Looking For a Plugin! Please help!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Andy_Fow, May 10, 2014.

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    Hey, i'm looking for a plug-in that allows chat/ commands to be changed to other phrases or commands. e.g "this server is rubbish" will become "I love this server" or if someone types /shop it will do the command: /warp shop and so on.

    There is a plugin out there like this, but I have searched many pages and none seem to bring up the results :(

    If anyone knows of a plugin that does this, let me know please.

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    I think PwnFilter will do that, although you need to know how to use Regular Expressions and it may be more trouble than it's worth. I had a user complain that he couldn't say "arsenic" because it contained the string "arse".

    My rules include the following:
    match server sucks
    then replace server rocks
  3. Offline


    Ok thanks man, I'll take a look :D
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