Looking for a coding "coach"

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TheLazeboy, Mar 22, 2013.

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    Hey all! I started a plugin project called "Superpowers", which gives players, either under their selected power class (so to speak) or permissions group, the super human abilities they desire. So far, I have 500+ downloads, and it is in very early release,with only 2 powers (healing and player teleportation). I am very frustrated with coding, and not very familiar with it; however, I am determined to have a good base for this plugin and possibly other future plugins.

    So if you want to learn a bit more about this plugin, here is the Bukkit Dev page: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/superpowers/

    If you are interest in helping my progression through this, please comment on this. And not to be so picky, but I do want a developer who actually understands plugin coding and can describe it well. :p You don't have to be available 24/7, just be able to answer my questions and give tips within a reasonable amount of time. :D
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    Why not just post on here instead of having a 'coach'
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    Well, my questions don't always get answered, I always get tons of different "solutions", and people tell them they are wrong to each other. So it is very confusing and a bit overwhelming at times.
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    Great moments are born from great opportunity.
    And that’s what you have here tonight, TheLazeBoy.
    That’s what you’ve earned here, tonight.
    One program.
    If we code ‘em ten times, they might nullpointerexception nine.
    But not this software. Not Java. Tonight, we debug ‘em.
    Tonight, we debug ‘em, and we comment because we can!

    Tonight, we are the greatest programmers in the world.
    You were born to be learn Java — every one of ya.
    And you were meant to create plugins for Minecraft.
    This is your time.
    Their time — is done. It’s over.
    I’m sick and tired of hearin’ about what a Notch and Jeb can do, blah,blah, blah.
    Screw ‘em!
    This is your time!!

    Now go out there and take it!
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    bumpity bump bump
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    If you have specific issues you can message me, that's all I can really offer.. I'm here fairly often.
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    staph bumping your own replies
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