Looking for a MultiInv-type plugin for my server.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Rensik, Jan 28, 2012.

  1. Offline


    This isn't really a request for one to be made, but it would be appreciated if someone did. If one has been made that does what I'm asking, it would be greatly appreciated if I was pointed in its direction.

    I'm looking for a plugin that is MultiInv-like in that it separates inventories by world, but allows inventories to be transferred between the overworld of a world and its corresponding Nether and End. I haven't found an option that allows this yet in MultiInv.
  2. Why don't you make a feature request to MultiInv? :confused:
  3. Offline


    multiinv does this.

    in the Config, you have to create a group (Say we name it "Normal")
    then in the group, indented, you list every world you want in it

    - Overworld
    - Overworld_nether
    - Overworld_the_end

    but with whatever your world names are of course.

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