pulse sign plugin

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Benie, Jan 27, 2014.

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    See the title. I'm looking for a plugin that I can specify a sign to send a pulse every 3600 ticks or so, and set how long the tick lasts per seconds. This is to be used with the TrainCarts plugin to make trains automated.

    Basically, I want to do this on a sign;

    The first number would specify how long the pulse lasts, and the second would specify how long in ticks until the next pulse.
    Is there anything out there that will do what I want, and be updated to at least 1.6.4?

    EDIT: Actually, nevermind. I just found TrainCarts does have a way to make trains automated. Never saw it 'till now. Thanks anyways. Issue solved.
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