Hey all, I've been wondering for some time if it's possible to, and if yes, how to modify a login-check. (when the server checks if the client's session is valid/legitimate) It'd give me a huge advantage if, in some conditions, I could for example enable or disable this. Many thanks for your time!!
Settings are no concern of mine really. I just want to be able to check if a player logged in legitimate or illegitimate. No matter whether the server is in online or offline mode.
jeussa Well considering doesn't support servers with authentication disabled you might want to consider it.
I think you guys don't quite understand me. What I want is to do my own login-check rather then the srver doing this for me.
There is plugin Auto-In, it has API so you can check if someone is logged-in from premium or cracked account
Why would you do this other than an offline mode server, as an online mode server already does this for you.
My only explanation is that in case the authentication servers are down. However I don't know what Auto-In does to check.
In order to do this, you would need to hijack the thread used to validate players. I don't know where this code is, how it works, but I do know that it runs in it's own thread. Depending how it is setup, you might be able to use reflection to set the "target" field in a Thread object, stop the thread, and start it again. I don't see why you would want to do this, unless you're developing a plugin targeted to he offline-mode server audience, in which case, inb4lock.
The reason I want to do my own login check is because I want to have players be able to both join using a bungeecord proxy and directly to the bukkit server. Gues I'll head over to github then. Thanks for your time though
Locked. As was already mentioned, we do not support bungeecord servers nor any server with authentication disabled.