ok so i have a RP server and we are going to nead a few coustom plugins like a /list when you do /list the groups are spread out such as it shows admins on then the moderators on then the Donators like that we will nead a few more plugins. also you get to be a admin on the server
well thanks for going into detail what you really needed and considering there's already plugins out to do what you already explained I don't get the point. We also don't play on your server so why would we care about being a admin? most of us are admins on our own servers
If you were willing to pay, I do custom plugins to request. $20 per plugin if its simple, $50 + $5 for every hour over 50 hours that the plugin is worked on for more difficult/complex plugins.
What sort of plugins do you require, please give a detailed description? All the information I can gather from this thread so far is that you want a "tiered users list" which seems like it's probably already been done, just search around for it. Also, what financial motivation are you offering?